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Thread: Spring Creek fishing with a 5-weight

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Morris Plains, NJ

    Default Spring Creek fishing with a 5-weight

    A lot of people fish Spring Creeks with 2 and 3-weight rods. I'm thinking of Pennsylvania Spring Creeks here -- so generally casting at distance is not required. Those light rods might have some advantage over a 5-weight rod. But I'm not too sure.

    If you have an opinion on that, I would appreciate hearing it.

    Also, what is your opinion on the best way to rig a 5-weight for spring creek fising? Would you, for example, spool on one of the spring creek tapered fly lines? Furled leaders?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Appleton, WI


    I think a 5 wgt can be fished successfully on a spring creek. I believe a stealthy approach will be more important the the line's wgt.

    Almost for certain you can underline your rod by putting on a 4 wgt line. I like fishing 4 wgts on the spring creeks that I fish. Depending on the rod you have you may even be able to use a 3 wgt on the rod.

    I prefer DT lines for almost all my fishing. I'm not a fan furled leaders but may want to use a longer leader. I prefer to use a very bouyant and visible fly as an indicator rather than your standard strike indicators.

  3. #3


    I routinely fish the Letort and other PA Limestoners, ("spring creeks") and my rod of choice is an 8-1/2 foot 5 weight although I fished successfully for years with an 8 foot 6 weight.

    When I'm in the mood for a change I MAY go to an 8-1/2 foot 4 weight. The biggest reason I like the "heavier" line weights is they seem load better at some of the shorter casting distances required and there are many times a BIG streamer or cress bug is the ticket to success and this just makes things easier. The other reason is if you hook a hog, which is possible, you'll be happy you have the heavier rig.

    The major contributor to success where I fish is STEALTH and patience, the ability and willingness to crouch and crawl, light and long leaders and lots of pattern varieties. I usually fish with a leader of no less than 12 feet and prefer a leader that straightens out while leaving lots of soft ?S? curves at the tippet section. George Harvey leader formulas work great or modified braided butt, or furled leaders also do the trick.

  4. #4


    Big Flat Brook,
    I'm with GusG AND bamboozle on this one! Although I have a weight forward taper on my 1 weight, I could be perfectly happy with a double taper or a level line for that matter. IMHO, if you are going to be fishing Pa spring brooks a lot,a zero or one weight would be a good addition to your fly rod arsenal, IMHO you'll do better with a slow Fairly soft action. You'll love the way the line settles on the water and you're probably not interested in casting into into the next county anyway.

    Ol Bill

    [This message has been edited by snipe (edited 01 March 2005).]

  5. #5


    1,2,3,4, wt.all good,i have them use them But i wonder how our for fathers caught fish with those 6 and 7 wt. lines? maybe thy thought it was the fisherman that caught the fish and not the rod or line.

    make a rod, catch a fish

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    oregon usa


    Big, I think you just want a new rod.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Morris Plains, NJ


    I definitely have the new rod fever, and I'm trying to zero in on one.

  8. #8


    Dosen't matter what size of line you use. A good fishermean can use it to the best advanatage. I have used a 5wgt many times on some of the hardest spring creeks in Montana and done fine with it. It is a matter of knowing how to deliver a cast with it and how to handle fish with that weight of line and a light tippet. A little pratice and just about anyone can do it.

    I do not like and will not use an 0wgt, 1wgt. or 2wgt rod. I think they are toys, another gadget they came out with just to make sales. Sorry but I think the lightest weight rod should be a 3 wgt. I know we only use "OUR" small rods on small streams and small fish. Well I have to say BS to that. Some people do but most have to try there little wands out on larger fish which they over play. You can use all the excuses you like I have seen it to many times and had to try and revive fish that people have released thinking they are fine after they have over played them with light tippet and a little rod. If you keep your little rods and use them on small fish that is fine but to many people want to show what they can do with there little rods and end up killing fish that would not have died if they had used a 3wgt rod or larger.
    There is a diference in how fast a fish can be landed with different sized rods even if the same size tippet is used on both rods. I have talked about this with some of the best fly fishermen in the country and for the most part they to agreed. JMO. Ron

  9. #9


    RonMT, There is a diference in how fast a fish can be landed with different sized rods even if the same size tippet is used on both rods.explain how, using a 6 or 7 x tippit,with out breaking off the fish.

    make a rod, catch a fish

  10. #10


    the biggest reason i use a 3 wt over a 5 wt on small streams and spring creeks is for tippet protection. using a light tippet, such as 6 or 7X, is standard for my area. sometimes, a 5 wt just has too much "backbone" for these light tippets.

    especially when i get into the "larger" trout, around 16-20". when they sip a tiny fly, you want a supple action on the hook set. too much backbone, and these dogs will break your tippet clean without even trying. my 3 wt flexes just enough more than the 5 wt to protect that tippet on the set. than i can play the fish the same, and land him just as quickly.

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