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Thread: It takes a lot of nerve and a whole bunch of stupidity...

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    20 minutes from the Great Smoky Mountains N.P. and lots of cool water fishing.


    Quote Originally Posted by hairwing530 View Post

    It's a boost to my sagging morale right now, as I still am having a difficult time fathoming why someone would do this. I was raised with certain ethics and an approach to my fellow man... or woman, and I've always tried to live by those standards-- being generous when I could, always giving more than asked for or expected, and just being there whenever a friend needed me.
    Be well, my friends... Jerry, aka hairwing530, aka "Captain Hooks"
    It was s different world when you and I were growing up (same age based on my calculation). Simpler, more neighborly, less violence on the tube (remember Red Skelton, Lucy & Desi, My Three Sons, Captain Kangaroo, etc) and we were held more accountable for our actions, remember the switch to the bare back side? I do! Our heroes were do-gooders; The Lone Ranger, Superman, Dave Crockett and the guys coming back form the war. Not a bunch of vampires, zombies or raunchy front men and women. We didn't lock our doors and our play was outside playing baseball, football and tag, or just running with our friends 'til we were exhausted, not sitting in front of a TV with video games. Corporal punishment was the rule when we did something wrong, not the exception.

    Yes, it was a different time, with different values, and I miss them.
    Live every day as if it were your last.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA


    Jerry, I just tried to send an e-mail you might appreciate to the address you posted and it bounced back. should I try again?

    Here's what I got.

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

    SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<jwarington1@copper.net>:
    host ismtp.copper.everyone.net []:
    550 Recipient Rejected: No account by that name here

  3. #33
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    Here is his e-mail. He was missing an R in his last name


  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA


    Thanks, Scott!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan


    Morning, Everybody...

    holensum, I agree with you in the fact that this is a very different world from that in which many of us were raised. Far too few now know the meaning of the words "work ethic, respect or responsibility" and those who don't live by those standards choose to take rather than to give, and feel "entitled" to things to which they've never made a contribution. The "instant gratification" generation feels little kinship to the skills of yesterday, spare a very few. There are so many other things that are better when "done by hand-craftsmanship" than when mass produced, things well beyond just being able to run the latest apps. Sadly, however, the "teachers" of these crafts are disappearing far too quickly, which will soon leave a whole generation without someone to show them how...

    I know this because I've been teaching free fly-tying classes to a small group known each year as "my kids," youngsters battling through this or that stage of cancer. They're eager to learn, and proud as one can be when a fly comes from their vise that any self-respecting trout/panfish would take. The desire to learn is there. It's just not being cultivated sufficiently.

    And, oldfrat... I'm sending you an e-mail this morning.

    Scott, as always, kudos to you again, my friend.

    I should have something of a list put together later today, though I hesitate to post it. Throughout my years with cancer, I've always worked hard to rely on "self" and not be a burden to anyone else. It's an unrealistic expectation in a lot of ways, to say the least, but my upbringing and my approach in general has been to give rather than receive! The sheer magnitude of this situation, however, has pushed me into a hole from which it may be necessary for me to accept the workings of a whole lot of other shovels.

    Would it be too generic to just list the fact that tying supplies-- materials like hackle and dubbing, tools and the like --are high on my list, as are a rod or two in any weights between 3-wt. and 6 wt.? I'll also be looking for an older Superfine in either 5 or 6 weight in the months to come-- I plan this as a purchase --as two of the rods lost were old Superfines given to me by two daughters who've gone on ahead of me. We lost Lauren not long after my birthday in 2007(drunk driver) and Laramie in 2010 to a rare form of leukemia. Burying one child was heartache enough. Burying two of our four daughters within three years is heartbreak beyond compare. NO parent should every have to bury a child...

    Back to my original litany. Reels are pretty simple, in that I like standard arbors in the weights cited above. Beyond all that, I'm completely open to almost anything "fishy..." No doubt, there will be things that I will discover to have gone missing in the weeks to come...

    I hope that everyone realizes this, as I'm sure that you all will. When I posted about the break-in, it was without expectation. I didn't ask to be made whole again, nor would it ever cross my mind. It's just not my style, though I did request a prayer or two. That said, I am forever in the debt of my FAOL breathren. Your kindness, generous spirit and willingness to pitch in and help me right the ship again humbles me to the core. In this household, you all will forever be welcome, and always have a rod slot on my stretch of the river...

    Have a great Saturday morning, my friends. I'm going to be attacking the brain-numbing sorting of a pile of hooks that I don't even want to look at this morning, let alone sort, size and store in their boxes again. But, I'll get the job done, as I've plenty of help riding to the rescue.

    Jerry, aka hairwing530, aka "Captain Hooks"
    Last edited by hairwing530; 01-26-2013 at 01:48 PM.

  6. #36
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    Jerry, I don't know how you feel about building a rod or maybe someone here will volunteer thier services to build it but, I would like to give you a Batson Rainshadow RX6 8'6" 4pc 5wt blank, Snakebrand Guides, Stripper, hook keeper. Cork grip with walnut insert and downlocking hardware. It would make a perfect rod for you. I modeled it after the Orvis Clearwater rod so, should be a great caster. Not sure if I have a reel or not but, will look. If I remember correctly, I have a reel marked 7/8 but is more like a 5/6 and it has line on it also.

    Will someone step up to the plate and volunteer to build this for Jerry if I send it to you? I think you said you were set on a vise but, I will look through my materials and see what I have. I do know that I have a ton of pheasant and also turkey tail feathers and sure I can come up with other stuff as well.

    I just remembered that I have a old but in perfect shape Fenwick spin/fly rod and a beautiful South Bend 24-9 Bamboo rod in 3/2 configuration. Let me know if your interested.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan


    NewTyer 1,

    Scott, old friend, with all that you're going through-- and don't forget that I know your concerns and pain more than most --I wouldn't seek to impose on you. You have more than a full plate, and I don't want to heap anything onto it.

    Buddy, I'll get by in fine shape. On that, you can rest assured. Still, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your generous offer. I should be the least of your worries...

    Be well, take good care, and give "our" girl a hug from the crew here in the north country in their entirety...

    Jerry, aka hairwing530, aka "Captain Hooks"

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Greenwood, MO



    I'm still just dumbfounded about what those creeps did to you. Very relieved to hear that you've got some "cronies" nearby to give you a hand.

    I'm starting to think that a gun safe might be a good place to store rods, reels, and maybe even the fly tying stuff.

    Give your wife & daughter extra hugs.

    Take care friend, and keep us informed.

  9. #39
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    Jerry, I'm fine. You and Debbi have done for me, I just want to pay forward because I can. I will get a package out to you next week.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan

    Default An update as of late Saturday afternoon... January 26th...

    Well, believe it or not, nearly half of the grand pile of hooks has been sized, sorted and restored to their correct boxes. There will be more sorting and clean-up chores ahead, but not tonight. My friends/cronies have all gone home for the evening, carrying with them my request that they observe the day of rest tomorrow. What do you think my chances are of them not showing up tomorrow morning? If you knew this group, you'd know that the odds are definitely not in my favor. But, that's OK...

    This latest bump in life's proverbial road has driven home a fact that I'm relatively sure that I already knew... that the greatest people in the world share a passion for angling with the fly! From my "cronies" nearby to my more distant friends here on FAOL, I am one man who is truly blessed! The extension of friendship is, indeed, a gift, and not one to be taken lightly. And, I'm the type who values each and every friendship built, be it right next door, or 2000 miles away.

    So, thank you one and all for taking me and mine into your family of fly-wranglers. It's more of a blessing than you know...

    Tight lines, everyone... Jerry, aka hairwing530, aka "Captain Hooks" the humbled

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