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Thread: Thread Color-Is there a color Trout DON"T SEE?

  1. #1

    Default Thread Color-Is there a color Trout DON"T SEE?

    Is there a known color of thread, or color, that trout do not recognize or see?


  2. #2


    Check this out: (All of you), its about fly color


  3. #3


    I've often wondered if it matters so much what they can or can't see, or if it matters more what they care about when they see it. A shape might attract or fighten them, a color might contribute...


  4. #4


    There is a very good discussion about trout and fly color in the book "What the Trout Said" by Datus Prosper. I will summarize - color is important!

    But as far as a color they don't recognize, I think JC got it right.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    "When dressing dry-flies, we must always keep in mind the fish's point of view rather than our own" Romilly Fedden "Golden Days" (1919)
    "Any meticulous attention to color or detail (in a fly pattern) is wasted effort" Vincent C. Marinaro "In the Rinf of the Rise" (1976)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ontario, Canada


    Is there a known color of thread, or color, that trout do not recognize or see?
    Absolutely! The same colour as the hook.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Teeny style nymphs are usually the same color as a dark metal hook??? They catch fish for me...ahla below the surface of course.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ontario, Canada


    Teeny style nymphs are usually the same color as a dark metal hook??? They catch fish for me...ahla below the surface of course.
    Jonezee... there's a difference between "seeing" and "seeing". I can "see" my socks laying on the floor yet I don't TRULY "see" them, or at least as well as my wife can.

    As far as colour goes, I think it best to provide some measure of all colours in a fly pattern because fish in general seem to look for certain colours rather than reject a specific colour. Irridescent or flash seems to add to the effectiveness of a pattern.

    [This message has been edited by fishyfranky (edited 03 March 2006).]

  9. #9


    The question was about THREAD color. Now my dumb idea.....and the reason for the question. I have seen many trout swim straight to the fly under water obviously very interested....until he gets within 8 inches and then turns and swims away...NO longer interested. WHAT is he seeing that he doesn't like? Have these fish in the favorite upper pool of my stream been fished so much and so hard that they have learned to recognize the bare uncovered u-turn of the hook and it's barb? So.....I was wondering if when I lay a base of thread on a hook to tie a fly....what would help disguise the hook if I wrapped that base all the way from the barb to the eye, then tied my fly? Again....WHAT is it that attracts a trout enough to get him to swim straight to the fly....and then turn away? I was searching for a color spectrum perhaps that is invisible to the trout's eye......just to try to disguise more of the shiny exposed bare metal of the hook. BTW I am not so sure trout cannot see the hook Over the years I have seen fish hit and be caught on bare hooks. Panfish probably but the point is they saw SOMETHING and bit at it. Perhaps trout don't see the hook color but I really wonder why they get close to my fly and then turn away....repeatedly. I keep switching fly's and it keeps happening. Yet the fish are feeding on something. AND I see that happening to other fishermen as well....so it isn't just me and/or my flies. I just thought I would try a bit of camouflage.


    [This message has been edited by Plain Old Jim (edited 03 March 2006).]

    [This message has been edited by Plain Old Jim (edited 03 March 2006).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    FishyFranky - I am not doubting your perception of "seeing" and I do not pretend to be an expert by any means when it comes to fly fishing, tying, or fishing in general. Maybe thats why I usually put on a Royal Coachman or Royal Wulff first when entering unknown waters. I also agree with Mr. Castwell when it comes to Polar Bear fur, I have a treasured 6x6 inch chunck that has been rationed out over the years for me.
    The teeny nymph also comes in color ranges from burgandy to green. It has always been a good fly in my wallet. Tight lines, Jonezee

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