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Thread: RX7 blank questions...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Lancaster, PA


    Take that as an uneducated observation (because that's just what it is), but from reading through this I gather that with snake feet the extra wraps could stiffen the blank making it faster, while the extra weight of the wraps and finish would slow the action down. In practical terms, that sounds like it comes out to being a wash to me. I've built with both single foot and snake guides for the past 12 years, and lately it is all snake guides...purely for the appearance.
    A right emblem it may be, of the uncertain things of this world; that when men have sold them selves for them, they vanish into smoke. ~ William Bradford
    I finally realized that Life is a metaphor for Fly Fishing.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Elida, Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by WarrenP View Post
    Thanks, Brad....I assume you already know about Jack's brother passing. I talked to Jack yesterday and he was on is way there and said he would be back Saturday. May our Creator watch over him and his family during this time in need.

    Chatted with Jack last night. He was spending the night in IL on his way to Iowa. Seemed to be in good spirits.

    By the way, you need to read this http://wagnerrods.com/poobah.html Kinda funny and sometimes true...

    "A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her."
    -W.C. Fields

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    North Carolina


    Just me Warren but I don't feel single foot versus double foot guides will make any appreciable difference in the blanks action.
    Don't have a clue on a recommendation for a blank but I do understand where you're coming from for the action you wish.
    When you can arrange your affairs to go fishing, forget all the signs, homilies, advice and folklore. JUST GO.

  4. #14
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    Now is a great time to get yourself a nice Bamboo, they are nice and ssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooowwwww wwwwwwwwwww. I love they way they feel

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    Out of curiosity I went to no great expense to complete a rudimentary test on the different in single foot and conventional S fly rod guides on the flex of a rod. I took two identical bamboo skewer and wrapped a guide of each type in middle of the skewer. I inserted the butt into a proper size hole in a season oak board and secured a 1 oz. weight at the same point on the tip. The result was the skewer with the single foot guide flex 1/8 in. further than the conventional S guide. No futher testing is anticipated at this time unless a grant from the government is received to complete the work.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Pottsville,PA USA



    After building a few hundred rods using both single and doulbe foot guides on, I'll tell you I've yet to see the difference other than cosmetic. If anything weighs down the rod, it's the thread along with the epoxy on that thread. But this is nothing. Really nothing. When it comes down to it, each blank will be different from the next, very,very slightly but it will be.
    Here is another perimeter that people don't think about---fly lines. We know all fly lines are not created equal!!!
    Build what you would want the rod to look like.
    The choice of RX7 will be a good one. Using some snake brand guides would be a great choice. ME??? I like to see the look of the classic stripper made from H&H on my rods.
    We all have different thoughts of what is "fast" and "med fast" but if I was looking for a med fast blank it would be one of these.
    AmTak classic
    PacBay traditional
    Batson RX6
    Lamiglass G1000
    and a slightly faster version would be this
    AmTak Matrix
    St.Croix SCIII
    My old Diamondback VSR 3pc,5wt is right in the midst of these rods.

    As for going back to the older,sweeter casting rods, yea I agree. My favorite rod that I keep going back to is my old Vince Cummings 8 or 8 1/2 foot boron rod. I think the rod casts without me !!!


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA


    I agree with BigDaddy and the others, action-wise, there is no difference between single and double foot guides.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Southwest Florida


    Not sure if I'm too lat to chime in, but, I use a 6 wt., and found it to be very forgiving. The action does fit the description you're looking for.

    I can't tell the difference in the guides. I've always considered single foot to be snakes bent in half... I do find that when it comes to wrapping, snakes are a tad easier to keep in place...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Four corner states


    I believe you would like the RX7+ blank if you can find one. If not call Dan at Dan Craft and ask if he has some of his Signature 5 blanks

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