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Thread: Help Joan Wulff achive this!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    London, Ontario, Canada


    Kathryn Maroun
    Google is a wonderful tool! is simply being used as an online petition site. I know that the petitioner has No other political purpose or agenda intended, other than the purpose stated. I'm sure a sight with a more acceptable right wing branding can be added to alleviate any distrust or paranoia, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't support this petition anyway.


    I should say that I am shocked by some of the responses to this request...but I've hung around long enough here to say I'm not shocked...just deeply saddened.
    Last edited by Mato Kuwapi; 08-01-2012 at 11:07 AM.
    "There's more B.S. in fly fishing than there is in a Kansas feedlot." Lefty Kreh

    "Catch and Release, Corrections Canada" ~ Rick Mercer

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York


    Being one's equal does not mean being the same. Since you bring up Tiger Woods, you no doubt are aware that women are not permitted to be members of Augusta Golf Course. Since when is a private club not allowed to choose its membership? How about all the 'women only' clubs, activities, teams, etc. There are women who simply seek to invade male enclaves for no other reason then they want to prove something. So who's really behind this push on behalf of Ms Wulff? Some woman's group perhaps? If this is actually something Ms Wulff desires then where is some statement by her to that effect over the course of the last, say 25 years? She's probably had 000s of opportunities to let her feelings about this be known. Before you jump on some soap box about my comment you should know that Lee Wulff was my fly fishing idol. I've met Ms Wulff on several occassions and she is a fantastic person. No American fly fishing woman, no make that very few American fly fishers, have had the influence on American fly fishing as she has had. She is every bit as good, if not better as a fly fisher and fly caster as any man. She would be in the top 5(my arbitrary #) in a list of the best, most influential American fly casters/fly fishers ever. However, she would not be on the list if it specified 'male'.
    Joan Wulff does not need admission into that club to make her mark. She's done that 000s of times over.
    "Joan want's very much to become a member of the Angling Club of New York". Really? On what do you base this and why can't a private club establish its own criteria for membership?


  3. #13


    Hang in there Mato. Wear your heart on your sleeve and keep your values. The journey is the reward. Have a smooth day and tight lines. Michael J.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    London, Ontario, Canada


    It's my understanding that Joan has not, is not and will not pursue a membership with the ACNY. She did express a wish to have had the honor of being asked...just as her male counterparts were.

    After some very recent discussion with the persons involved in this petition, I now have more clearity into what's going on. Hopefully you'll understand. It started off with good intent, just jumping the gun a little to quickly. It was a well meaning attempt at filling a wish from one friend to another. Joan, now 88 years old, had expressed a long time wish to be asked and accepted as an equal among her peers. You might say its been on her bucket list for quite some time. This individual (Kathryn), was just hoping to see a wish fullfilled for a friend and very deserving person.

    The petition will be reworded to reflect this.
    Last edited by Mato Kuwapi; 08-01-2012 at 01:59 PM.
    "There's more B.S. in fly fishing than there is in a Kansas feedlot." Lefty Kreh

    "Catch and Release, Corrections Canada" ~ Rick Mercer

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York


    Quote Originally Posted by Mato Kuwapi View Post
    It's my understanding that Joan has not, is not and will not pursue a membership with the ACNY. She did express a wish to have had the honor of being asked...just as her male counterparts were.

    After some very recent discussion with the persons involved in this petition, I now have more clearity into what's going on. Hopefully you'll understand. It started off with good intent, just jumping the gun a little to quickly. It was a well meaning attempt at filling a wish from one friend to another. Joan, now 88 years old, had expressed a long time wish to be asked and accepted as an equal among her peers. You might say its been on her bucket list for quite some time. This individual (Kathryn), was just hoping to see a wish fullfilled for a friend and very deserving person.

    The petition will be reworded to reflect this.
    In other words, the petition as written, was meant to eliminate the exclusivity of the private organization. 'Well meaning attempt'! Where have we heard something similar to that phrase? Oh yes, 'The road to he.. ..........................'.
    "Joan, now 88 years old, had expressed a long time wish to be asked and accepted as an equal among her peers." - Allow me to reiterate: Joan Wulff is beyond being only accepted by her peers, she is revered by them and by the great majority of fly fishers/fly casters, most of whom have never even heard of the ACNY and could give a rat's a** about it as an organization. And, as I wrote in previous post, she is perhaps 1 of the top 5 greatest fly fishers/fly casters, regardless of gender, in the US ever!
    By the way, try this: Ask a few fly fishers you know - Who's the greatest Amercian female fly fisher/fly caster ever? See who they cite. Now ask the same people what the ACNY is and to name 5 members? Bet they can't.


  6. #16


    If Kathryn if the same person who was 'involved' with Stan Bodgen a while back, me thinks she might be better served by just doing her television program and not stirring the pot(s).

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dunedin, Florida


    I just spoke with Joan and she said that the subject makes her uneasy and she has asked that we not stir the pot.
    We will respect her wishes." - What a

    You don't ever want a crisis to go to waste... - Rahm Emanuel

    Who is John Galt?

  8. #18


    oh just blame the whole mess on George W. Bush and move on.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    clinton mississippi


    Why didn't you have a "discussion" with the people involved before posting this? Anything in bed with is usually a load of crap anyway.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mato Kuwapi View Post
    It's my understanding that Joan has not, is not and will not pursue a membership with the ACNY. She did express a wish to have had the honor of being asked...just as her male counterparts were.

    After some very recent discussion with the persons involved in this petition, I now have more clearity into what's going on. Hopefully you'll understand. It started off with good intent, just jumping the gun a little to quickly. It was a well meaning attempt at filling a wish from one friend to another. Joan, now 88 years old, had expressed a long time wish to be asked and accepted as an equal among her peers. You might say its been on her bucket list for quite some time. This individual (Kathryn), was just hoping to see a wish fullfilled for a friend and very deserving person.

    The petition will be reworded to reflect this.
    "some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God." Tony Blake

  10. #20


    Being relatively new to this hobby,Joan Wulff has been an inspiration to me.Not because of gender but who she is as a human being and that is why i'll always be in awe of her accomplishments.I am sure I have jumped the gun in my life just trying to help someone.

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