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Thread: Scents

  1. #41


    When someone says to me, "I fly fish" I do think Fly rod, reel, line, leader, tippet, and fly.
    Simplicity. This is the way it has been for years and years. FLY? a hook and hair, feather, synthetics, even maybe a bead. All lashed together with thread or wire. That is the way I learned it and I am sure my Grandfather.

    It is not uncommon for people to change something to suit their needs. Just like the writing on a coin, or the flags in the class rooms, or even the holiday celebrated on Dec. 25th. All age old traditions, that are going by the way side, because some want to change them to suit them

    I guess you can put stink on a fly if you feel you need to, do whatever you want, but I just can't figure out why one would be so determind to call themselves a fly fisher?

    Why is it sooooo hard to accept FLY FISHING = Rod, Reel, Line designed to project a fly without aid of weight, (I am not going to even mention leader and tippet cause that is needed on spin and bait fishing also) and a ARTIFICIAL hook, thread, fur, hair, feather......etc. TRADITION

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Columbus, Ohio


    I guess where I lose the argument you're trying to make is the fact that you call it tradition regardless of using the most modern rods and lines and hooks, but even this I guess I can still manage to see where you might say its still the same thing. But if you're allowing synthetic materials into your flies, where did this become part of the tradition you're trying to claim defines flyfishing. If you were saying we should all use rods made of natural materials and silk lines and flies with only natural materials I'd understand the tradition argument, but I feel like its lost once you allow all the other modern stuff in, especially synthetic materials in flies. That to me defeats the tradition claim.

    And the same could be asked, why are you so determined in these people not calling themselves fly fishers? Who cares what they call themselves, I don't see why adding scent suddenly makes them no longer a fly fisherman. So it depends on what the fly on the end of you're tippet smells or tastes like that determines what you are allowed to call yourself? What then would you label them since they don't fit under you're label of flyfisher, do they become a bait fisherman now because they added one more component to make their fly attractive to fish?

    Again, no offense meant by any of this, just trying to understand the other side of the argument.

    ETA: I just noticed the emphasis on artificial and don't quite follow that either, so if the added scent is artificial (synthetic) and not based on natural ingredients it would be more proper?
    Last edited by joe cool; 10-23-2009 at 08:33 PM.

  3. #43


    With the current infection of some birds, feathers getting a little tougher to come by so SYNTHETICS did step in. To IMITATE fur, feathers, and add a little bling, bling. Maybe not what Gramps used, but a modern day substitute.
    But still no ADDED scent. Didn't need it personally and I didn't need to catch a fish that badly that I need to give them real food.
    The world is evolving, and rods and lines are changing, so why not...go ahead, soak that fly in that garlic butter from last nights pizza.

    I will just remember, if I run into you on a river, that besides the usual, what fly, what size hook, and what color? I will also ask.."What flavor?" LOL

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Sioux City, IA


    Fly Goddess wrote:
    I will just remember, if I run into you on a river, that besides the usual, what fly, what size hook, and what color? I will also ask.."What flavor?" LOL
    Sorry, but since I'm the scoundrel who started this whole thread, I just gotta comment on that comment. I went into the Scheel's store yesterday and they DID have garlic flavor scent as well as minnow, nightcrawler & crayfish. I guess what kind you buy depends on if you want seafood, have a crav'n for Cajun, are hungry for Italian or would rather conquer your fear factor.

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