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Thread: Setting the hook from the roll cast position

  1. #1

    Default Setting the hook from the roll cast position

    A few days ago I was roll casting on a small stream. Just before I was about to begin my forward cast - the rod was pointed behind me - I got a strike.
    Surprised, I had no idea how to set the hook. Should I have simply executed a forward cast or should I have tried to drop the rod behind me?



  2. #2


    There's not a lot you can do in that situation. There's so much slack in the line at that point, there's not much of an effective way.

    You could quickly execute the roll cast in hopes of getting the hook to set. Or you might try to strip as much line as you can as quickly as you can with one movement and raise the rod behind you (if there's room).

    Sometimes fish strike at the most inopportune times. (like getting a drink of water, or being distracted by wildlife....)

  3. #3


    Just use a quick mend if you want. Setting the hook in fly fishing for trout is really not necessary. Just put a little tension on the line is all it takes. The motion the trout uses taking the fly will naturally hook the fish. We use small sharp hooks, a trouts mouth is soft and easily hooked with these small sharp hooks, it doesn't take much force to catch the soft skin with these hooks. Fishing for bass is another story, you are trying to drive a large hook into a bony mouth and it requires more force.
    The man who coined the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", never bought himself a good fly rod!

  4. #4


    Thanks Ray. What kind of mend? Stack mend (mini roll cast)?

    And what if I try to rotate my body and the rod back and around?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    fortwalton beach,florida usa


    Actually from the position you stated a short quick flick forward of the rod would caused the tip to react in the opposite direction. Which is to say the tip will actual go backwards. Followed by beginning a quick off side mend reverted to an on side mend thus keeping the line in motion. while placing your rod and line hand in a position to make that first most critical long line strip. This should take about 1.37 seconds and all the good karma you've accumulated that morning. Ok I was just kidding about the time.
    Capt. Paul Darby Dont wait to be ask, get out and teach.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Amongst the Mangroves of West Central, Florida


    Just laugh it off and realize that the fish will win sometimes too.
    "Only the half-mad are wholly alive." ~~ Edward Abbey

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Chicago, Il, USA


    LOL. I've heard of the roll cast hook set, but damn if I've ever had the presence of mind to actually do it.

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