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Thread: FlyFishing Wisdom

  1. #1

    Default FlyFishing Wisdom

    Based on my years of flyfishing experience, I have compiled a list of just some of the many lessons I have learned - most the hard way, which I would like to share, in hopes that they may be of interest to others. It is an ongoing list, and I am sure most of you have many of your own....
    (In no particular order):

    If they were hitting yesterday, you're one day too late
    Don't ever believe fishing reports from newspapers
    You only need about 1/4 of the stuff in your vest
    Fishing in thick fog is really cool
    The cost of fly tying equipment and materials will never equal the cost of buying flies (buying them is cheaper)
    Don't try to figure the cost (in equipment, gas, etc.) per fish caught. You will not like the answer
    It is extremely rare to go an entire trip without swearing at least once
    If you bring a net, you won't need it, but if you don't, you will
    If you spend more time getting there than actually fishing, it better be worth it
    It is great fun to browse in a very old tackle shop
    Drinkin' and fishin' rarely go well together
    Don't try to fillet fish after more than 4 beers
    Always carry band-aids
    Fish blood and your blood look the same. Check for cuts and loose hooks
    If you fish during deer season, remember: arrows are silent, and never get a tree branch stuck in your hat
    If you hear gunshots, get the hell outta there. Do the same for lightning.
    Fishing rod = lightning rod
    The places you fished as a kid are now much smaller
    Streams change their course over the years
    The fish were always bigger years ago
    Treasure every moment spent outdoors
    Backpacking fishing trips are great. If the fishing sucks, at least you've been hiking
    When hiking into a remote stream, make sure you have enough daylight to hike back out
    If it rains, so what? It's only water. Does not apply to falling in
    Always know how deep the water is before wading into it
    The farther you are away from your car, the more likely your tackle will not work
    Always know where your rod tip is before closing car doors, trunks and windows
    If you're playin' hookie from school, don't go home smelling of fish
    If you call in sick to go fishing, do not get sunburned
    When taking small kids fishing, don't bring a rod for you (you will never get to use it)
    To a small boy, bugs are more interesting than fish
    It is a great milestone (for you) when your wife and kids can finally cast, tie on hooks and unhook fish on their own
    If you lend a rod to a friend, you will get it back broken, and lose a friend
    Never lend your favorite rod to anyone! ever!
    Never get rid of your old tackle. It will one day be "Vintage"
    Never (and I mean NEVER) put a tackle box on the roof of a car
    When leaving the car, make sure that the trunk is closed
    Always go to the bathroom before you get on a boat
    Overturned trash cans = bears
    Always remember to buy your fishing license before going fishing
    Fish & Game wardens like to fish too, and are always on duty
    Never bring beer to a State Park
    Rats live near water
    Herons eat trout... lots of them
    Snapping turtles bite and Musk turtles stink
    If a bluefish can instantly bite a baitfish in half, it can probably do the same to your fingers
    There are many similarities between muskies and alligators
    Never take a reel apart over water
    to be continued.....
    Last edited by JimBob; 03-18-2010 at 12:40 AM.

  2. #2


    A few more.......

    Nothing beats being in the right place, at the right time, with the right fly
    Never fish downstream from a sewage treatment facility
    Don’t wear brand new sneakers on a fishing trip
    Stepping in dog poop does not mean good luck!
    Keep a good fishing catalog in the bathroom
    “Just One More Cast” rarely catches a fish
    Carry an extra car key with you (be sure not to leave it in the car)
    Don’t bother carrying trout flies to match a hatch that happened last month
    The more beat up a trout fly gets, the better it works
    Most fish you catch will be 1/4 inch below the legal size limit
    If your drag is set too tight, you will immediately know it when you hook a large fish
    In most cases, lots of diving birds = lots of fish; in some cases, they will poop on you
    If you accidentally hook a seagull just once, you will curse them forever
    If you don’t eat fish, don’t keep any
    Always make your own sandwich for lunch
    Don’t eat chili before donning chest waders
    If they are only hitting size 18s, you will only have 16s and larger
    Insect repellent can melt fly lines
    Muskrat holes are very deep. Don’t step in them
    Just because you do not see any trout in a stream, does not mean they are not there
    Crayfish bites can hurt (a lot)
    Leeches won’t necessarily hurt you
    Ticks will
    Turn off your cell phone. Remember why you are out there
    Cookies taste different when eaten with dirty hands
    Take time to stop and listen to the sounds of birds and nature, or just the peace and quiet
    Other fishermen are not necessarily your competition
    You can catch fish anywhere by carrying only 6 different fly patterns.
    If you own a fly with sentimental value, DO NOT USE IT!
    Keep a fishing log and actually go back and read it once in a while
    Who actually names the trout fly patterns?
    A Rat-faced McDougall is not necessarily a Scotsman
    A Royal Coachman does not look like any insect found in nature
    Keep all turkey feathers you find while in the woods
    Try night fishing at least once in your lifetime. Not in winter, though
    Learn as many different knots as you can. At some point, you will need them all
    3 leaves = poison ivy (count on it). Fuzzy tree vines, too
    When having a fish mounted by a taxidermist, expect to wait many long months
    Shake the branches of a tree overhanging water. Insects will fall into the water. Then fish under it. Always works, except in winter
    When fishing in winter, brandy makes a great companion
    For every lesson learned, there will be many forgotten

  3. #3


    Fantastic, JimBob
    And everyone are absolutely true !! Especially--Don't try to figure the cost (in equipment, gas, etc.) per fish caught. You will not like the answer


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock Springs, Wyo., USA


    OOOOHHHHHHH SSSOOO TRUE!!!!!!!!!! How can you NOT find at least one you like?? Or have experienced??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    The Northern Great Plains

    Thumbs up

    Profound JimBob! Profound!
    The only thing I might add...
    When a man ceases to fish, he no longer celebrates life.... he contemplates death.

  6. #6


    Dear Nam,
    I like that one.....
    The more I think about it, the more I realize that there are probably many more I never jotted down.....I could probably come up with a lenghthy list for just flytying, and another for general fishing, maybe another for just saltwater, and another for general outdoors, etc....
    Makes me realize how much I truly enjoy these things......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    How about
    Its called fishing, not catching. Enjoy it for what it is.


  8. #8


    Jed, Amen brother!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Farmersburg, IN


    If you only have one of a certain type of fly in your box, you will need two.
    "They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it. What happens is that you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore." - John Gierach

  10. #10


    And if you lend that fly to someone, they will immediately catch a fish on it, then lose it......

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