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Thread: PETA: Know your enemy

  1. #21


    PETA takes the moral high ground. If there is no moral high ground they invent one then take it. Sorta like what we do around bait fishers. Once you get in a position of moral superiorty your views and oppinions become more valid than everyone else.

    Fear not. PETA has been picking on us farmers for years and they have gotten nowhere. FYI we in the USA raise, kill and consume 10 BILLION! chickens a year. FB.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Vermont for now


    Lion eats meat. Starve a lion for a week. Tell anyone from PETA to take a big salad and try to feed it to the lion inside his cage. Lion eats PETA PERSON. the end.

  3. #23


    I would like to give an example of the brilliance of PETA-think. About 45 miles from where I live in Oklahoma, there is a small community named Slaughterville. The town council received a letter last year asking them to change the name of the community to Veggieville. When the council members politely declined, they mentioned that the name of the community had nothing to do with slaughtering animals, but was named after the person who founded it. The executive from PETA replied that he knew that, after all he had grown up there. However, it was a name that had certain connotations, and if Slaughterville would agree to change its name to Veggieville, PETA would provide the local schools with thousands of dollars worth of vegetarian meals for the school cafeteria. I am not making this up, it was reported in several newspapers around the state. To their credit, the town council members, while remaining polite about, said "no thanks". If I were stupid enough to be a financial contributor to PETA, I would probably think that a good use of my donated funds.

    Larry Compton

  4. #24


    It is true: an org like PETA can only exist where there is an abundance of food to the extent that WHAT one eats becomes a moral quandry. It's actually pretty funny if you stop and think about it. Drive down a street in most of Africa and toss meat off the back of the truck and see how much of a moral dilemma those folks have. They're thinking, "Should I kill that guy and take his too?"


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Tucson, Arizona USA


    PETA are the real abusers !!! Nuff Said !!!!!

  6. #26


    Well, folks, on this subject, there's a t-shirt over at tshirthell.com that sums it up for me:
    PETA People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
    Nuff said. Little do these folks realize that their plastic shoes are made from petroleum products. I'd rather wear a pair of leather shoes on my feet made from a natural source than a plastic pair which while being manufactured, released enough pollutants to kill one of the fish they're trying to protect.Better to take your head out of the sand lest you suffocate,PETA.

    Tight Lines & Big Smiles
    Take A Kid Fishing!!!
    Take a Kid Fishing. HECK, take ME Fishing(and my kids,LOL)

  7. #27


    Just last week the FBI released a report saying that PETA is the largest terrorist group in America. I applaud their lack of political correctness!! PETA is like many people today who really don't care about a cause, they just want to force people to do what they wish them to by using our legal and political system against us.
    My hope is that they are treated as all terrorists and traitors should be! I hope daily for their demise.
    And by the way,"MERRY CHRISTMAS" to all except the spineless wonders who are worried about offending someone. To those people, please get out of my America where we trust in God and not what feels good!


    all types of fishermen must pull together for the good of all!!!

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