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Thread: Most Difficult Procedure?

  1. #11


    Lotech maybe this will help...
    Type this in Google search,
    "YouTube - Tying the Royal Coachman"
    or "youtube tying up right wings"
    Watching someone else tye stuff helps me...
    Last edited by Grubb; 02-14-2009 at 01:33 PM.

  2. #12


    For me, the hardest thing is going to the flyshop to get 2 things and NOT comming home with 20 things. That's the hard part for me.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Havana, Fl


    Among others, tying tinsel without it being bunched at the hook bend and not laying flat.

  4. #14


    This is a great post Lotech,

    I love tying so much, as much as fishing. I have had the opportunity to have a great mentor from this site and he has taught me well. My absolute greatest drawback is, I am not creative. There are many techniques I don't know but can usually follow by way of a step-by-step. Being creative can't be taught and I have none nor ever will. So I am a fraud, an infringer on other's copyright, a plagerizer (no I don't take credit for anything and always give credit where it is due). I don't think I left anything out.

  5. #15


    Tying dry flies......all of them. Maybe b/c I mainly fish nymphs or I just don't like spending 80 bucks on feathers but it seems whenever I actually try to tie one it just looks horrible.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Quote Originally Posted by rookie View Post
    This is a great post Lotech,

    I love tying so much, as much as fishing. I have had the opportunity to have a great mentor from this site and he has taught me well. My absolute greatest drawback is, I am not creative. There are many techniques I don't know but can usually follow by way of a step-by-step. Being creative can't be taught and I have none nor ever will. So I am a fraud, an infringer on other's copyright, a plagerizer (no I don't take credit for anything and always give credit where it is due). I don't think I left anything out.
    I once tied and Elk Hair Caddis using caribou hair instead of elk hair. I emailed Al Campbell and asked him if that was an alright thing to do. He told me that's one of the great things about tying flies. You can substitute wherever you want. The fish, for the most part, don't care. Caribou hair floats like cottonwood fluff, but it's very fragile. In that the trailing shuck on an X-Caddis is also fragile and usually gets pretty torn up, I figure that's as good a place as any to use the caribou hair. That fly is only going to last so long anyway.
    Experiment & have fun.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    Mine is trying to fold feathers for hackle and spinning deer hair.

    8 wt
    fold the tinsel over the thread and tie it down once on the hook. the go back a little and tie down well and trimthe bump where it folded over the thread.
    Hope this makes sense.


  8. #18
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    Default getting over the hard parts

    has become easier now that i do all the hard parts for a dozen flies at once. "make a meal of it" as Nana used to say.

    thus, when doing quill wings which give me fits, i tie all the flies up to that point, and then do a whole batch of wings. the first three are so-so, and then i'm up to speed and the rest look better.
    fly fishing and baseball share a totally deceptive simplicity; that's why they can both be lifelong pursuits.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakerloo View Post
    For me, the hardest thing is going to the flyshop to get 2 things and NOT comming home with 20 things. That's the hard part for me.
    Come on now, you are among friends... It isn't really the fact you come home with 20 items instead of 2 it is the fact you forgot the 2 items you set out for... And still bought 20 items! I think I know about that one...

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Upstate, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by hap View Post
    Come on now, you are among friends... It isn't really the fact you come home with 20 items instead of 2 it is the fact you forgot the 2 items you set out for... And still bought 20 items! I think I know about that one...
    I do that with EVERYTHING not just tying materials. I've resorted to making lists and sometimes this doesn't even work. You have to remember to bring the list or it doesn't work too well.

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