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Thread: double haul

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region


    Quote Originally Posted by J Castwell View Post
    Steve, you can't roll-cast the whole line (dump) if you don't double-haul.
    Good god Jim, one thing at a time! lol and your right I can not dump the whole line YET!

    and guys come on, how bout a little help here.. did you not read my un
    I can double haul with my eyes closed ( no biggie, I know but it sound good )
    but darn if I can seem to haul while roll casting..

    How much you want to bet I will got out this evening and do it right off the bat! Murphy's law!
    Last edited by Steve Molcsan; 04-14-2009 at 11:35 PM.
    Relaxed and now a Full Time Trout Bum, Est. 2024

  2. #22


    [QUOTE=Steve Molcsan;291956]Tigfly,

    We would like a full report on your progress..

    Thanks to Steve and everybody else that has offered tips! My progress so far with two practice sessions are as follows.

    #1 I took the advice of using my 8wt for practice and it does give me a little extra time to analyze my casts.

    #2 I have Joan Wulffs casting video so I watched it again for the timing

    #3 Measured off distances and tried casting

    #4 immediately noticed as Steve said that my backcast wasn't in a straight line from the pickup point. It was a fairly large loop that would hook down as I started my forward cast, many times before it had straightened all the way out.

    #5 worked out the haul like Steve said and was sort of mentioned in the casting video. I was hauling a little too soon before the power snap (or stop)
    Once I got this worked out the line was turning over very nicely and flying out to about 70 ft with little effort. I for once had the discipline to keep working at that distance and a little shorter to get the timing down better and hauling at the power snap. That pretty eliminated the tailing loop!

    #6 Also realized that I was forcing the rod and reaching pretty far forward on the release, so I shortened the forward cast and stopped the rod at around 45 degrees above horizontal. Wow, what a difference that made in shooting line! The loop tightened up a lot and no tailing loop!

    I think I will keep practicing at 70 ft or shorter until I get the timing to be automatic. I still struggle with a proper pickup into the backcast. I now realize how important a good backcast is. It's a lot like the golf swing where the takeaway is the most important part of the swing.

    Sorry for being long winded and thanks again to everyone!

    Also caught a couple of steelhead this evening!!


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region


    Now thats what I,m talking about , most excellent!

    Celebrating Community - Just because,

    Of this:

    "Our National Anthem"

    I had to share this link!

    Hey JC,
    with my ipod and this link, I will be dumping that line out in no time
    Last edited by Steve Molcsan; 04-15-2009 at 03:04 AM.

  4. #24


    One of the hardest things for me to get used to when double hauling was moving my line hand backward (along with my rod hand) before beginning my downward haul.

    This prevented a tailing loop. I guess you can also just begin your downward, back cast haul slower.

    Also, when hauling I get in trouble when I don't finish my upward haul at the level of my rod hand, that way when I begin my cast there won't be slack line between my hands.

    As soon as a finish my downard haul I begin moving my line hand upward at the same speed of my fly line.

    If I shoot line I immediately slide my line hand up to my rod hand.


  5. #25
    Uncle Barry Guest


    Good morning Randy F
    A suggestion that could help you.

    Practice without....... without using a rod in your hand, just walk around the house and practice.

    But don't go outside or at work, because they all will think your stark raving mad and call the cops or a Doctor

    BUT...... it works,
    then come night time fishing, it will all fall into place a Double Haul, and will appear simple and then you will wonder what was all the fuss about Double Hauling.

    Kind regards,

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