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Thread: Besides sox & underwear...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    I got 2 different fishermen nutcrackers, a remote start device for the Jeep, a "Grandpa" T-shirt, Trace Adkins CD, & (jointly) Colleen & I got a framed picture of 4 of the Grandchildren & a calendar with the other 3 gracing all it's months. Doggone it, EVERY time I open a picture or calendar gift of those munchkins somethin' seems to get in my eyes.

    Best gift was spending time with Kids & Grandkids. Little 15 month old Mike's favorite thing is to have Gramps lay on the floor while he sits & bounces on my head...thank God Mommy changed him first!

    Tim.....You're gonna (I know it's already started!) have a ball playin' with your GPS! I know Susan had fun just shopping for it!

    Everybody..Enjoy your new toys!...Even Betty with her socks & underwear.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  2. #22

    Wink No sox & underwear ....

    BUT I did get a custom made fly rod grip from a friend in PA. Thanks, Ed.

    Now I have to get serious about how to build a new rod that I have in mind.

    The fish are always right.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Millersburg, MI, USA


    Sagefisher Larry,

    Bless you ten-thousand times! The recipe for Hummingbird cake looks better than scrumptious!

    I'm only a little embarassed that it was right here in the archives.

    Not terribly disappointed there'll be no feathers involved. Hummer feathers? I don't tie #24s anymore.

    Thanks very, very much.

    Name notes where I fish and for what I fish.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry Stratton View Post
    Ok Joe don't give me to hard of a time.

    I got a bread making machine. I made some french bread with it last night. Not to bad for my first attempt. At least it all got ate up along with the rib roast. Nothing beats fresh, warm bread with butter and homemade strawberry freezer jam. I will make some standard white tonight.

    I also got one of those stove top popcorn poppers so I can try my hand at coffee roasting.
    No hard time from me. If you like a bread machine then that's great. I do so many different types of bread that the machine cannot meet my needs, especially when I'm making 4 loaves at a time. Most of my bread is either no-knead or free form loaves like Italian or Challah breasds, and you can't do those in a bread machine. For working couple they are great because you can set it in the morning and have fresh bread when you get home from work.

    Best of luck with the new machine.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Western Washington
    Blog Entries

    Smile Hummingbird Cake



    The recipe wasn't in the system until you asked for it. I posted it on a seperate thread to make it easier to find.

    Enjoy the cake, we sure do.

    Larry ---sagefisher---
    Organizations and clubs I belong to:

    Fly Fishers International Life Member
    FFI 1000 Stewards member
    FFI Presidents Club
    FFI Fly Tying Group Life Member

    Washington State Council FFI
    V.P. Membership

    Alpine Fly Fishers Club
    President & Newsletter Editor--The Dead Drift

    North Idaho Fly Casters club

  6. #26


    I get to have all my kids at home!
    Exploring the waters of western Montana...

  7. Default great Christmas!!!

    I got to spend Christmas with the best woman a guy could ask for at the White River! She's put up with my shenaginans for over a quarter of a century. We caught fish, went shopping & had a GREAT time!! Notai illigitmi corborundum.

  8. #28

    Thumbs down Good news...Bad News...

    Good News... A couple o' $50 Gift Cards to Orvis

    Bad News... A couple o' $50 Gift Cards to Orvis don't go near as far as I need them to!

    Sooo much for that new Helios I had my eye on.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Knoxville, TN


    Pretty much all fishing related.

    Columbia wading jacket
    5 hundred billion candlepower flashlight for the boat (not really, but it's what I'd term a "bambi-shiner")
    Griffin Supreme bobbin
    Rite bobbin
    Rotary fly/rod dryer
    Fishpond nippers (I'd never buy them for myself, but they're sweet!)
    A couple spools of Frog Hair tippet

    But the best gift was what SWMBO got me - a Dyna King Barracuda Indexer.

    I spent part of the past week with my brother (who lives 1000 miles away) teaching him to tie some patterns (many of which I first learned here). That was very cool.

    I also got to meet the guy who's building me my first bamboo rod. I gave him some reel seat wood and my favorite brook trout flies, he gave me some very special flies and a great introduction to bamboo in return.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    I got several pounds heavier from my children. They fed me like you wouldn't believe. I bought my future son-in-law a rotary vice, tools, hooks, thread, feather and fur, enough to let him tie a half dozen salt water flies. I had almost as much fun putting the kit together as he will have using it. I took a plastic box and filled the compartments with things from my collection like hooks, dumbell eyes, ezbody etc.

    He's lined up some classes with the salty flyrodders group in his area.

    Now I expect next Christmas I'll be getting some primo saltwater flies. Its a case of what goes around comes around


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