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Thread: Idaho Fish In

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nampa, Idaho USA

    Default Idaho Fish In

    I am asking a big favor of anyone who attends the fish in in Idaho this year. Please email me at nightprowler87@hotmail.com and give me a discription of the perfect picture of the fishin. Everything you took in for your stay with your eyes, nose, and ears. With out sending me a picture describe what the picture would look like. I would really appreceiate this and will in the upcomming months reveal my carziness for all of this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID


    I'll be spending time with my "Kid" brother at the Fish-In while I turn over my 69th year! What would be the perfect picture will be very hard to figure out. Maybe a group shot of us gathered around the campfire wishing you all the best.
    I hope to have lots of photos and will make sure you see them all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    email sent-but I feel compelled to share it here.

    I'm not going to this year's Fish-In but I sure wish I was. I've been to 3 of them in years past and I pray that the memories of those days will never fade. I can still hear the constant hiss of the Lochsa River as it passes by our cabin. If I had to describe a smell, it would be of damp cedar in the early morning. If I had to describe a vision it would be of the pines on the steep hillsides clinging to the morning fog as it struggles toward the sun. My feelings would be of anticipation; waiting for whomever I've decided to fish with that day to show up. I would be wondering if my waders had dried enough to put on without too much discomfort, and not really caring. The wild turkeys in camp that show up around breakfast time every day would conjure up the taste of bacon and eggs and coffee. There would be an ever so slight fear in my heart as well. Fear that I would leave the fly box with the one and only magic fly of the day in camp while I'm fishing some 50 miles upstream. The campfire at day's end is like a capstone to a perfect outing. It's a place where information is exchanged about successful flies and places. But more than that, it's a place where all the experiences of the Fish-In are cemented into one memorable package. My memories of the past Fish-Ins in Idaho are like sparkling gems. Each one trying to glitter more brightly than the other, but being overwhelmed by the brightest jewel of them all; the friendships I've developed with members of my FAOL family.
    Last edited by Lotech; 09-08-2008 at 12:26 AM.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Hey Joe,
    Nicely writ.


  5. #5


    Joe -


    Thanks for "departing" from Bob's email request and sharing it with all of us.

    The fish are always right.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nampa, Idaho USA


    Lotech thank you so much that is exactly what I was looking for from anyone who wants to put it out there. It was well stated and gave me a very good picture in my mind with some very good thoughts.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries

    Thumbs up

    Joe, Exactly! You absolutley nailed it.

    I am going to miss you at the campground this year buddy. Also I have this fear that 2008 is my last Idaho fish in too. My knees are getting a little worst each year and the rocks of the Lochsa and Selway are very unforgiving.
    I'm going to miss sharing a meal with Joe this year. We met over an incredible dinner of Cornish game hens that Joe whipped up in his Dutch oven my first year. Last year it was Joe's Dutch oven lasagne that was simply put, spectacular.

    Its about driving up the gravel road of the Selway River and being distracted by the clearest water on the planet. The Selway is so beautiful that I almost drove off the road more than once watching the river instead of watching the road.
    Seeing the guys come into camp after a long day completely tired out from a hard days wading and bush stomping. Tired yes, but with grins a mile wide.
    Sharing a laugh with Danbobs group when Joe Hyde fell into the icy cold water of the Lochsa.
    Then there was the morning that Cookie Monsters plans to prank Steve backfired. He put Doritos all around the camper and up on the roof and the metal steps so the 30 or so Turkeys would wake up the occupants with their loud pecking on the aluminium and steel. Just as he is doing this, Steve let's Lady the Black lab out for her morning constitutional. Lady loves to chase birds and this was an absolute heaven for her. By the time Steve looked out the door it was all over but the laughter from the rest of us. We all watched 30 Turkeys leave town in a rush of wings and squawks of fright as Lady sped them on their way. Steve looks confused and says what's so funny? More laughter. He missed the whole thing! How funny is that?
    Its about watching from a high vantage point on the road as Grizzly Wulff standing alone out in mid stream Lochsa river makes a beautiful cast and hooks up with a nice fish. Wonderful to watch. I leave without disturbing him.
    Its watching in disbelief as a 12 inch cuttie slashes the surface and grabs my elk hair caddis then streaks across the crystal clear water of the Selway. Its My first cuttie on a fly that I tied myself and the first dry fly I ever fished with. First cuttie, first dry fly and first fly tied by me. What a day!
    Heart thumping with joy, I watch a momma bear and a single cub playing on the sand near a bend in the Lochsa river. Cute little fella that one.
    Casting a rod loaned to me by Dana and realizing that it is outperforming my own rod. It just seems to fit my style. I am amazed at that.
    At night sitting around the campfire swapping lies passing the jug and just plain enjoying the night air.
    There's Denny with two table fulls of wonderful capes and saddles teaching us a course on feathers 101, as we eagerly paw through his wares. I always take home a pelt or two.
    Don't let me forget the huckleberry ice-cream at the little cafe across the river from the campground mmmmmm to die for.
    Its having the liver scared out of you by a kingfishers sudden scream of rage as you disturb his favourite fishing spot.
    Driving mile after mile of the Selway road and scareing up hundreds and hundreds of beautiful butterflies. Watching them in the thousands clinging to the rock wall at the cafe.
    Its watching Steve rescue his drink from a marauding caddis fly. Trust me that was very funny.
    Standing there as Vickie EagleElk regales us with her trip up river to a very secret spot with the other women and the incredible day of fishing they had. To listen to Vickie tell of her friend catching a "HONKING BIG FISH" has us in stitches, her enthusiasm was so great in the telling.
    Trying really hard to explain to the confused staff at the little cafe why a strange man in a tuxedo is swinging a broom with a string on it and why we were all cheering him on.

    Its also about watching Steve send the longest smoothest most awesome looking casts you have ever seen, seemingly without any effort at all. Amazing.
    Meanwhile I am flinging line with all my might and getting almost no where. He turns to me and gives me a tip about my casting. I try it out, instantly my loops tighten up and I cast 10 feet fartherwith way more control and power. WOW! How great is that?

    Most of all it is about the lasting friendships cemented while fishing with great people out on the rivers and at night sitting around the campfires.

    Those 5 days each year at 3 rivers in Lowell Idaho outshine the other three hundred and sixty ordinary days.
    Last edited by Gnu Bee Flyer; 08-27-2008 at 11:06 PM.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  8. #8


    Hi guys! Can someone please point me to the thread that gives the details of this fish in or at least tell me when/where?

  9. #9


    This will tell you what you need to know about the when and where.


    The fish are always right.

  10. #10


    Gracias John!

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