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Thread: My 2010 fishing report thread

  1. #131


    I see the son picked up the recessive multicolored hair gene from your side of the family!

    What a patient and optomistic four year old you have there.

  2. #132
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wherever I am, there I be


    Nice work Sasha. You have to love those trips with your kids. I always forget about that place. Maybe I will have to take my boy over there. Shoot it's close enough to make a lunch hour trip myself even.

  3. #133


    Thanks everybody! It was a fun time for sure......

    Yup that place is pretty fun; it is too bad that sometimes that place is frequented by some "fine members of the community". Usually in the early AM on a week day is the best time to hit that place.

  4. #134


    Well the wait is over!!!!! The new rod came in today

  5. #135
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wherever I am, there I be


    Getting ready to go creekin' eh Sasha?

    That is a pretty rod. Hope it gets a lot of use this year. Looks like a good run is in the works.

  6. #136
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Really enjoying your reports. My daughter turns 3 in August and she likes to come fishing with me too. Those red-bands are pretty fish. How big can they get if given optimum water and food?

    - Jeff
    Am fear a chailleas a chanain caillidh e a shaoghal. -

    He who loses his language loses his world.

  7. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by KeatonsDad View Post
    Getting ready to go creekin' eh Sasha?

    That is a pretty rod. Hope it gets a lot of use this year. Looks like a good run is in the works.

    Yep creekin in the fall for those "sea going" redbands

  8. #138


    Quote Originally Posted by JeffHamm View Post
    Really enjoying your reports. My daughter turns 3 in August and she likes to come fishing with me too. Those red-bands are pretty fish. How big can they get if given optimum water and food?

    - Jeff

    Thanks! I am glad you like the reports. The redbands where I am fishing are the columbia rebands (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri). They are a sub-species of rainbow; as far as how big, well that depends. The ones in the little creeks and such are on the smaller side. The ones that decide that they don't want to stay in freshwater all of their lives get a little larger

  9. #139


    After a long week that included a trip to the hospital I was relieved to be able to get out into the woods. Originally the plan was for me to fish with two of my friends. Unfortunately due to circumstances they were unable to make it, so it was a solo trip this time.

    I packed my car the night before, set my alarm for 0345 and went to bed. Now I remember the alarm going off and me turning it off. I thought to myself ?I will just lie in bed for a few minutes. Unfortunately a few minutes turned into a few hours. I woke back up at 0650 and thought oh sh** I overslept.

    After quickly getting dressed and brushing my teeth I got in the car and took off. As luck would have it on the drive I managed to get behind every slow driver in Idaho. One person in a Jag that I found particularly annoying would slow way down on the corners to around 25 MPH. Then when there was a straightaway and passing lane she would floor it making it difficult and unsafe to pass her. I eventually managed to get around her on a long straightaway however I had to hit above 80 to pass her.

    After a bit of a drive I finally saw the turnout for my destination. I will admit that I was pretty excited as I just love fishing this particular area. Once I was on the dirt road, it was a while before I reached my destination.

    I quickly got out of my car, got my gear bag and rods out of the trunk and got to business. I grabbed my pack and headed down the trail. A short time later the river was in sight.

    Hmmmmmm should I fish here?

    Once I was on the other side of the river I followed the trail towards the place I wanted to fish. On the way I noticed some flowers with these green bugs. I don?t know what they are but they look cool (sorry the pics are slightly out of focus I am still learning how to use my new camera. Maybe I should switch it from autofocus to manual focus).

    After a while I reached the place that I wanted to fish. I decided to start the day throwing dries on with SPL. This proved to be a fine choice as there were plenty of little guys that wanted to play. I also managed to entice some larger fish to take my fly. Unfortunately the first one got off about 15 seconds after I started fighting him. The second decided that he didn?t want to play anymore when I was about to net him. Oh well they were still fun.

    After a little while I decided to switch things up, so I grabbed my 5wt and set up a nymph rig. On the first cast I saw the indicator go crazy and I set the hook. When I got a look at the fish I knew it was not a trout; yes I had caught my first whitefish of the day. I landed him, released him and resumed fishing.

    A little while later on a very nice drift I saw the indicator just get hammered. I set the hook and the rod came to life. Although this fish was not huge he sure was a feisty little guy. I landed him snapped a quick pic and sent him on his way.

    What happens next is an example of why I am not 100% sold on Vibram wading boots. I was wading up river a little so I could get a better angle on an area I wanted to fish. The granite rocks in this section had some slime on them. As I was wading I slipped and was unable to catch my balance. Fortunately I was able to grab my new camera (that was around my neck) with my left hand and prevented it from getting submerged. After that close call I decided I had enough fish pics for the day. I waded back to where my pack was and placed my camera in it.

    After that I decided to try something a little different I decided to dead drift a leach pattern (to hopefully entice a different species; if they were in the river at this time). Not to discriminate against the other trout I also tied on a second and much smaller nymph.

    Well to my surprise when I cast it the first time I had a strike. So I set the hook and immediately could tell it was a small fish. Once I got him in close I saw that it was a whitefish; however the whitefish had the leech hooked on the outside of his mouth. Personally I didn?t think a whitie would ever go after such a huge fly but hey I guess this guy was hungry.

    After a catching a few more trout nymphing; I decided to switch it up again and go back to dries. Like earlier in the day most everything that came up were westslopes. I did manage to catch one ok size rainbow in the late afternoon.

    At around 1800 I decided to call it a day. I hiked back to the car, took my gear off and headed home. I had a really fun day. I just love fishing in that area and can?t wait to return. Here are some random pics I took on the hike out and a couple I took of the meadow on my drive out. Hope you enjoyed the report.


  10. #140


    The rest of the pics....

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