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Thread: Tying

  1. #11


    I agree FishFreak, I've been tying for a few years and Al's articles have really helped me to refine some of the things I was doing.

    As far as tying in general, I actually began to tie because I thought it might save me money. Thats a laugh. I've found over time that each one I tie is a little piece of hope or a glimmer of a fish that might be caught. Now I wouldn't stop tying for anything. Justifying paying for dead animal parts to the wife is another story.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    The Northern Great Plains


    I'd be lying if I said taking fish on my own fly didn't give me a sense of satisfaction. To me.. there's just something special about it.
    It also satisfying to see how the quality of my tying has improved over the last 4 or so years.
    The neat thing about it is that anyone can learn to tie a decent fly..it just takes a little time and effort. Heck..for the 1st year I used half hitch tools for head finishing..thinking whip finishing was to complicated. Funny now.
    Al's tutorials are the greatest...what I didn't learn from books I learned from him.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Wellsboro, Penna. USA


    So what you all are saying - at 53 I just acquired an addiction?

    I remember the first fish I caught on my first rod I built - now I look forward to catching a fish on that same rod with a fly I tied.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Boise, ID and Running Springs, CA


    Welcome to the addictive "hobby", or affliction I should say, of tying. I really can't imagine not having the flexibility to create and fish a fly of my own manufacture, and like others, I also find this adds immeasurably to the sport.

    As for saving money, sure you can save lots and lots of it---NOT. The only way to save is to only tie a specific pattern and to only buy materials for that. Say a thread midge. Thread is cheap, the flies aren't. Of course, once you master thread wrapping, there's hackle, dubbing techniques with all the natural and synthetic dubbing you might need, winging flies (more material), Tailing flies and shucks (more material), using synthetics and beads (still more material), yada, yada, yada. Hope you have another room for the rod building equipment and you better sign up for FLYTIER's ANONYMOUS MEETINGS. Hey they're great, as you can undoubtedly learn a few new patterns and tricks at these meetings, and might even arrange some material swaps to convince the wife or significant other that you're saving money with this new hobby.

    Again, welcome to tying. It's fun, it's relaxing, helps reduce stress, keeps you out of the bars--lots of benefits to it. And you're right, catching a fish on a fly you tied is nice!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Upper midwest


    Oh yeah, you've got a problem. Me too. In between building my first rod and tying some flies I realized I was out of dubbing wax.

    I made my own. But I didn't have a reasonable source of rosin. So I melted down some frankincense and myrrh. Works great. But I can see that I might need a little counseling. Maybe a program.

    Seriously, enjoy your new found hobby. It is very satisfying and will keep you engaged for years to come. It really is a lifetime learning opportunity, what with the way you could branch into entymology, hydrology, geology, optics - heaven knows what.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gilbert, Iowa, USA


    NO Coach, it's not too late for us. I know we can beat this together. Here's my plan for all of us new tyers. Everyone send me all of your equipment and materials, quick before you buy to much to ship. I will lock them all in a safe place, then I will send you mine to be locked up. Together I know we can beat this.

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