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Thread: etiquette?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by maodiver View Post
    Gotta say here...

    the worst of all people I have ever had to deal with while bank fishing (all I do) streams, are the ff'ers in GUIDED drift boats. They don't give a fig if they cross right through your hole, fishing all the time... or they will get out at the head of the riffle, on the other side, and "fish through".

    I USUALLY AIM FOR THE GUIDE WITH A BIG FLY WHEN THIS HAPPENS. THAT'S THE S.O.B. WHO PLANTED THEM THERE ("Gotta put the sports on fish, or I won't get a tip!!")
    In the inset photo on the cover of last year's Connecticut Anglers Guide, the publication that you receive when buy a license, is a guide who's done that to me.
    His 'sport" cast across 3 lines on their drift, tangling everyone
    And for that, he gets his picture on the cover

    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  2. #32


    Fellow anglers, these comments are proof positive that people in general are inconsiderate and have no manners. In many respects our criminal justice system has let the public down by not imposing stiff fines or jail time for some of these type actions. Generally no one is held accountable for their actions. Respect and good mannerswould go a very long way to eliminating incidents like those detailed in this thread. Ron Wite got it right, '' You can't fix Stupid.'' Y'all take care, John.

  3. #33


    While I don't doubt there are many inconsiderate people out there (and they're not unique to fishing either) I would like to comment that you might want to consider the individual may just not know any better when they crowd you, cast near you, walk right along the bank where you've been casting your dry fly to that riser for the past 20 minutes, etc. Not everyone has been brought up in a fishing family and has had manners and etiquette handed down to them by fathers, grandfathers, etc.

    I'm a "late bloomer" when it comes to fly fishing and have only been doing it for 5 years or so. I grew up tossing worms, spinners and spoons in a local lake and pond for warm-water fish primarily bass, panfish and pike. Etiquette was just not crossing another guys lines. I remember the first time I went flyfishing in a "new spot" for me I had no idea what to expect. I worked my way along a path and finally arrived at a nice looking spot with a pretty run that looked like it might hold a couple trout. I eased myself into the water intent on not causing undue noise or ripples, all the while looking on where I was stepping for fear of falling in. I finally got into position and looked up to see I had entered < 100' upstream of another fisherman who was working the tail end of the same run. We both looked at each other and I knew I did something wrong. I apologized over and over. He began laughing (thankfully) and had no problem with me being where I was even though I probably sent a wave of mud down to him. We both proceeded to fish and I was rewarded with 3 nice browns out of that run.

    My point is, I certainly didn't mean to enter the stream where I did if I knew it would disturb anyone and I'm guessing there are many out there who do something wrong albeit unintentionally. Perhaps a calm explanation of what the person did wrong might resolve the situation. I realize even a friendly explanation of what the person did wrong might escalate into an argument or worse but I doubt that's the norm as long as comments are civilized.

    Just my .02 here ...
    Take Care ...

  4. #34


    entering a stream 100 feet above another angler when he/she is out of view until you are already in the water is totally different than INTENTIONALLY being a *****. My impression is that most fishermen will just shake our heads and continue to be sure that you just can't underestimate stupidity when it comes to the population at large... but when an alleged "Professional" disrespects someone trying to mind their own business, it's a different story.

  5. #35



    I can’t recommend brandishing a firearm. I agree it would be fun to see the blood run in fear from these jerks faces but there is so much that could go wrong; one of which is jerks have guns too. Never the less I have an antidote to share.

    There was an old timer on the job and he was mean and crusty and that was before he started drinking. There are lots of stories about him stopping bar fights “alone” when working and getting into them off duty. So one day he is sitting at the bar where he always sat and some hood rat from the neighborhood comes in and starts giving the legend a hard time. The old timer reaches into his pocket and pulls out a 38. cal round and says “hey kid” and tosses the round to the kid. The kid looks down in his hand to see what he caught and looks up to see the old timer pointing a gun at him saying “the next one is going to be coming a lot faster”

    I have to laugh at dudley’s post. If it happens again act like your taking pictures of them from a camera or cell phone. If they ask why tell them your just taking pictures of your new fishing buddies to post on FAOL then ask them ‘where are we fishing next’.
    Thanks Old Man GO IRISH!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    London, Ontario, Canada


    Thankfully in Canada, people don't carry fire arms. This does remind me of a story that happened a few years ago...

    I was fishing my local river, on a particular hole I call the "Hoffa Pool" (that's another story), with a friend of mine. This fella comes down and stands 5 ft in front of both of us and starts casting over our lines. It's not like there isn't anywhere else to fish on this river and it wasn't steelhead / salmon season. Ian and I were both a little put off and shocked by this fella's total disregard for river etiguette. Enough to say something to the fella, like, "Do you mind? We're fishing this water and your a bit close. Could you move down a little?" His response was, "No! I can fish were the &^%$ I want."

    With Ian, first, you have to understand that he was raised in Glasgow, Scotland. He patiently raised his hand and said, "No problem, buddy! Fish where you want." I'm thinking "UH OH!" This is about to get interesting....

    The fella continued to fish over us, casting over our lines, when he snags onto Ian's fly line (not the first time either). Ian, waves at him and says, "No problem, Buddy! I'll handle it." He pulls the lines in...appears to be taking them apart when he gets out his nippers and chops 25 ft off the tip of the offending anglers fly line, then throws the line back into the water, grins and says, "There ya go! No more tangles!" and continues on with his fishing . The look on that fella's face was worth a bottle of 25 year old single malt scotch. His face went scarlet and you could tell he was thinking real hard about busting Ian's chops, but then wisely thought against it. Without saying one single word, he packed up his things and left the river bank, never to be seen there again...and you could actually see the tail tucked tightly between his legs.

    This is Ian.
    Last edited by Mato Kuwapi; 05-24-2011 at 08:08 PM.
    "There's more B.S. in fly fishing than there is in a Kansas feedlot." Lefty Kreh

    "Catch and Release,...like Corrections Canada" ~ Rick Mercer

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Millersburg, MI, USA


    <P>Wonderful!!! I'm quite sure I recognize one of my unmet heroes, Ian Colin James. Not a small man, one NOT to be confronted! His humor, his web site, his fishing acumen are to be relished!</P>
    Name notes where I fish and for what I fish.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    London, Ontario, Canada


    Yes, "littlebrook" Bill. You are correct.
    "There's more B.S. in fly fishing than there is in a Kansas feedlot." Lefty Kreh

    "Catch and Release,...like Corrections Canada" ~ Rick Mercer

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by littlebrook View Post
    His humor, his web site, his fishing acumen are to be relished
    Yep. Ian rules.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Idaho Falls, Idaho


    After looking an Ian, I'm reminded of the "Messing with Sasquatch" commercials. (No offense Ian) Who would be stupid enough to wade in front him?
    They're just fish, right? Right?

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