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Thread: Deployment

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Your Son & all who serve at his side will always remain in my Prayers.
    God Bless them,
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    My very best to you and your son. These are tough times when war strategy is determined by politics rather than smash-mouth ( like the good ole days). I will pray your son returns home safely.


  3. #13
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    As an Iraq vet 2008-2009 I want to wish your children the best of luck and pray for a safe return. All soldiers are in my prayers including them. Looking forward to the post on the return home

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shamokin, pa.



    Wishing your son well during his tour and his career, as well as all the folks who have served, and their children and grandchildren who are serving as I type this! All the best to you! Keep safe and keep us posted!

    Best regards, your extended military family member, Dave S.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN


    I pray every day for our Nation's Pilotsl-Soldiers-Sailors-Mariens, when they go into "Harms Way" in the name of the U.S. Constitution.

    I was a Evaluator of the Land-Air & Sea (LANS) Program that every Combat Unit (Infantry-Armor-Artillery) has to go through prior to deployment oversea. The units Commisioned and Non-Commissoned Officers are evaluated in many different combat senerios (Lions-Tigers & Bears Oh My). LANS is the closest thing to real combat, with (hopfully) no troop getting hurt during the evaluation. In Training, Safty Always Come First! LANS Evaluators are Senior to all troops in the field to be evaluated....our decisions stand!

    If a Commisioned Officer or Non Commisioned Officer in the unit is found to be lacking in skills to handle the combat senerios, they are reassigned to either a military support unit or a service support unit.

    In Vietnam over a 8-year period the US Military suffered the deaths of close to 60,000 soldiers.

    In the past 8 years in Iraq and Afganistan (combined) the U.S. Military has suffered approx 7,000 deaths.

    The total numbers of military rotating in and out off Vietman and Iraq/Afganistan, is the same, as in Vietnam.

    With a 88% reductions of "Killed in the Line of Duty".

    I was a LANS Evaluator, and all of Evaluators did not hesitate to remove someone from a unit prior to shipment overseas...

    I was, I am, I will always be a Soldier!

    SFC S. H. McGarthwaite
    U.S. Army Retired, 1968-1995
    "Everyone you meet in life, give you happiness! Some by their arrival, others by their departure!" ~Parnelli

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    shenandoah valley, va


    Quote Originally Posted by Steven McGarthwaite View Post
    I pray every day for our Nation's Pilotsl-Soldiers-Sailors-Mariens, when they go into "Harms Way" in the name of the U.S. Constitution.

    I was a Evaluator of the Land-Air & Sea (LANS) Program that every Combat Unit (Infantry-Armor-Artillery) has to go through prior to deployment oversea. The units Commisioned and Non-Commissoned Officers are evaluated in many different combat senerios (Lions-Tigers & Bears Oh My). LANS is the closest thing to real combat, with (hopfully) no troop getting hurt during the evaluation. In Training, Safty Always Come First! LANS Evaluators are Senior to all troops in the field to be evaluated....our decisions stand!

    If a Commisioned Officer or Non Commisioned Officer in the unit is found to be lacking in skills to handle the combat senerios, they are reassigned to either a military support unit or a service support unit.

    In Vietnam over a 8-year period the US Military suffered the deaths of close to 60,000 soldiers.

    In the past 8 years in Iraq and Afganistan (combined) the U.S. Military has suffered approx 7,000 deaths.

    The total numbers of military rotating in and out off Vietman and Iraq/Afganistan, is the same, as in Vietnam.

    With a 88% reductions of "Killed in the Line of Duty".

    I was a LANS Evaluator, and all of Evaluators did not hesitate to remove someone from a unit prior to shipment overseas...

    I was, I am, I will always be a Soldier!

    SFC S. H. McGarthwaite
    U.S. Army Retired, 1968-1995
    I cant tell you what a comfort this is, my nephew left for training 7/8 with eventual deployment to Afganistan. I have his attachment info, is there anyway to "track" him or his company while deployed? I realize detailed info would not be available, but in this internet age maybe there is some sorta blog or general way to see what he is up to, or stay in touch.
    "Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it"
    Ed Zern

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York



    In my son's 2 deployments to Iraq he was able to send letters with information about his whereabouts and other non-specific information. That allowed us to send letters and packages. This deployment in Afganistan is different because of his new duties and I don't know yet, where he is or what he's doing, but hope to hear from him with whatever information he can provide. Technology and snail mail helps us and them keep in touch.

    Know that he's being trained by the best. My (our) thoughts will be with him as they are with all that serve over there.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    As someone who ships them their freight ever day I can tell you that not only do you have the best trained, most highly motivated and best logistically supported military in the world they also have the best equipment available.

    As a Veteran I pray for your son and all members of the Armed Forces. As a Defense Logistics Agency employee working in the big warehouse I do my very best to get them their gear on time, as ordered and in serviceable new condition. I don't know if it will be any comfort but at our facility alone there are over 5,000 people who's mission is to bring them home safe, sound and victorious.

    If you can get an address and pm it to me I will do my best to get him and his unit some goodies from a very popular touring group and their fans. I don't want to mention names as I am an "unofficial liaison" for them but they are very popular.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Heathsville, Virginia, USA


    My oldest, Infantry master sergeant, has been to Afghanistan three times and Iraq twice. His younger brother, also Ranger, Infantry, went to Iraq in 2006. I know what you are feeling and my prayers are with your boy.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA


    Allan, I trust you know that your son has my prayers and my gratitude. And that you have my empathy.

    Having a child deployed in a combat zone is hard duty. It can seem like an especially hard duty in the case of an all-volunteer armed services situation, when so few around you are able to truly understand what you are going through.

    The good news is that support for our troops seems to be very universal these days, unlike in the dark days of Vietnam. Most folks may not feel it every day, but I've been amazed by how many will step up to support these troops and help them when they have an opportunity to do so. I have seen so much of this that I am somewhat amazed.

    God bless your son. God bless them all! And God bless their families.

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