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Thread: Prayer Request for My Wife and Grandson

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shamokin, pa.



    You and your family certainly seem to have your hands full, but you folks also seem to be weathering the storm. You have each other and that's what counts. Plus you have your extended family here on FAOL to lean on and help prop you up! You know you can reach out and we'll be here. Keep thinking the good thoughts and I for one will be there for you! Take care.

    Best regards, Dave S.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Farmersburg, IN


    Absolutely. Best wishes as well as thoughts and prayers.
    "They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it. What happens is that you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore." - John Gierach

  3. #33


    Hang tough. Added to prayer list!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock Springs, Wyo., USA


    We are here for you and yours, as you know. Added to the list.

  5. #35


    Steven- You and yours are in our prayers. Hang in there! Best regards

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    I'm praying for you and your family as well. And I am a nursing student, going to graduate from a BSN program in May. If there is anything your daughter needs that I might be ab;e to help with, please let me know. It could just be e-mailing questions about clinicals or nursing concepts or pathophys, anything really. I also have a few books I don't really use anymore, a McGraw-Hill Nurses Dictionary and a Nursing Student Handbook at least, possibly a few others that might be useful depending on how far along in her studies she is.
    You know how to reach me.

    Imagination is more important than knowledge.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Steven in my mind my heart and my soul I shall pray for you and your loved ones. strangth be to you as you help guide and support them in this time of need.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN

    Default Update: Friday December 17th

    I want to thank everyone for adding my family to their prayers, so far it is working.....and hopefully everything will continue to looking up to a bright future.

    My wife Kathy had the radiation on the two shrunken cancer spots in her liver, an the two cancer spots are no more! The hospital held Kathy over-night for observation, in case there was a problem with bleeding from the radiation zapping! After her night in the hospital the doctors said that she was okay, and could go home.

    My wife went back to the hospital on Thursday to meet with the surgeon that will be doing the surgery on removing a 2 foot section of her colon. The doctor did a CAT Scan and verified where the cancerous polyps are and that no more have started. So my wife is scheduled for surgery on Monday December 27th! This time she will remain in the hospital for three or four days after the surgery. Doctor said that they will send the section colon back up to have it CAT Scan to verify that all the polyps are accounted for, from the medicine that my wife will have to take before having surgery to have the cancerous polyps show as hot spots on the CAT Scan Picture, and that the Before and After Pictures will be compared and all hot-spots will be accounted for before the doctors close her up.

    After Kathy is release to return home she will have to rest for a week or so, with follow up with he surgeon, before she can return to work or doing things around the house.

    The doctors did the same thing to my wife a five years ago when she was operated on for melanoma cancer, they did a before and after CAT Scan and all the hot-spots were present an accounted for.... this was done on her birthday!

    Then she had to be rushed tot he hospital when her gallbladder was about to rupture, and it had to be removed, and another time when she had to have surgery to replace a knee with a artificial knee.

    If you are over 50 years of age and have not had your colon check, you should get it done! I had a colon scan two years ago, and I had to have a CAT Scan because of a extended colon. I got a call from my family doctor that I had a growth on my left kidney the size of a golf ball. So I went into the hospital for surgery to remove the growth and my left kidney, and the growth was determined that it was not cancerous!

    I was watch a HBO Special the other day on Vince Lombardi as Head Coach of the Green Bay Packers! Vince died from Colon Cancer, and it could have been prevented, but he said, nobody is going to shove something up my ***! It cost him his life and a early death!

    Keep those prayers coming, we are not out of the woods yet! ~ Parnelli
    Last edited by Steven McGarthwaite; 12-17-2010 at 10:08 AM.

  9. #39


    They have gone out.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Penticton BC
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    My small prayer for your family wings its way to you My friend. God bless you all.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

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