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Thread: East Fork of the Bitterroot - Montana

  1. #1

    Smile East Fork of the Bitterroot - Montana

    Have been hearing good things about the salmonfly and golden stone hatches on the Forks of the Bitterroot. Access is better on the West Fork, from what I have seen and heard. And there are likely more folks on it for that reason. Not such easy access on the East Fork, but more my kind of water.

    Got to the stretch of the East Fork I had in mind about 1:00. Very pleasant day. Partly cloudy, very little breeze, and temps in the upper 60's when I got there. Scouted for a while and then picked a place to start.

    By the time I got to the water, it was about 1:30. Decided to start with JC's Salmonfly. First cast, saw a fish come to the fly, hit it, and take off. Second cast, saw a fish come to the fly, hit it, and eat it. A 7" cutthroat. Nice way to start my first day on a new piece of water. After that, it had nothing to do but slow down, which it did.

    Stayed on the same stretch of water today, fishing likely spots. Second place I fished, got a couple good splashes, but no hook ups. Picked up a couple more cutthroat in another spot, small ones like the first fish. Fished several spots with no action.

    Decided to cross the river at a bridge and fish the opposite side, which came at me in a big sweeping bend from my right around to the left. Lots of good looking water. Changed from the salmonfly to LF's Golden Stone. First place I tried - bingo. Another cutt. Then another one is short order. Moved on upstream and had a few hits that didn't hook up, several good looks ( aka refusals ), but no more fish eating the fly.

    About that time, I noticed a couple fellows coming on downstream. Talked to them for a few minutes - long enough to get the scoop that it was great dry fly fishing yesterday. They were not doing well at all today. From that point on it was a matter of fishing water these local fellows had already fished. Not a good scene, but the water was warming up some and there were a few PMDs around. No fish up, but at least I was getting some action so I decided to just keep on moving upstream.

    By this time I had had quite a bit of action ( takes, hits and refusals ) on both flies. Went back to the salmonfly. Picked up another couple cutts and saw several more fish refuse the fly. The action wasn't fast and furious, for sure, but it was steady enough to keep it interesting.

    Came to a spot where there was a deep slot just a few feet off the bank. After several casts and good drifts, finally saw a fish coming to the fly. A beautiful 12" cutthroat finally got to it and ate it. Biggest fish of the day to that point.

    Got a couple more good drifts over the same slot when another good sized fish started up from the bottom. Saw him all the way to the fly. A gorgeous 14" rainbow.

    That was the end of the action. Not a bad way to wrap it up. I did fish a couple more places on my way to the easy route back to the truck, but I was so pleased with how my three hours had gone that it didn't really matter if I saw another fish. Got a few neat pics - wish I could show them now, but it will have to wait. Will add a slideshow to this thread when I get home.

    The fish are always right.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA


    John, That sounds interesting. I'm glad you are getting to know your new surroundings. Can't wait to see the slide show. Jim
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Hi John,

    It seems it didn't take you too long to find some new water to explore. Nice to hear that your new salmon and golden stonefly patterns are working well for you. Looking forward to seeing the photos of your new digs.

    - Jeff

  4. #4

    Default East Fork of the Bitterroot Slideshow

    Click on the picture to see the slideshow.
    The fish are always right.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Gulf Breeze, FL


    Man that is a pretty bow, good job and nice pics!

  6. #6

    Cool Can you believe...

    Been there, done that? Remember you have access to all waters in Montana (sometimes a little skinny slot by a bridge) but if you can get there you can fish it. I hope to be in the neighborhood myself. Need to "go home."
    Nicely done John.

  7. Default slide sow

    I fished this river last year and really enjoyed it, but I forget which fork it was except it was very near ID. Great photos by the way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    clinton mississippi


    your killing me john! and i was thinking you might be sad leaving the other pretty places behind........good lord it just gets better and better. im happy for you and your wife.
    "some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God." Tony Blake

  9. #9

    Default Bitteroots

    I've fished there somewhere years and years ago John, your show makes me want to go back. Glad to see you out and about.



  10. #10

    Thumbs up Great looking water...

    John, thank you for the pics and the report, wow, very nice fish...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

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