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Thread: Why pack a gun while fishing?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Modoc Country.... Extreme N.E. California high desert
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    In the mid '70's I was in college in Klamath Falls, Oregon. I worked part-time at a sporting goods store for awhile, and one day met an Oregon State Trooper in the store. During the conversation, he asked if I hunted or fished. When I told him yes, he told me never, ever go out fishing without being armed. He went on for a good while telling me of fishermen and hunters turning up missing in Klamath County over the years he'd been a trooper. He said Klamath County had a very large incidence of this, and only a fool would go out unarmed. I've been packin' whenever out and about ever since. I've stumbled across pot farms a time or two, and often see cougar sign. More often bear sign. and the aforementioned trouble with two-legged varmints is on the rise. Better to be careful and prepared than not. I am a lifelong hunter and fisherman, and Iwas taught by my dad, an ex Navy gunners mate. It's no macho trip in my case just practicality and a desire to be able to protect myself and my family should the need present itself, which I sincerely hope it never does. What others think of that is their business, and the choice to carry any weapon is personal. I am comfortable and competent with my weapon, and regularly shoot it at the range. Anyone who cannot say the same or similar should either not carry a handgun, or should get in some practice and range time occaisionaly. ..........ModocDan

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    I carry a firearm while fishing and in most other things I do. I have a valid license from the Commonwealth of Kentucky and 30+ states recognize my Kentucky license. I've been around firearms all my life and have at various times been a range officer, safety instructor and match director.

    It is not macho paranoia at all. I frequently fish alone sometimes in rather remote areas. I have stumbled upon marijuana fields. Also, breaking down a fly rod and taking off waders, etc after dark on a country road with nobody around makes one a very easy target. 3 women were mugged in our local suburban Wal-Mart parking lot during the Christmas shopping season.

    A crackhead or a crazy person needs no reason to attack you. These individuals are not confined to urban / inner city areas. They can show up any time and any place.

    One of my friends actually had to shoot a guy (didn't kill him) while he was jogging through a suburban park about 7 or 8 years ago. The guy was sitting on a picnic table as Joe was jogging by. The guy asked Joe if he knew the time. When Joe told him the time, the guy came at him with a very large hunting type knife. When Joe threw his wallet at the guy, the guy laughed and said he didn't want the money he wanted to kill someone that morning. Joe pulled a .380 semi-auto and shot the guy. During the trial, it was revealed the fellow had been released from a mental institution just a few days before the attack. If my friend were unarmed, he would not be alive today to tell the story.

    I pray to God that I never need my firearm. If you were standing on a stream fishing with me, you would never know or suspect that I had one with me. It's not something to go talking about or waving around. However, if you were a crazy who was intent on attacking me, there is a very high probability you would find out that I was armed and knew how to use it. It would probably ruin my life to have to do it and it is not something I would do lightly or without remorse. However, I would much rather live to come home to my wife and son than be another dead victim along side of a road somewhere.

    There is no macho paranoia at all. The threat is real. Fortunately, it is quite rare but it is real.

    I love my wife and my son. I don't want to leave my wife a widow and my son without a father. I also will not stop fishing because there may be some crazy crackhead running around out there. If God blesses me, I will never need to shoot anything more threatening than a piece of paper or a water filled milk jug. However, if the situation were such that my life were in danger or I was in imminent fear of my life being in danger, I can and will stop the situation the best way I know how. Avoiding, walking away, trying to put distance between myself and the attacker are the first steps. The use of deadly force is always the last resort but one I am willing go engage should all else fail.

    Those who choose not to carry firearms are free to do so and I respect that position. I have no issue with it and not everyone can be mentally prepared to use deadly force. As Darrin said, all I would ask is that you not judge me for my decision.

    fishing bum in training
    My blog:

  3. #13


    What a fabulous reply!
    "We do not inherit the earth; we borrow it from our children."

  4. #14


    I agree 100% with DarrinG & Jeff my handgun is as much a part of my gear as my fly rod is. Its not a macho thing! Its a --I want to come home to my wife & kids thing!!! No problems with the 4 legged beast (but I'm prepared if I do) - Its the two-legged ones I watch out and am lery of. Its not like I pulling out my handgun to show off to a fellow fisherman...Most people never know I carry (guess you guys will if we meet on a stream)---But it aint just fishing - No way i would step inside (or the parking lot) of wal mart without carrying!!!!!!! Never had to pull it & pray I never do---But I will be prepared!!!!! Mines on me most of the time.

    Last edited by bspitt; 02-15-2010 at 02:58 AM.
    Sow a thought....reap an act;
    Sow an act....reap a habit;
    Sow a habit...reap a character;
    Sow a character....reap a destiny!!!!!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Many keep a spare tire in the car or a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. These are tools that no one wants to use, but when the need arises nothing else will do. Same for other tools that one might choose to use to protect themselves or their loved ones. Better to have one and not need it than to need it and not have it. Make your own decisions, but sometimes a cell phone is not the answer to your immediate problems.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Rock Springs, Wyo., USA


    In the mid to late 70s I stoped two robberies by simply carying a gun in plain sight on my hip in a western fast draw type holster. Both were at the same gas station about 18 months apart. Both times the perpetrator say the gun, say me and ran. never had to even draw it.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Actually the question is getting old and tiresome. I own legal handguns. I am legally allowed to carry same into certain circumstances PERIOD. I don't need to explain further and I'm sorry if you don't understand.


  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Griffith, Indiana


    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Actually the question is getting old and tiresome. I own legal handguns. I am legally allowed to carry same into certain circumstances PERIOD. I don't need to explain further and I'm sorry if you don't understand.

    That sums it up best.
    Remember we all live down stream

  9. #19


    I own an arsenal of guns, I do not carry when fishing. Here in CT we don't seem to have many of the problems other parts of the country have. Snakes here are not a problem and animals that attack are also not a problem. As for someone breaking into my car, using a gun is not permitted under CT law. I would be the one who gets arrested. We can only use a gun in defense of our life here, if you have the ability to escape you must use that as your first option as guys who break into cars are usually unarmed. I have never seen a crackhead or a methhead however I probably wouldn't recognized one if I saw one, let alone want to shoot him.

  10. #20
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    Number One Reason to carry a firearm:

    Never bring a knife (or fly rod) to a gun fight.

    I would hope that you would never need to use the gun, but if you do, then it is good to have one since the alternative is not something I want to experience.

    Larry ---sagefisher---
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