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Thread: pill box storage box

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Littleton, Colorado
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    I thought it was labeled just fine to start with. This is what you tie with Sunday morning... This is what you tie with Sunday Noon.... This is what you tie with Sunday Evening... And so on. Looks fine the way it came to me.

    Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.

  2. #12
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    The pill boxes are also great for storing your own blends of dubbing. Try mixing wool yarns with rabbit, beaver, opposum, kangaroo and other soft furs and underfurs. You will love the colors that you can blend...and now store!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Fort Worth, TX


    Okay... I'm weird like one of you other guys... I like keeping every type of hook in the packages they come in.

    1. They are flat
    2. They take up very little space at home in my Rubbermaid drawer / or / travel pouch
    3. I reach in and pick up which-ever bag of hooks I want "which are stored in size/type order"
    4. When I'm through the thin plastic bags go back where they were... and are still easy to find.
    5. When the bag is empty, I take it to the fly shop with me so I'll know exactly what hooks I need to buy!

    This is my archaic system... but it works!

  4. #14
    Bass_Bug Guest


    I have mixed thoughts here (mixed up mind perhaps???) When I started fly tying I started using the 7 day boxes, 1 each for wet, dry, streamer, nymph, etc. hooks. But as any tyer knows that wouldn't last long, and after accumulating so many different styles and sizes I don't use those any more. However if someone uses the SAME style hook in several sizes, and ties a lot of flies with said hook style, a 7-day box would seem like a viable idea. The 28 compartment idea might appeal to a production tyer maybe?

    I found at a dollar store what it sounds like qquals is describing. A set of 7, 4-compartment boxes (about 1.5"x3") in a clear plastic box (without lid)that they all fit in. I use those for misc small items.

    Another storage item I really like are the gift card tins. Especially from Cabela's since they stack nice. I use them for stick on eyes, and other flat small items. Less than $2 and I pick another up every time I stop at one.
    Last edited by Bass_Bug; 02-17-2011 at 02:11 AM.

  5. #15
    Normand Guest


    again i merely offered an option not a cure all to bead, hook, mini parts storage

    people like the round stackable type

    people like the tic tac style boxes

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Saint Joseph Mo


    Like Bass bug said this is suited to those of us who need a place for everything and everything in it's place!!! As a production tier of sorts I use hundreds of dry hooks from size 22-10 so I have 3-4 hundred hooks in each compartment at any one time and they stay on the top of my desk so if I have an order I just pop it open grab a couple /three dozen hooks crank the fly out and then go take a nap..... I also keep one with standard 2x nymph hooks from 22-4 on my desk and a box with scud hooks from 22-2 as well.... all the rest of my hooks are stored in the original packaging in plano boxes.... try storing upwards of 3,000 hooks in the little plastic mustad boxes in one place and being able to find them quickly............. not gonna happen in my chaotic mess. It works for me rather well and has been great thus far (4-5yrs now) I'll never go back.


  7. #17
    Bass_Bug Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by SteveP View Post
    .... try storing upwards of 3,000 hooks in the little plastic mustad boxes in one place and being able to find them quickly............. not gonna happen in my chaotic mess....
    But it could happen Steve if you were the North American Sales Manager of Fly-Fishing Products at O. Mustad & Son / Partridge of Redditch and your hook storage looked like post #99 here http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/s...-Tying-Benches

  8. #18
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    When I first started out I bought a cheap storage box, you know the kind...those little compartments didn't always shut tight. It only took only one fall from my work station before I scrapped that idea and went back to my individual Mustad boxes. I was picking up thousands of hooks for days. Don't think I ever got them all sorted out.

    There are good storage boxes out there and the one that Normand started this post with might just be one of those good ones.

  9. #19
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    Saint Joseph Mo


    Quote Originally Posted by Bass_Bug View Post
    But it could happen Steve if you were the North American Sales Manager of Fly-Fishing Products at O. Mustad & Son / Partridge of Redditch and your hook storage looked like post #99 here http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/s...-Tying-Benches
    Unfortunately I do not have that luxury.... wish I did but I don't. I have to admit it would be awesome though.


  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Thanks for posting - this kind of post brings out lots of ideas that can be adapted to each persons need, and space constraints. Many have figured out what works best for them, but for some this could radically change the way they store/file/catalog etc, their hook/bead/dubbing space. Thanks again for getting the wheels in motion! This is the stuff that keeps it interesting - as they say - It's all good!

    Best regards, Dave S.

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