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Thread: Sorting Mag. Fly Patterns

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wondervu, CO


    When I complained about this very same problem my wife (a librarian) reminded me that the public library has a fully searchable on-line catalog of all it's periodicals.

    All I need is my card number and I can search the entire database for the missing article and get a date, volume, and page number back in seconds!

    I can even search other libraries or national archives from the same site. Heck they will even order an article I don't have through the inter-library loan system. And it's all a free service!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Panama City, Florida, USA


    Hey All;

    I have developed an Excel spreadsheet for the flies in a magazine that I may want to tie in the future, with a separate spread sheet for each magazine. I'd be happy to send the Fly Tyer file as an example to whomever wants to try it. Drop me an email and I'll reply with the file.



  3. #13


    Here's my two cents. I collected magazines and fly pattern clippings from everywhere for over ten years! Last year I finally went to the manila folders and gave every pattern a home in a folder. This eliminated the unused part of many magazines. I even highlight and print patterns from various internet sites just to put them into my file. That way I don't have to deal with the computer when I'm tying. I just leaf through the files box.
    So far I've sorted them by; Dry flies, wet flies,nymphs and streamers. I'm sure more classifications will be forthcomming as need arises.
    Do yourself a favor, don't wait ten years to build a resource for fly patterns. LOL Ron

  4. #14


    As I said Ron that's what I've done too.
    I'm curious though...how do you decide when a pattern is a wet fly or a nymph?

  5. #15


    I'm no authority and constantly learning, but I class emergers and wet flies together. Basically anything tied with fur and feathers that sink below the surface film. I may be wrong, but as I said I'm still learning. Any suggestions? I've already learned more from this site than all the TU meetings I've been to!
    I call a nymph anything that crawls or is fished along the bottom with or without weight. Ron

    [This message has been edited by rgregorchik (edited 17 February 2006).]

  6. #16


    Ron, I'm no expert either but to me Wet includes nymphs and is all inclusive so ...at least for now...I've tossed out Wet and made nymphs subdivided ....e.g. caddis, dragon fly & damsel,stonefly, etc.....then there's streamers..are woolly buggers streamers?
    Well it goes on....maybe more tomorrow...

    The problem for me is where do I put it so I can go right to it....

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Ontario, Canada


    Thanks for all the input!
    I can see this is not a simple solution.
    I don't want to tear up the Magazines so the Post-it or Tab solution (I sell post-its and have unlimited sample supply) or the scan and file (precious time wasted not fishing) solution might be best.
    Lo-tech tabs are not so bad, however sorting and looking for a pattern could be an issue.
    Oh well, if I come up with a winner I will share in the future.

    Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints....

  8. #18


    I have a searchable database. I have them catergorized as wet flies or dry flies. I can look at the fly list in either list. I can click on the fly and bring up sort of a card file. In that file I tell ALL the different sources I have for that fly....whether that is our local fly club newsletter, a book on a certain page, on FAOL, what ever. It will tell me all the places I can find that fly in my resources. Or.....I can just search for a fly name and it will also bring up that card and show me all the sources. It is not actually a card but a file that can have data entered to some endless point I think. It is not limited to size. I can even search for a month like APRIL and it will show me all the flies I have commented on that were good or bad in that month.


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