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Thread: new member intro/ Flyfishing in Europe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Spokane, WA, USA

    Default new member intro/ Flyfishing in Europe

    Hello. I just registered and thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. My name is David and I am a resident of Washington state, but this past summer moved to Rome for the purpose of working on a graduate degree in theology. I have been an avid flyfisherman the past three years, fishing all over the PNW and Montana, mostly for trout, but some steelhead as well. I have frequented this board fairly regularly as an outside observer, and have been impressed with the tone and deameanor of the posts here. Everyone seems to treat each other with respect, and that is not something you always see on forums such as this one. With that, I have learned a lot from this website and hope maybe in the future I can contribute something myself to those who come here.

    With that, I do have a question regarding the flyfishing opportunities in Europe. This is my first time in Europe (I have been living in Rome since the end of August), and have not yet managed to get out and fish. I am having a difficult time getting started, particularly in finding out where to go and how to access the public streams in this part of the world. Much of the fishing seems to be private, or requires a guide, and as a grad student, money is tight. If anyone could offer me some information on rivers to fish in Europe, specifically in Italy, would be most appreciated. Traveling by air to different countries in Europe is very cheap, so I can get to most anyhere. The problem is knowing where to go to fish once I get there. I will be here for a total of four years, so hopefully at the end of those four years, I will be able to learn enough about the fishing here to offer some of you some assistance should you ever need it. Of course, if anyone has questions related to the fishing in the PNW, please let me know. I'd be glad to offer any assistance that I can. Peace.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I can't help you out where you are now, but, I can welcome you to the best web site on the internet for flyfishing related topics and there are a lot of good people on this board. JC and LF run a tight ship here and you only need to remember to wipe your feet before you enter their home. A big hardy welcome!

    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  3. #3


    Ditto to WarrenP!
    It seems that there was a simalar post somewhere in here in the last month or so.

  4. #4


    We have many articles on fishing in Europe,
    start here and then there is a listing at the bottom: [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/worldwide/europe/:fd3c9]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/worldwide/europe/[/url:fd3c9]

    Welcome aboard!

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  5. #5


    Try this site:- [url=http://www.pipam.com/:45204]http://www.pipam.com/[/url:45204]

    You can practice your Italian as well.

    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  6. #6


    David -

    I can't offer you specific locations to fish, but you might want to check one of the local or regional fly fishing, or regular fishing, shops for information.

    Orvis, for example, has several dealers in Italy, that you can find on the Orvis web site. It looks as if the nearest to you may be:

    Orvis Shop Foligno
    Via Monte Rosa 7C, Foligno, 06034

    Before retiring several years ago, I worked for Fiat, headquartered in Torino. Although I was never in it, I see there is also an Orvis dealer located there. I have been in another fishing dealer in Torino, who had a fair stock of fly fishing and tying equipment, so I'm pretty sure any of these types of shops would be a good place to get info.

    Several of the Italian fellows in the department I worked in Torino were pretty serious fisherman, although not fly fishermen. One of them fished quite a bit for trout near his parents home, which although I don't remember the exact location, I do remember it was in the mountains west of Torino, not too far from France. I'm pretty sure this was public water that he fished, although that's a good distance from Rome, and as in many of these locations in Europe, you'd probably still benefit by a local showing you how to find your way. (At least I'd want their help for myself.)

    I'm still intrigued by one of my former coworkers in Fiat's trout fishing outfit and fishing technique. His graphite rod was about 5 meters (16') long, and he attached micro split shot about every 2-3 inches for about 1 meter length along the end of his leader. He'd impale live nymphs on his hook, and work his way carefully upstream, dapping or flipping his bait into the likely holding spots. I understood from him that this was deadly. I remember him also telling about collecting muchrooms along the way as he fished as well, which he'd take home to slice and dry in the sun. Later, they'd use the mushrooms in their spaghetti sauce.

    Incidentally, Fiat owned (and I assume they still own it, but I have't kept up with the company recently) the ski resort in Sestriere where much of this year's winter Olympics are being held.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    London, England


    David, if you find youself in London (about 100 euro return from Rome) then get in touch and I will take you fishing.

    I cannot help you with where to go, but I know from the various Italians I have met on my travels that they are mad for fly fishing. I think a littl research and you will find plenty of options. You might consider heading to the nearby coast and trying for some bass, leerfish, blues or other Mediterranean fish. Average size blue in the Med is pretty decent. Try this site for some more info and some leads. [url=http://www.medflyfish.com/:0b9fc]http://www.medflyfish.com/[/url:0b9fc]

    Member <A HREF="http://www.ukbass.com
    http://jamiercgriff.blogspot.com/" TARGET=_blank>www.ukbass.com

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Spokane, WA, USA


    First of all, thanks to everyone who has offered me some terrific advice. It has really been helpful and informative.

    JME, I was actually planning a trip to London from May 12-14, although if it would be better to go earlier (at least as far as the fishing is concerned), I could also travel in mid-April or late March. I really appreciate your offer to take me fishing and would like to take you up on it. My only concern is cost, being a student and all. Getting to London is not a problem, but the cost of fishing the chalksreams in the area was pretty expensive, some being considerably more expensive to fish than others. I am mostly interested in fishing for trout, so the chalkstreams caught my attention first, but I would be up for whatever you had in mind. How much should I expect to spend to fish at the places you had in mind (assuming of course there is a cost)? Again, thank you so much for your kind offer and I would like very much to take you up on it.


  9. #9


    Hi David

    Visiting [url=http://www.pipam.com:63a60]www.pipam.com[/url:63a60] is excellent advice. You'll find a lot of information if you understand Italian but posting requests in English is not a problem. Many of us Italian speak English. You d0n't really need a guide but fishing going fishing with a Local FF is a great idea at least at the beginning. Anyway you say you are based in Rome. There is an excellent Fly Fishing Club in Rome called Danika (http://www.danikaflyclub.com/) and there are a number of great rivers near Rome or within easy driving distance. You may want to try the Volturno, the Sangro in Abbruzzi, the Nera in Umbria and the Tiber in Tuscany (Sansepolcro - Arezzo). The Tiber is a Tail Water with great fishing for very selective and Large Browns and Grayling. As far as licences are concerned - in order to fish in Italy you require a National Licence which in Tuscany is very easy to get. Just go to a post office and pay ?36 for a whole year. In the water I mention above you will need a daily Licence whch costs between ?10 and ?15. Let me know if you require further help - my email address is moreno@alpiapuane.com. I often write on the Pipam Forum and also on the [url=http://www.unpem.net:63a60]www.unpem.net[/url:63a60] forum.

    Best regards

    Moreno [url=http://www.alpiweb.it/aw/flyfriends/:63a60]http://www.alpiweb.it/aw/flyfriends/[/url:63a60]

    [This message has been edited by Goldbead (edited 13 January 2006).]

    [This message has been edited by Goldbead (edited 13 January 2006).]
    Moreno Borriero

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    London, England



    Early May could be a little tricky as my second son should be popping into the world on the 8th May, and I will be sticking near to home around this date.

    So far as fishing chalkstreams is concerned the only cost you will need to worry about is the cost of the National Fishing Licence, which are not too dear. [url=http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/fish/399730/?lang=_e:622f7]http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/fish/399730/?lang=_e[/url:622f7]

    The rivers are closed for grayling fishing from mid-March and tend not to open again for trout fishing until early to mid April, depending on the local by-laws and when the fishery in question decides to open the river. Life stops for a few weeks around this time, athough there is always chance of a bass from the beach.

    I should have dates in the next week or so. Contact me on jamiercgriff@hotmail.com to firm things up and we can get something organised.

    all the best,

    Member [url=http://www.ukbass.com:622f7]http://www.ukbass.com[/url:622f7] [url=http://jamiercgriff.blogspot.com/:622f7]http://jamiercgriff.blogspot.com/[/url:622f7]

    [This message has been edited by JME (edited 13 January 2006).]

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