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Thread: Wisconsin Tiger Trout On First Trout Outing EVER.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Richland Center, Wisconsin
    Blog Entries

    Default Wisconsin Tiger Trout On First Trout Outing EVER.

    Below is a story that was relayed to me by my friend Richie. Before season began he and I did some talking on the internet. I sent him some maps and told him where to go to show the high school student a good time.

    Amazingly on this young man?s first outing as a trout angler he caught a tiger trout. The odds of catching a tiger trout by a seasoned angler is low but for a first time angler it is astronomical. I think that a purchase of a lottery ticket is in order.

    Below is my friend Richie?s post and photos about the opener and the TIGER trout.
    As I was driving from Kenosha Friday afternoon I was thinking to myself that this could be a really dumb idea given the terrible road conditions but I already had the truck packed, flies tied, and ready for tight lines so to say the least?I was committed. Between Kenosha and Janesville, I bet I saw 30 vehicles in the ditch so I was taking my sweet time because best case scenario I was looking at a hurry up and wait situation once I got to the driftless.

    I was meeting a high school kid in the area as he has never fished the driftless but always wanted to go. Any who, we fished Tainter, Plum, Knapps, and Big Springs and had a great time. As far as a fish count, I have no idea but I?d argue we caught well over 50?but one definitely comes to mind. I?ll get to that in a few?

    As we were walking up the streams I was teaching him about reading water and where to cast. As we came up on a nice stretch of water I said you go ahead and cast on the right side of that push and get ready. Not three rotations later on his spin gear I see the fish smack it.

    As the fish started to get closer I noticed something different about this fish and jumped off the high bank and got the fish in the net. At this point I started laughing as I was in disbelief. Here there is a youngster who has never fished the driftless and catches a tiger on his first trip!

    Going back to the moment of me netting the fish, Taylor was still unsure why I was laughing as he thought it was a brookie. After a snapping a quick picture and releasing the fish unharmed I said to Taylor?you have no idea how lucky you are! He responded with a grin ear to ear!

    Needless to say, it was a great weekend. We caught plenty of fish, explored new water (thanks Len for the recommendations) and made some memories that?ll for surely last many years to come.
    Richie Santiago

    When you arise in the morning, think of what a
    precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think,
    to enjoy, to love.
    - Marcus Aurelius

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Richland Center, Wisconsin
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    I suggested to Richie to write a little longer story on this one and submit it to the 2 big newspapers in Wisconsin.
    I gave him my contact email addresses. He sent it away to 2 places.

    The sports editor even called Taylor and interviewed him.

    Taylor is hooked for life now with just one outing to the driftless!!!!

    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran it online and in the Sunday Sports Section.

    Wisconsin State Journal Online version
    When you arise in the morning, think of what a
    precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think,
    to enjoy, to love.
    - Marcus Aurelius

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default that's a nice story

    nice, nice story. the first time i caught a tiger trout it was near the north branch of the potomac river. i had never heard of them and i wasn't sure i should even touch it. LOL! it's a good thing i was with a buddy that knew all about them.

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