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Thread: Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

  1. #21


    I find it hard to believe that anyone is going to look so closely at a fly that they will be able to tell that it is ied with materials that are illegal. I say let the children play, tie your flies and don't lose any sleep over it. I think ethically, it'd be different if you killed the bird for its plummage.
    Dead fish don't make reel music.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
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    Fishin' fool, quite some time back a fellow showed me a fly and told me I'd never guess his secret incredient. I handed the fly back to him and told him, without a pause, it was herl off of a blue heron. He was quite srprised. I am FAR from being an ornithologist. Consider an exchange quoted in Field & Stream. A guy from the Audobon Society was bragging to, and probably making a bit of a threat to, a fly angler. He said that they had hired an ornithologist who could ID _any_ feather on a fly. The fly angler shot back that he knew a 5th-generation salmon fly tyer who could not only do that but also tell you what square inch of the bird the feather had come from. There are a surprising number of people who can ID feathers on a fly. As a mediocre fly-tyer, I can ID a lot of feathers from a distance. It doesn't take much ofa brain or even good (uncorrected) eyesight, just practice. When the hawks shed feathers in my yard, I do the legal thing every week and run over 'em (the feathers, not the hawks) with a lawnmower. You'd be surprised how long it takes those feathers to break down.

    Let the children play, but not with fire.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    London Ontario area


    I became aware of a situation several years ago where some local people were killing bald eagles for there feathers. I seems they were selling them in some popular market, not fly fishing. When I heard about this it bothered me greatly and stayed on my mind for some time. Sure perhaps I could pick up a fallen feather and tie a fly but I can't bring myself to do it. I most certainly would never buy a feather or anything else from an endangered species to make flies. Regardless, found in the wild or otherwise and perhaps it is just me but the whole idea of using a feather from an endangered species does not sit well with me, it would make me feel like I may be contributing to something I am very much against.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Broussard, Louisiana


    Endangered, threatened and protected species are primarily regulated by the US Fish & Wildlife Service. For a listing of protected species under the Endangered Species Act go here: To find specific information about hawks or falcons, enter either of those words in the search window in the middle of the page.
    You can also go to the search window at the upper left and put in Migratory birds and you will get to that program's page. Go to management and you will find a list of species and, on a separate page, those that are hunted.
    Finally, in the same search window, put in Bald and Golden Eagle and you will get to the info on those species.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Rothschild (Wausau), Wisconsin


    I understand that there are some classic patterns that require feathers or fur from a protected species to be "authentic". They look great in collections or on the wall in a shadow box.

    However as a practical matter for flies that are actually fished, what exotic protected species feathers in what pattern is actually a better fish catcher than other patterns that do not need protected feathers?

    Is there such a pattern, really? Just sayin' that if the judge are the fish, what are these patterns that make it worth the risk of using prohibited materials?


    "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought"..........Szent-Gyorgy

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    savannah, georgia


    I am well versed in these laws and their interpretations at various federal law enforcement and migratory bird treaty conferences. Links have been provided here, so there is really no need to beat a dead horse. But I will say this:

    Any game warden who can identify such a feather once used in tying a fly and either in your fly box or tied to the end of your leader and soaking wet is DA MAN! And only a USFWS agent would write a ticket for such an offense. So your odds of being ticketed are pretty darned slim. Furthermore, if you have a few of said feathers in your house in a cigar box on your tying bench and don't go around advertising the fact, you are very unlikely to run into legal problems - unless you invite said USFWS enforcement agent over for a fly tying session.

    Finally, if you can trace any lineage to a Native American tribe of obscure historical documentation, you can always claim that the ceremonial use of said feathers in fly fishing rituals is an ancient part of your cultural religious heritage; thus protected under the First Amendment to the US Constitution and various other treaties and statutes protecting the sovereignty of Native Americans should you ever have to appear in court. I should think it would be up to the prosecution to disprove your theory. And courts of law require evidence. A lack of evidence is not evidence. So this tribal obscurity should work in your favor! Then again, I could be totally wrong. But it would be fun, and your daughters would only have a record until they turned 18. Just blame it all on them.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    London, Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by RodWest View Post
    I became aware of a situation several years ago where some local people were killing bald eagles for there feathers. I seems they were selling them in some popular market, not fly fishing. When I heard about this it bothered me greatly and stayed on my mind for some time. Sure perhaps I could pick up a fallen feather and tie a fly but I can't bring myself to do it. I most certainly would never buy a feather or anything else from an endangered species to make flies. Regardless, found in the wild or otherwise and perhaps it is just me but the whole idea of using a feather from an endangered species does not sit well with me, it would make me feel like I may be contributing to something I am very much against.
    Hi RodWest!
    I remember when that happened. At least the incident I remember was when someone broke into the eagle en-closer at Springbank Park. The birds there were flightless do to injuries from gunshot wounds or run ins with hydro wires. Just SICK!

    Welcome aboard by the way!
    Last edited by Mato Kuwapi; 04-15-2010 at 08:13 PM.
    "There's more B.S. in fly fishing than there is in a Kansas feedlot." Lefty Kreh

    "Catch and Release, Corrections Canada" ~ Rick Mercer

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA



    Just so no one gets caught short, you must be an enrolled tribal member of a Federally recognized tribe to use feathers from protected birds in ceremonial practices. Saying your great-great-great grandmother was a (Insert tribe name here) Indian princess just won't work. You have to prove you meet the established blood quatum to be an enrolled member. No tribal enrollment card, no right to use the feathers, simple as that.

    To suggest that someone misuse a right that many Native people have fought hard to maintain, and in fact have died for, simply to use feathers in fly tying I find completely offensive.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  9. #29


    Well said REE, Amen brother.

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