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Thread: Oh Oh

  1. #1

    Cool Oh Oh

    Switzerland has recently passed a law to clarify acceptable treatment of "social animals."

    The law, which goes into effect in September, establishes desirable treatment of animals such as dogs, fish, horses, and even rhinoceroses. An array of animals has been included under the bracket of "social animals" and a part of the new law states that any of these animals will be considered abused if they are not able to cohabit with another of their species.

    Under the law dog owners must take a two part course on recognizing the needs of the dog and properly walking a dog. Swiss fisherman will now be required to participate in a course that teaches them how to catch fish humanely. Catch and release fishing has been banned; instead anglers must now kill the fish immediately after being caught with "a sharp blow to the head with a blunt instrument."

    The law affects farmers as well. They are barred from restraining horses, sheep, and goats. Pigs and cows must not be forced to reside in areas with hard flooring.

    Although animal rights groups are jumping for joy over the new law, many Swiss farmers are complaining of the extra costs to run their farms.

    (From the July/Aug 2008 issue of The Sentry)

  2. #2


    I have this warpped vision of a couple leading 2 dogs and 2 rino's in the grass along a road, carrying fishing poles and a ball bat.......... : )

    Have a good'n Jesse

  3. #3

    Exclamation Give me a large break!

    This is the weirdest thing that I have heard in a week. If it was April 1 I would say that the good Lady who posted this has come up with a doozie. Perhaps the good people who have gotten under everyones skin to get this foolishness passed should be required to OWN a pet or two , work on a farm ,work in a slaughter house ,or just have somthing to do with animals or animal husbandry. Perhaps then they would realize the foolishness that they perpetuate. I have never seen a farmer who has a profitable operation treat his stock with anything less than good care. You dont abuse what earns you cash. As for learning to walk the dog? Give me a break. Smacking a fish in the head to end its suffering? HEY, arent these the same folkes that think euthenasia (aka assisted suicide ) is okay too? That may explain a lot. Wow, I dont think I want to go there. Sounds a lot like where some of our more liberal states (I almost named the state I was thinking of) (its in New England so that lets Calif off the hook this time) are headed.
    The soap box is now open.
    Good night ,

    ps. as to not restraining critters? Go ahead and dont "Restrain" em and see where they end up at.Ever find a cow in your flower garden? Aint pretty ill tell you that.
    Last edited by perch; 09-04-2008 at 02:17 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio


    I would really like to see a YouTube video of these fringe group wackos "socializing" or "cohabiting" with a rhino. That should make for good sport watching the "interaction" between these two "social animals." My money is on the rhino. That's like having the NRA & PETA cohabiting. Where do these people come up this stuff?

    If fish are "social animals," then why do they scatter when people or other animals approach them? Soooo many questions with so few rational answers.

    These people cannot learn to coexist with the mainstream population, yet their voice is listened to by some other wack job who's looking for votes from any group they can get them from so they can keep their government job. It goes to prove it's easier to bend to the left than it is to bend to the right.

    If they feel that they have this interaction thing figured out by forcing people to take classes on how to walk their dogs, they I would encourage them to invite convicted felons (a social animal of sorts) who have been released from prison to come into their homes so they can rehabilitate them using their extensive knowledge of "social interation among animals of the same species." If they have all the answers, why not put it to good use?

    Does an eggplant or zuchini feel pain when plucked from the vine? My Ouije Board has not revealed an answer so far, in spite of all my urgings. I'll have to defer to the Swiss for the proper way to dispatch an eggplant. I'll bet they know!

    Joseph the Confused
    (Not to be confused with St Paul the Confused, but, nonetheless, confused)
    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    London, Ontario, Canada


    Hey! That's SERIOUS stuff!!! It's not the first country to apply those laws (to fishing). Germany has made it nearly impossible to enjoy angling too. The real threat is that it's growing and one day will head this way.

    Watch out who you vote for.
    "There's more B.S. in fly fishing than there is in a Kansas feedlot." Lefty Kreh

    "Catch and Release,...like Corrections Canada" ~ Rick Mercer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    clinton mississippi


    i agree watch out. this liberal "utopia" will be the death of our outdoor pursuits.
    "some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God." Tony Blake

  7. #7


    Hmmm. I thought Swiss provinces made their own local laws, not the central government. Switzerland is suppose to be a republic, guess its not any more.
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  8. #8


    In light of neutrality during two horrific world wars; I have always questioned the ultimate wisdom of the Swiss government.

    I do love their cheese & pocket knives though!

  9. #9
    nighthawk Guest


    Well a new blood sport "Running With The Rhinos" in the streets of Zurich should be quite interesting.

    Just another reason to be glad that I live on this side of "The Pond".

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio


    I wonder if they are also addressing the issue of bovine flatulence? I believe we were told by "The planet has a fever" that bovine flatulence is a major contributor to global warming. Maybe they can tap the backside of bossy and use it as an alternative energy source. It seems to work on landfills, why not cows?
    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

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