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Thread: Is Fly Fishing on a Serious Decline?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    aimless wandering
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    Not around here. Every year, more people on what little water there is. I WISH it was on the decline, by about 90%.

  2. #12


    I started FF in the late 60's and I don't remember ever seeing another fly rodder on the water in those years. Information, flies, and equipment was almost nonexistant. Today I live in middle TN and again I can't remember seeing another fly rodder on the water but information is readily available because of sites like this. Other than 3 fly shops all about 40 to50 miles away there is basicly no equipment available other than on the web which has an abundance of stuff available as close as the puter and a 3 day wait. Check the price of much of the gear. $250 is considered a cheap rod and a $100 reel is probably below requirement needs. Then you need to spend upwards of $100 lines and the new fly fisher is not yet equiped to catch a single fish. .....I started with a $10 dollar rod and $6 reel and $5 line. The first time I went fly fishing I lost $2 worth of flies so I bought a tying kit and the real fun began. ..... We need to stop telling the fellas that want to start into the sport that they need to spend a $1000 to see if they like the game. I don't think one can even buy a level line any longer and glass rods are selling in the same dollar range as a top of the line bamboo used to sell for. We as a group lead folks to beleive that Fly casting is next to black magic and that to have fun one needs to be able to cast a line 150' to cold water fish that most of us have to travel 10hours to get to prime water and pull on a $600 pair of waders and a $400 pair of boots. It is a wonder that anyone even considers picking up a flyrod. I was in a fly shop a few weeks ago and I picked up a boo rod and the price was $2000. I have owned more than one new car that was less expensive. .....Eagle Claw is marketing a series of flyrod that sell for well under $50. Are they as good as a Winston? no...but are just what a beginner needs to get started but I have never seen anyone, including myself, recommend one to someone wanting to get started in our loved activity. I would'nt even know where to get one. Wal Mart does not even carry them. Sorry for the rant

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Lancaster, PA


    Very well said, ditz. Very well said. I would add that I've been fishing budget minded gear for about 15 years and I can promise anyone that even with a $50 rod it is possible to greatly enjoy every day spent swinging it. Now that the kids are finally through college, I may venture into some higher end gear...there isn't anything wrong with it in my head, but then again I may not.
    A right emblem it may be, of the uncertain things of this world; that when men have sold them selves for them, they vanish into smoke. ~ William Bradford
    I finally realized that Life is a metaphor for Fly Fishing.

  4. #14


    I can be a little selfish at times ( no really I can ), If fly fishing numbers are down meaning less pressure on the waters ... Yahoo ! Then on the flip side, I do enjoy meeting and chatting with other flyfishing folks on the water... So, what the heck, iether way Im happy ... It seemed to have declined some to me, and maybe the further from the movie the more it wil. I also think in this time of istant gratification there are less who are willing to slow down and enjoy the learnning part of it.
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Havana, Fl


    My perception is that there are a number of young fly fishers that are very passionate and will continue the sport quite nicely. The industry is still producing an inconveivable amount of products that must have a market. Ask the factory reps to see what the market is would be my suggestion to judge the number of fly anglers

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Corona, California, Usa


    Of the 50 million or so people who fish in the US only 3-5 % fly fish. It is a niche sport. I live in southern California and fish the Sierras and have seen a slight decline people fly fishing in the Sierras. I do allot of warm water fly fish and usually I am the only weirdo with a fly rod. I agree with Ditz. I started fly fishing in the early 70s and there was very little info on the subject in those days. The only rods I remember then was Fenwick, Fisher, Winston, Browning, Hardy, Scott was just starting out and Sage was not even in business then. Glass rods were still the main rod of choice and graphite rods were just being invented. Since that time fly fishing has grown a 100 fold.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Borger, Texas


    Hi Ditz,

    as PA Dave points out, well said. I have an Eagle Claw fly rod that was $25, and I like it a lot. It is a 5 wt 6' 6" yellow fiberglass job and it is wonderful for fishing brush and tree lined streams. I also have some expensive rods, but for the beginner, I would recommend inexpensive stuff.

    My reels are mostly Crystal River Fly Reels that I bought on the net, and the most expensive one was probably on the order of $30. For the fly fishing I do, they work fine. The truth is that for the fly fishing I do, inexpensive equipment would do fine. It is nice to have a really light weight rod, as the cheaper rods tend to be heavier than my high dollar rods, but in truth it does not matter very much.

    By the way, since Ditz asked, you used to be able to buy inexpensive Eagle Claw rods on Ebay. I assume that you still can. I don't know if any of the sponsers carry them.

    My point is, which Ditz made much more effectively than I will, that you don't need expensive stuff to fly fish with, especially as a beginner. When I was younger my wife and I had kids in college too, and I didn't have a lot of spare money for high dollar rods. Lately I have started building my own rods, and the days of me buying the really expensive rods, even if I did buy them used at about half price or less, are over.

    As far as actual fishing goes, I don't think using a high dollar fly rod will make me a better fisherman at all. At times they are nice though.



  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Woodland, CA USA


    I see more and more ffers...but only on the "blue-ribbon" waters. On the lesser known streams, still don't see very many.
    ‎"Trust, but verify" - Russian Proverb, as used by Ronald Reagan

  9. #19


    I sell fishing equipment at a flea mrkt and fly gear is the smallest part of what I sell. I sell inexpensive rod and reels from southbend,crystal river martin,and superfly. Most of my fly customers are beginners or occasional fly fishers. My buddy tried to put some custom rods in my store and they just didn't sell. I think the economy is a big factor in that when a guy has a set amount to spend the safe bet is the spinning rod vs flyrod.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    My neighbor Deedoe make a good point. Living on the edge of metro Atlanta I frequently run into people on the Hooch who are new to fishing. They heard there were trout in the river and decided to go catch some. They always have a new spinning outfit, usually one suitable for light salt water. I have never run across a novice fisherman with a new out of the box fly outfit. Of course, where I fish most of the time most of the time they are using illegal bait also. I have a neighbor who decided he wanted to learn to fly fish because he had hit 50 and did not really have any hobbies. He had concluded fly fisher were the people really passionate about their sport. I hope he can learn without me causing him too much harm.
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