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Thread: Not a Major Consumer?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA

    Red face Not a Major Consumer?

    Hi Folks,

    Let me start off by saying that I am an enthusiastic fly fisherman who fishes at least three times a week during the season (often much more and BTW the season is long here in SC). I bought a lot of new fly fishing equipment when I returned to the sport in 2001. I purchased "bang for the buck" equipment which included several complete Orvis Clearwater outfits and several Cabela's Clear Creek outfits which ranged from $140-$250. Given some old equipment I still had, including a couple of Medalist reels, I can select an ideal outfit for any type of fishing I chose from small-stream brook trout to medium saltwater fish like reds or bones. I've got a pair of neoprene waders and a very nice pair of breathables. Two pairs of wading boots (one felt and stud sole for streams and one plain rubber sole for lakes and ponds. I've got two vests fully stocked with nippers, forceps, fly boxes, etc., one for cold water and one for warm water both all set to go. There is also some stray stuff like a wading staff, rain jacket, stripping basket and a couple of hats.
    Sorry to make you read all that but I needed to set the stage before getting to my question. Even though I fish regularly, I buy almost no fly fishing equipment any more. Since I tie my own flies, I'm usually picking up a couple of leaders, a spool of tippet, or a tin of floatant. I had to replace a stream thermometer this spring and may replace a well worn fly line. Other than that, I'm not even tempted to spend money. I have no desire for Super Duper New Rod which will allow you to throw a fly line at the speed of light or a new wading staff with an automatic self-righting feature. I'm just not an equipment junkie and have all the stuff that I need. I will replace what is used up, wears out or breaks but that's about it. I bare no ill feelings toward equipment junkies or those who enjoy fishing with the very best equipment that they can afford. I also realize that the fly fishing industry is going to be in trouble if there are a lot of people around like me who aren't interested in their new and improved yearly offerings. What I was wondering was how many of our FAOL members are basically non-consumers of additional fly fishing equipment at this time by free choice? How many have all the stuff they need or want?
    Don't worry Denny, fly tying is another story altogether. 8T
    Last edited by Eight Thumbs; 04-12-2009 at 10:28 PM.

  2. #2



    Me too.

    I have all the rods and reels and the like I'll ever need.

    I buy tying supplies, and, like you, leaders/tippet/consumables, but that's it.

    The rod/durable fly equipment sellers can't make it on selling to the 'already fly fishing' folks....they have to grow the sport or they are doomed.

    Just a part of business, though. In tough times those who cant' compete, or make the wrong choices, will go away and the efficient and smart ones will prosper.

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  3. Default Me too

    I don' have the biggest or the best, but what I got & use suits me just fine! My rods range from 3wt to 7wt & I've got as many 'toys' as I need. My tying equipment & supplies are the same way. What I tie Works well enough even though it doesn't exactly match what you see in the magazines & on line
    A lotta that high speed high dollar stuff is designed to catch nimrod fishermen, not necessarily fish.
    F'ya wanna go fishin' , fine let's go! F'ya wanna impress someone with yer equipment & skill...one's obvious & the other soon will be. H-m-m-m? Seems like I read that some where on this board. Wink wink

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Cummington, MA


    I agree with and am pretty much like shortcaster. My three rods range from a new graphite 5wt, a very old fiberglass 6/7wt, and a new graphite 7wt. I use my old Pflueger Medalist reel for both the 5wt and 6/7wt depending on what flyline I am using. I still buy flytying material, hooks, and leader material in limited amounts as needed when I can sneak it by SWMBO/SCA . Jay (Trout 5 Jay 0)
    Last edited by jbrumberg; 04-12-2009 at 04:38 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    North Carolina



    My rods are all, mostly, blue-collar bamboo. I fish them all as they are all built for different waters or species of fish. I am constantly on the lookout for trade-ups or good buys, although there are a few rods I'll probably never sell.
    I have way too many reels and should probably divest myself of some of them.
    I do not tie flies so I'm always on the lookout for good buys on them. A few leaders and tippet material is pretty much the extent of my new purchases each year. Will buy new waders and boots when the others wear beyond repair.

    If I did fish plastic exclusively, I could be most happy with a few rods in the price range you suggest. I also have no problem with others buying and fishing the very best of rods and reels. I wish I could sometimes.....but not very often. I'm content with what I have. By the way, wish I could fish as often as you!

    When you can arrange your affairs to go fishing, forget all the signs, homilies, advice and folklore. JUST GO.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Western Portal Sequoia National Forest & the G.T.W., Kern River, CA.

    Wink Retired Retailers Essay...

    Shops and manufacturers need a constant flow of beginning anglers.

    The end.

    Best, Dave

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    Where I got hung up was with the word, afford. I mess that all up with the word, rationalization. I do that with most things I get. I rationalize how much I can afford for them. More or less, how much am I willing to shell out. Over time, values change and priorities evolve. These have a bearing on the final outcome. Sometimes things of high cost are acquired and other times those of lessor cost are purchased.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    VEE and I are waaaayyyyy past the concept of needing things, either for fishing (rods, reels, etc) and tying (hackle, dubbing, etc). For tying, the only things I need are those items I run out of like hooks and thread. Unfortunately we are in the stage of wanting things and there really is very little we want. When we hit a new fly shop (not a big box store) we try to find a few things to buy to help support the shop (tippet, mucellin, a few flies) but you can only carry so much tippet. It's getting hard to find stuff we just can't live without.

    Fortunately, we belong to a fly fishing club that has an influx of new members, some well heeled, some not, that we can point in the direction of our friends like Denny Conrad, Bill Taylor, John Channer, and suppliers of good equipment like the sponsors here.

    It's in our own best interest to get as many new people involed in the sport as we can to keep the shops open and costs down. With that though, goes the responsibility of teaching proper stream ettiquette and responsible use of a finite resource.
    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Eight Thumbs View Post
    Hi Folks,

    Let me start off by saying that I am an enthusiastic fly fisherman who fishes at least three times a week during the season (often much more and BTW the season is long here in SC). I bought a lot of new fly fishing equipment when I returned to the sport in 2001. I purchased "bang for the buck" equipment which included several complete Orvis Clearwater outfits and several Cabela's Clear Creek outfits which ranged from $140-$250. Given some old equipment I still had, including a couple of Medalist reels, I can select an ideal outfit for any type of fishing I chose from small-stream brook trout to medium saltwater fish like reds or bones. I've got a pair of neoprene waders and a very nice pair of breathables. Two pairs of wading boots (one felt and stud sole for streams and one plain rubber sole for lakes and ponds. I've got two vests fully stocked with nippers, forceps, fly boxes, etc., one for cold water and one for warm water both all set to go. There is also some stray stuff like a wading staff, rain jacket, stripping basket and a couple of hats.
    Sorry to make you read all that but I needed to set the stage before getting to my question. Even though I fish regularly, I buy almost no fly fishing equipment any more. Since I tie my own flies, I'm usually picking up a couple of leaders, a spool of tippet, or a tin of floatant. I had to replace a stream thermometer this spring and may replace a well worn fly line. Other than that, I'm not even tempted to spend money. I have no desire for Super Duper New Rod which will allow you to throw a fly line at the speed of light or a new wading staff with an automatic self-righting feature. I'm just not an equipment junkie and have all the stuff that I need. I will replace what is used up, wears out or breaks but that's about it. I bare no ill feelings toward equipment junkies or those who enjoy fishing with the very best equipment that they can afford. I also realize that the fly fishing industry is going to be in trouble if there are a lot of people around like me who aren't interested in their new and improved yearly offerings. What I was wondering was how many of our FAOL members are basically non-consumers of additional fly fishing equipment at this time by free choice? How many have all the stuff they need or want?
    Don't worry Denny, fly tying is another story altogether. 8T
    In some ways I wish I thought more like you. But honestly I love the equipment almost as much as the fishing itself.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    I enjoy fly fishing and have been doing it, almost exclusively, for 35+ years. I have waaay too many other interests/priorities to be obsessed with it or any of it's equipment. As to what I need, I have all and now buy only consumables mentioned before. Most of my friends wouldn't know from fly fishing. A thousand customers/consumers like me could not support a local fly shop and maybe smart marketers haven't opened one here for THAT reason. I'm probably more interested in WHERE I fish and fishing rather than in what I fish with. I've mentioned this in earlier posts, I'm not a fly fisherman, I fly fish.


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