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Thread: What's yr round Phillipsburg, Mt like?

  1. #11


    Yep, Phoenix in the summer. Tucson's about 10 degrees cooler, but once it's over 100, "It's Hot!" I worked as an iron worker putting up high steel one summer in Phoenix during school. That was an experience, especially on my last day we were standing columns between Wickenburg & Sun City West and it was over 120.

    Back to the subject. Hope your friend has a good interview. We moved to small town Montana with some trepidation. I am a native Tucsonan and we've been here for 9 years. Our kids don't know any better. I look at it this way, I traded year-'round golf for year-'round flyfishing. In our local drainage we have fishing open year round, some rivers and sreams are not open all year.

    The only negative is that wages are quite a bit lower than in the sunbelt. Quite a few people have more than one job to make ends meet. If you offset that with the miles you have to drive to find a mall, you may not spend as much money. Takes a little discipline, which I have failed instilling in my wife and apparantly my 15 year old daughter.
    Last edited by rickie; 08-30-2009 at 02:29 PM.

  2. #12



    Thanks for the information. Come to find out she spent the last two winters in Montana and loved it. Said she cannot wait to get back. Her comment was she figures the snow will fly before Halloween and she doesn't want to miss it.

    I have copied and pasted all the info in this thread to her. So the information is great and usefull to her.

    I will copy your last post about the wages and such. She is currently a traveling nurse under contract....and as such is always living around 4 months somewhere. Therefore she cannot really establish a residence. She is always living temporary. Her specialty is ER Trauma room care and treatment.

    She might be surprised at the lower wages but it sounds like she has found a perfect spot for her. I hope he interview goes well also. She likes to go places and sleep out under the stars....even alone she does that. She is a beginning flyfisher. Loves to fish.

    Thanks again for the info.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Pullman, WA


    Yikes. Pass the bottle! (just for insurance, of course)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    Something she should think about, not because it's MT but it holds true with small towns everywhere, if she become unhappy at work finding another job will be more likely to require a move.

    There are X number of jobs per capita no matter where you are, the smaller the population the few the number.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    ok here's the question i'm dying to ask--what kind of a job did she get in phillipsburg??? cool little town, but i didn't see much in the way of business or industry when i was there. inquiring minds want to know?

  6. #16


    Mr. Micus,

    She doesn't have the job yet. She flew up there yesterday to interview for it. She just asked me my opinion if she should go for that job and I said yes. Go for it. Then tried to find out what the area is like.

    She may not even get the job....but she mentioned some of the advantages it would have for her. Permanence for one...and I think benefits. Currently she travels from job to job under contract...for like four month contracts. I am not sure who she works for now. All I know is what she stated is her field she works in.

    She is a nurse and said her specialty is Emergency Room Trauma care. She kind of liked it here...but didn't know if they were going to offer her an extension. Her current time here runs out like three weeks into Sept. Sooooo....if she gets the job....the timing will certainly be just right for her.

    AND...."I" will have a fly fishing friend there!

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