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Thread: Anyone deal with depression?

  1. #41


    I just edited my long message. I forgot to add that I also had throat surgery to remove excess meat....elongated palate....to help remove any obstructive apnea issues.

    I am doing much better. Can even breathe better at this elevation now.

    At first I could not get any ENT to do the surgery because my AHI (apnea hypopnea index) was so high....52 and was part central (brain forgets to breathe) and part obstructive.

    Doing worse every year so got retested. New reading came out 33. Still too high for most ENT's to operate on. But I noticed the charts showed NO central....just all obstructive, so I kept going to ENT's till I found one that would operate.

    I am doing much better now.

    Just fyi

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    savannah, georgia


    i'm not a doctor, either. but i am the founder of the adaptive fly fishing institute, which trains and certifies ff instructors, guides, rec therapists, occ therapists, phys therapists, etc. to use fly fishing as therapy for psychiatric, behavioral, and medical conditions/disabilities. i struggle with a series of neurological and psychological disabilities related to sports and service-related injuries to my head (traum brain injuries). i have a group of physicians, nurses, therapists of various types, and several disabled people with a wide array of physical and mental disabilities who advise me in a formal capacity with affi...plus my own professional care-givers. so this is the background from which i am speaking to you.

    for the past several years, i have been working with a LOT of disabled vets and wounded soldiers, but also some behavioral health patients from various hospitals. nearly every one of them had a diagnosis of depression. it sort of goes with the territory with traumatic injuries, loss of careers, combat trauma, crippling disabilities, etc.

    it does sound to me like you're experiencing some depression. glad you are seeking qualified medical help. that would be my most emphatic advice. other than that, i'm going to say 2 things that i am 99% sure your doctor will back me up on:

    1. cognitive behavior therapy: when you don't "feel like" doing, do anyway...the feelings will change in response to actions. seems counter-intuitive, but it works! and exercise releases chemicals throughout your body that combat depression. so get active whether you feel like it or not. soon, you'll feel like it. you'll feel so much better you'll get "hooked."

    2. "when the going gets tough, the tough go fishing." fly fishing is fabulous emotional/psych therapy! alone or with others, it's good for what ails you. combine with #1 and get out there as often as you can. try to stretch your experiences/skills just a tad - learn something new! we all feel better when we master a new skill or learn new information. it doesn't have to be a big deal, either. even a new fly pattern or type of patterns, a new stream or lake, a new cast or mend, etc.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Arlington, VA/Mercersburg, PA
    Blog Entries


    I'm starting to think many of us take up fly fishing for the 'isolation factor'. Basically to be alone.
    I know people bug the crap out of at times. And I know I need to be away from them. But, with this said I enjoy fishing with a couple of buddies the best though. But I also just like the time alone too.BigBadWulff
    the real joy of finding the right fishing buddies is that you know how close to be and how far away to go for how long. fishing friendships really are the best! in bad times they can be very important.
    fly fishing and baseball share a totally deceptive simplicity; that's why they can both be lifelong pursuits.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN

    Thumbs up

    When you walk through a storm
    Keep your chin up high
    And don't be afraid of the dark.
    They say that the difference between a comedy and a tragedy is the thickness of the blade of a sword.

    Depression can come about by various things happening...

    It can happen because of a loss. Someone you love, loss a job that you need to support your family, loss of a your home because of losing your job and not being able to find new employment. Loss of your health, loss of your own self-worth, loss of friendships that seemed to have dried up and gone away.

    Depression can come about by, being abused and degrade by others, teased, people trying to hurt you and make you feel alone and worthless.

    I was born in 1949, I was 3 years old when I was diagnosed with suffering from Rickets (bone deformity due to lack of Vitamin D for absorption of Calcium) I had to have special shoes with wedges so I would not walk pigeon toed, and I had to wear braces on my lower legs (shades of Forest Gump). I was 5 years old when I was diagnosed with a severe speech impediment, and the family doctor had to snip at the muscle beneath my tongue to loosen my tongue, nine years of speech therapy at school (and 6 weeks of summer school). Boys would get in line to try and beat me up before school, or outside during recess. Not too many friends when your the goat. Any friend I ever had, I lost when my family would move every 3 or 4 years when my father was transfered to a new Army Base. Then it would be another group of bullies.

    My summers were lonely, for the school bullies would continue the torment me. My only sanctuary was my families home and the public library. But I had to be careful not to be seen, when traveling between home and the library. My school grades were not that great, and I found it hard to read even though I tried very hard. I was not good at math either. This torment continued all through High School. It was in my 1st year of High School, that a teacher recommended I be evaluated for dyslexia. Found out that I had severe dyslexia with both letters and with numbers.

    I remember crying when I could not understand the homework, specialy math and science homework. Many of the teachers did not have time for students having problems, seem that they thought we were the problem not the homework.

    When I joined the U.S. Army (family business, I am the 5th generation of my family to serve a career in the Army). I blossomed, other than my Drill Sergeant in Basic, there were people to help me, and care about me, and respected me for my efforts to get better.

    I became an Artillery Surveyor, Construction Surveyor, Draftman, Mapmaker, Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Warfare Specialist, Pipeline Design Specialist, Tactial Operation Center NCOIC, Junior and later Senior Instructor of MOS Training (Military Occupational Skills), and an Evaluator with the 85th Training Division of the U.S. Army for evaluating Commisoned Officers, and Non-Commisoned Officers, while in the field with their troops, practicing the U.S Militaries "Combine Arms (Land, Air, & Sea) Doctrine.

    I suffered through combat, and loss of troops under my command and who lives I was held responsible for. I have had high points, in my life, but I have a lot more low points, than high. People who betray my trust, I never give them a 2nd chance to hurt me again.

    I am 60 now, my health has deterroated, I have had eye surgury on both eyes for cataracts, lost my left kidney last year, 30 years ago I was diagnose with Ankliosis spondalitis, during that time span, I have gone for being 6 foot to 5 foot - 7 inches in height, recently my feet and ankles have swollen and I have trouble finding shoes that fit and give my feet good support (because of the rickets in my early life my left foot is a size 11?, my right foot is a size 10). My hip, knee, and ankle joints start to burn, when I try to mow the lawn (I can only do 600 feet at a time, and then I have to set down and rest for about 5 minutes). I have to have a Handicap Sign for my rearview mirror on the car. I am restricted on when and where I can go fishing, no more spending a whole day walking up and down a stream, wading in moving water. Now it is finding a place on a small lake, where I can launch my WaterSkeeter Poontube and gentle kick the fins on my feet to fish for bass and panfish. Just as long as it is not too far from my car to the shore.

    I feel as if I do not have a purpose in life anymore. Somewhat how a Professional Athelete feels after leaving sports. I once was somebody important, someone who was given responsiblities, someone who was loyal, someone who took care of those who work under my control. Now I am nothing but a crippled old may who gave 27 years of service to his country, and nobody cares.

    But no matter my low times, I know to call on him who we all will have to answer to during the final judgement. I ask to have this burden I carry to be eased, so that I can smile, and sing, and have a song in my heart... during the dark times....I always remember this song that has helped me when it was dark, and I thought that I would never see the light again.

    When you walk through a storm
    Hold your head up high
    And don't be afraid of the dark.
    At the end of the storm
    Is a golden sky
    And the sweet, silver song of a lark.

    Walk on through the wind,
    Walk on through the rain,
    Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
    Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,
    And you'll never walk alone,
    You'll never walk alone.
    I also remember the psalm I would sing when I would talk with God, when times were difficult...

    Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, my God,
    and renew a right spirit within me.

    Cast me not away from Thy presence, O Lord;
    Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.

    Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, O Lord,
    and renew a right spirit within me.

    Everyone you meet in life give you happiness, some by their arrival, others by their departure!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Northfield, Vermont


    Get the help you need and the heck with what anyone says. Mine got so bad that I started "LASHING" out over stupid unimportant things. Part of mine was attributed to the military but with meds it can get better but you still have to watch yourself on them.

    Take care and get better!!! that's the important thing.


  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Manchester TN


    I know this sounds odd, but separation anxiety could be a possiblity also. Almost like grieving, except without the perminate loss. I hope you feel better soon.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio


    I have been kicked off the ladder of success so many times that at times I just flip off the ladder when it teases me to start the climb once again. But climb I must at every opportunity, because I know not what God has in store for me, or whose life I am meant to touch. I can say with confidence that I have never had a life experience where I could not find the hand of God in it somehow. Sometimes I was put in a situation to teach someone, and sometimes I was there as the student. But at the end of the day, I could look back and say that the experience made me stronger, or my presence made someone else stronger or provided comfort for them. I have been where many of you have been, and I can say that having a confidant to talk with is very helpful, and even better if that person is a fly fisher. I tried meds when I got depressed, but they made me worse, and I toughed it out with the help of some nutritional supplements, my friend and my fishing. Fortunately, I have some good friends who went through similar experiences, and together we helped to heal each other. For me, getting closer to God's Word and trying to determine what His plan for me is, has been very comforting and given me purpose when I feel like a failure.

    I believe there is no more depressing feeling than for a man to not be able to provide for his family, and the garbage going on in Washington is preventing recovery rather than helping it. All of this divisiveness causes confusion, and people continue to lose their jobs and become unable to care for their families. They then become dependent on the government which is right where they want them. No apology for that rant, because it is the truth.

    I accept where I am at today, which interestingly is right where I was in September 1987 when I got my big break and started working my way from the face of bankruptcy to ultimately having a salary exceeding $100k annually with global responsibilities. Interestingly, I lost the last job September 20, 2001. Seems like September can be a blessing and a curse for me.

    Today I own a small business which makes enough to keep our heads above water and to live modestly, but now my bride is losing her job in two weeks so we're losing $1,200 monthly. But we are people of faith, and believe that when one door closes, that the Lord opens another. It may not be the one we want, but He will always provide for us one way or the other.

    I seem to be rambling, but it often feels good to get out these feelings, and there really is comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Actually, the fraternity is much larger than we would prefer.

    Peace, brothers.
    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  8. #48


    I thank you Joe, Steve, and all the others. My son has Lyme's disease. He lives alone in northern CA. Has done research and learned to what length's his health insurance will go to NOT diagnose and therefore not have to treat Lyme's disease.....and it depresses him....besides having to deal with the disease itself. He wakes many times during the night, numb limbs, sweats, got to where he was afraid to go to sleep because he was afraid he would not wake up. He finally proved to his insurance he has the disease. He now has to give himself IV antibiotics daily and is off work on disability. (one day at work his boss called 911...paramedics did not know what to do about his symptons, called another ambulance and they took him to hospital!) Cost hiim $40 to get back home via taxi.

    Now he has read it needs to be treated right away, which it wasn't, can cause brain damage, can become a lifetime chronic disease....and needs 30-60-90 days of IV antibiotics. Now they will only give him 21 days and so he is worried about the disease being completely killed off. If he loses brain capacity he loses his job and then has no income and no health insurance. This is not what he got kicked out of two highs schools for, finally completed high school at age 22, got an associates degree at a community college, then a double major at a University. Worked for that university 3 years and was promoted to Northern CA. Now he fears all is for naught.

    I apologize for the long msg. Trying to explain his plight. (I am going up to be with him as soon as I can afford it).....

    My point is I THANK ALL you gentleman for baring your souls and sharing your problems. The words are SOOOO encouraging.....I copy them and email them to my son. I think what you guys have said here helps him and me both a tremendous bunch.

    I just want to say thank you for providing such great words and how you managed to get on with the world.

    Just thanks thanks thanks.....All of you.....Really appreciate the ability to copy such great words and forward them on. May God give you all a great ride through life.

    Seriously Sincerely

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN

    Default My cure for when depressions hits.

    My cure when depression hits, is to talk with a friend, not about my depression but whatever he willing to listen to. Having a friend who listens to you, how your day went, what is going on in your life, your hopes and dreams, your fears. They just listen, and acknowledge you, and just by listening they have shared your problem, and you feel better for saying it out loud, instead of keeping it all locked up inside.

    That is what these bulletin boards so wonderful, people from across the country, and around the world joining hands. They listen, they encourage you, and they give you companionship, so you do not feel alone.

    There are enough rotten people in our lives, that try to rain on our parades, and make other feel inadequate. They do this because of their own inadequatecies, and by putting others down, is the only way they know of elevating themselves up as being better than you!

    I want to say thank you to all who have contributed to this very troubling topic, that many do not even want to discuss. By sharing things in our lives, we build a bond, that over time we become a band of brothers and sisters, willing to share our hopes, and dreams, as well as a downfalls, and faliures!

    Paul Simon's lyrics for "Old Friends".....

    Old friends, old friends,
    Sat on their parkbench like bookends
    A newspaper blown through the grass
    Falls on the round toes
    of the high shoes of the old friends

    Old friends, winter companions, the old men
    Lost in their overcoats, waiting for the sun
    The sounds of the city sifting through trees
    Settles like dust on the shoulders of the old friends.

    Can you imagine us years from today,
    Sharing a parkbench quietly
    How terribly strange to be seventy

    Old friends, memory brushes the same years,
    Silently sharing the same fears

    Time it was and what a time it was,
    A time of innocence,
    A time of confidences,
    Long ago it must be,
    I have a photograph,
    Preserve your memories,
    Ther all thats left you...


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