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Thread: Microfibbets/ mayfly tails

  1. #11


    When i first used Microfibbets, i was really surprised at how hard they are to break, unlike many natural matls.



  2. #12


    I've got a Medium Pardo Rooster Saddle that is head-&-shoulders better than anything I've found in the tailing packs. Was labelled a "grade #1". Not had alot of luck finding full saddles since though:^(
    Everything in CDL you find these days are bronze grade.
    Last edited by NJTroutbum; 04-12-2010 at 05:16 PM.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnScott View Post
    ..... the Whiting product is real CDL. And the flies tied with it are real. And the trouts those flies catch are real, too.

    Oh no they are not.... (Sound like a pantomime dame now!) As I said Coq De Leon is plucked from a live bird from an area between the shoulders of the bird. They are a different feather completely from the Whiting necks. I have both. Whitings necks or saddles are from a similar colour strain, Pardo (which I believe means speckled in Spanish) or Indio (don't know what that means, except they are not speckled!) They then come in a range of colours under these headings from a light to a very dark.

    I think the whiting birds originated from some CDL stock, but the feathers produced from the necks of the birds are completely different apart from similarities in the colours. The Spanish CDL come in plumes of usually 12 feathers and are normally labelled with a cardboard tag giving their origin. They have much longer fibres and are much much stiffer than the Whiting CDL necks.

    Anyway enough of stealing this mans post.............. but if you are interested in CDL take a look here http://www.gallosdeleon.com/Ingles/ingles.html there are lots of other sites but many in Spanish or French so unless you speak the lingo you will have to believe me or them hahahaha

    PS I just read Jims post and bow to his knowledge that the tailing packs are from the shoulders. I have never had the tailing packs I confess. So I stand back to his superior knowledge of them. I know what you mean about taking them out and looking at them Jim. They are a remarkable looking feather. Much too nice to use.
    Last edited by mickporter; 04-12-2010 at 05:53 PM.
    Best regards and tight lines

    Mick Porter

  4. #14
    Jim Slattery Guest


    Hi Kelly,
    For traditional style dries I just don't like Microfibbets. From my observations you can see them bend by the wieght of the fly when compared to good stiff tailing hackle in comparable bulk/# of fibers. Again this has been my observation and totally unscientific.

  5. #15

    Default Getting back to CDL ....

    .... for a moment, here is a link to a discussion started by mickporter a little over a year ago.


    Mick seems to have a "thing" about his expensive feathers from Spain, while most seem to agree that since Whiting's CDL feathers come from Coq de Leon stock, it is appropriate for Whiting to call them CDL feathers.

    The fish are always right.

  6. Default

    Guys the bristles from a shaving brush work well also

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    I like the tailing packs I got from Charlie Collins; although not officially spade hackle (I believe they are scapular feathers), they have many of the same desirable traits - length, stiffness, that spade hackle had on older capes that I can't seem to find anymore. When my supply of ginger, brown, dun and grizzly runs out, probably when I turn 174, I'll try the other stuff, although some of the CDL does look pretty neat and I may have to give it a look.


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