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Thread: Leader-calc. how much BS can FF take

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Youngstown, Ohio

    Default Leader-calc. how much BS can FF take

    I'm 58 and spent my life FF lakes with my dad for fish we eat. Sport never entered into the equation. We built our own leader for bass/crappie and never thought twice about the 'science'. I just got through looking at 'LEADERCAC' and this has to be the biggest load of BS i've ever read in my life.
    My dad, being a person who flyfished and saw what happened when he built a bad leader spent his last days talking fish with me, about leaders. He used a 5wt steel truetemper rod with a level flyline. (not W/f or D/T) He caught fish after fish on his system, that I find it reasonable to accept what he said was true.
    IF THE TIPPET WORKS THE FLY AND THE LEADER GETS IT OUT THERE, THEN IT'S RIGHT. Damn, now that's to simple for something that leader calc has you breaking down into tying 6" sections of line to the tippet.

    We looked at the formulas of 'LEADERCALC' and here were his comments;

    You don't need to get that taper to make a good cast..."somebodies makin money somehow handing inexperienced FF bad info"......Then he went on to think the manufacturers of tapered leaders have fabricated this system to complicate FF and have people throw their hands in the air and just buy their friggin tapered leaders.
    COMPARE.........................make your own leader, and count from 100 the bad casts.....FF'ermen selling a product say "the FORMULA was wrong"
    Compare..........................the bad casts from 100 on a manufactured tapered line...crap you still can't cast...time to take some lessons.......IT HAS TO BE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This line of thought goes from every aspect of the 'INDUSTRY' that sells leaders.

    Hey, my old man was a drunk, even though he caught fish on a flyrod everytime he went out what the heck could he know....right????
    Here was his first comment on 'LEADERCALC', How can you segment 10 line dimensions down to a taper without calculating in the effects of the "ALL THOSE" knots affecting the entire system of tapering down..................YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!! they affect the dynamics so much that 5 pcs of line in 6" increments are just plain idiotic.
    He documented the butt/midsection and tippet as 3 pcs.....never more than 8'.........with the butt and mid-section remaining the same for the set-up......the tippet always changable for the fly weight. I guess this is where experience was required.

    WHAT??????????????? EXPERIENCE.......BS, A new fly fisherman should be able to buy a book and have the exact guidelines give to him so he catches fish....

    Today being the drunkin FF my dad was, I sit, cast and catch fish............all by feel.
    My 8', 3 piece leaders turnover and get me to the fish with ease.

    How we have complicated one of the most beautiful things in the world to make a dollar astounds me......then I see how screwed up this world is and can understand how stunningly stupid people are who have taken something so simple and ruined it.
    Go back to the basics of FF;
    Make a 2 or 3 piece leader, cast it out for a month or 2. see what it's doing and if you don't catch fish.....MODIFY it..................... This is the true art of casting a flyrod to catch fish. Good things take time to happen, sometimes we are lucky enough to have people pass on what tey know for no reason other than the love of what they do.
    If you're not as lucky as I was, EXPERIMENT with the 60/20/20 method and make a few years of mistakes before you can say........OH LORD, I UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    aimless wandering
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    It has to be complicated, and constantly becoming more so, to justify all of the things the marketers want you to buy. Never underestimate the power of people to take something fairly simple and complicate it to either justify their beliefs or sell you something.

    Welcome to the board. Nice to know I am not the only cynic around. *S*

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region


    Sounds like someone need to go fishing.. sorry to hear about your dad...

    be safe
    Relaxed and now a Full Time Trout Bum, Est. 2024

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Nashville, TN. USA
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    If you question really is, "How much B.S. can fly fishing take?" the answer is, "Quite a bit".
    Consider that this is the perceived to the the blending on money and pride by many. That means available $$$. That means lots of advertising. That means lots of B.S. Kansas feedlots worth of it...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    My old boss thought I should be award a special recognition. This was called the "Full of It" award. When I come up to TN I will have bring it along so you guys will see I have my own and don't need any more.

    Full of it award.jpg
    That's exactly what it is, permanently perserved in good coat of lacquer.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  6. #6


    I'm into furled leaders, just for the reason they allways work fine, doesn't matter how much BS you put into it. And yes, i did put a lot of BS into it, but only for fun. I don't use any of the FF threads for it, just Guetermann overlocking thread. Still don't understand why something available in about every store has to triple in price when you buy it in a FF store.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    In defense of fly shops, its all speciality shops, not just flyfishing shops, go to a golf pro shop to check me out, that have to raise the price to make a profit. Even if your business is the most fun in the world, if you fail to make a profit you will eventually lock the doors and go out of business. Walmart makes a little profit on millions and millions of items, a one shot fly shop cannot make it that way.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  8. #8


    Sure, but you can also fail to make a profit if you don't sell because of a high price. On the other hand i think the real specialty products (flies for example) are way too cheap to make a profit. Calculating the price of materials and time needed to produce you'll get a very low salary for your labour.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Portage, PA


    I agree that perhaps we make things more difficult than we should. But, fly fishing, tying and rod building aren't static hobbies--they are ever evolving because of new and sometimes better ideas. Remember the wheel, fire, etc.? I say to each his own. Every fly we tie could be a version of the hare's ear in different sizes and colors, but that would be very boring. As hobbyists we like to have fun and create. If that's your idea then I say fine. If you just like to keep it simple that's fine too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Money talks and BS walks......I walk a lot......
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

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