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Thread: One Fly!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Oklahoma City, OK, USA


    My fishing buddy caught 133 2-3 lb bass in 1 day on a fly I tie call a slippery rabbit. the fly is a variation of a leadeye rabbit leech. He showed me the flywhich was badly worn but still all there.
    The brass dumbell eyes are set back a little from the eye of the hook so you can form a smooth tapered head over the dumbell eyes. This keeps the barbells from getting snagged. the fly also has a double mono weedguard. It is extemely snag free and yet you don't miss fish on hookups

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Seven rainbow on a Black Beaded Marabou Nymph

  3. Default

    My best single day same fly day was over 30 big Barramundi... the smallest one was over 7 Lbs and the biggest tipped the scale at exactly 20 Lbs even! I was using a Pink Thing, which seems to drive Barra wild.

    I have caught plenty of other fish on this same fly, but I don't really know the numbers... I thought the above was interesting though.

    My best Bluegill day (a long, long time ago) was 10 Bluegills over a pound and one over two and a half pounds... all caught on a White Sponge Spider.

    Ciao for now,

    Phuket, Thailand

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sarasota, FL
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    No doubt my best day was a 200-plus-fish day in The Everglades. Caught them all on my Myakka Minnow. It's a sinking minnow imitation that oscars, Mayan cichlids, bass, bluegill, speckled perch, shellcracker and other species seem to live.


  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by DruLeeParsec View Post
    Oh man, I read about you guys getting 10 - 20 - 30 fish in a day. I haven't caught a dozen fish this year.

    I gotta go fishing more.
    Yeah, that's pretty much me (troutwise). EXCEPT:

    I was fishing the headwaters of the Brodhead in the Poconos. 2 years in a row, the exact same stretch of water, same time of the year- mid May, same weather conditions- light rain, same hatch- March Brown, same fly-MB Comparadun, same fly rod-7'6" 3 wt. Both times I caught (and released) 30-some trout! 3 or 4 were about 15," all over 7," all wild brownies (majority) and brookies.

    The first time all of the fish were caught on the same fly. Considering my casting skills and the mountain laurel and brush lining the stream, I considered it a veritable miracle! I still have that fly!


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