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Thread: Leader to line connection?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Baltimore, Maryland. U.S.A.!

    Default Leader to line connection?

    I usually use a nail knot for this connection, but I'm wondering how many of you, if any, use some type of cement (Pliobond,etc..) on top of the nail knot? This question is basically for smaller 3 & 4 Wt. stuff, but share your opinions on all sizes if you care to. Ok, one last thing, I also use the perfection loop-to-perfection loop connection for my butt section to new leader junction, is this still common practice??

  2. #2



    I splice/feed the end tip of the leader directly into the core of the fly line and lock it in with Krazy Glue.


  3. #3


    nothing like the Castwell knot!!!
    i've landed 30"+ pike with that setup and
    it never came loose.
    all my flyrods are set up with that set-up now!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nesconset, New York


    I use the looped leader to a castwell knot also! I've had the same knot holding everything together for almost a season and a half! And I'll tell you it still holds just as strong as it did when I first tied it on. Oh one more thing, I used the same knot to tow my car one day with some nice thick nylon rope, and it held just as well in its larger form! I hope this give you an idea how well this knot works!

    [This message has been edited by Tim S (edited 12 December 2005).]

    [This message has been edited by Tim S (edited 12 December 2005).]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hey Folks,

    Being pretty much self taught and living
    here in the south, we just kind of took
    things as they come. It's been within the
    last decade that I learned that auto reels
    were not the way to go and that the little
    metal eyes that you can insert in the end
    of a flyline were not the best choice.

    When I was looking for a knot to replace
    the eyes, I looked at the nail knot as well
    as the "nailess" knot. I chose the latter
    due to the simplicity of the knot. I've
    used it a number of years in my warmwater
    environment to attach leaders as well as
    backing to my flylines. I have yet to
    experience a failure. Anyone else use the
    "nailess" knot? Am I giving away anything
    using the nailess over the nail knot? I
    have noted that the knot though small, will
    sometimes catch on the smaller snake guides
    even though I clip the tag ends right
    against the knot. I'll try a drop of glue
    on them and see how that works for me.
    Warm regards, Jim

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Deep Southern Illinois


    My son and I both use weight forward lines with a factory tapered leader of about 8-1/2 to 9 feet or knotted leaders I have tied myself. We use cast connectors from Bass Pro to connect our lines to leader and we've never had one to fail.

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