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Thread: Sage rods and the Salt

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lansdale, Pa. USA
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    Default Sage rods and the Salt

    Having experienced casting weighted lines and larger (avg. 2/0) flies, casting a more open loop is the preference.
    Keeping that in mind, I find "fast action" rods undesirable for this chore as most want to throw tight loops, and one really has to change their casting style to obtain a more relaxed or open loop.
    My question to all you Sage buffs is this.
    What models (old or new,preferably 9wt) would suit the above mentioned without having to really change your style of casting. The trend today seems like Fast rods, high modulas, and tight loops are better and that may be true in most cases but
    none of these features I find fit the bill for my needs. Comments?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    I would suggest you fond a Sage RPLXi to cast to see if it meets your needs. It has a bit "softer" tip action and allows for a great variety of casting styles. If that rod is still a bit too fast for you then there is always the older Sage RPL model which is only moderately fast by todays standards and is a very nice rod to cast. Either one of these should be able to be found for around $300 in very good used condition.

    Jim Smith

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Coon Rapids, MN.


    Knowing fairly well that this would somewhat compromise your distance, how about overlining your present rod by one line wt? That would slow her down a bit. Two, if it suits you....

    And if you are talking opening your loops then that distance factor would be affected anyhow. And I'm presupposing that you dbl. haul too??!!

    For muskies on my 10 wt Loomix GL3, a fast rod, and slinging up to 4/0 hooks I will also open the loop up a tad by not stopping the rod as high.



    [This message has been edited by Jeremy (edited 29 September 2005).]

    [This message has been edited by Jeremy (edited 29 September 2005).]

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lansdale, Pa. USA
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    So far so good. I'll have to look at the ol"RPL's used to have one yrs ago.
    As far as using dbl haul .yes.......but I havent tried overlining. I've gotten so used to fast rod actions when troutin and obtaining a tight loop , that slowing down I really have to concentrate on. Thanks for the input and any others who wish to through in their 2 cents are more than welcome.

  5. Default

    one of the most overlooked rods is the sage slt 890-4. people think salt and fast rods but a lot of people cast a slt better but in the end they purchase an xp or xi2 because they think that faster is better..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    Limiting my comments to Sage rods, he recently discontinued Sage VPS and the RPL were built on the same blank I think. The 9wt VPS was a very nice rod. While I prefer my old RPLX and the new Xi2, I found the VPS 9wt to be a very comfortable rod. You may be able to find one at a discount. The Sage Launch or FLi may fit your requirements also.

    Earlier in my FF experince I found that I had trouble casting certain rod/line/fly/weather combinations without altering my casting stroke or "style" and I shopped for different rods for different conditions. Angling experience showed me that nothing worked in all conditions. For example, if I'm casting big flies on a 9wt rod I would need to adapt to different fishing conditions during the day - I might need a low backcast and an open loop with a following wind or a very tight loop, even with large heavy flies, directly into the wind. Or I might need a different casting stroke with a full length floating line vs a leadcore shooting head. I ended up just practicing my casting regularly so that I can comfortably use just about any reasonable rod/line combo in any conditions I might encounter with that combo (thus giving up one excuse for needing more rods).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Boston, Massachusetts


    James is right on.

    Regarding the SLT line I think the 4 and 5 are among the finest rods ever made. I have cast the heavier models and did not like them as much.The RPL ror RPLXi are more appropriate in my opinion.

    If you want to save a buck try finding one of the DS2 rods that were discontinued.


  8. #8


    I have a number 10 RPLXi and was tossing size 2/0 streamers with heavy dumbell eyes on a 30' sinking line last week for sea bass in 50' of water. It was very heavy, but the rod handled it fine. Me on the other hand, well it took a little getting used to. I was shooting the line, so I was not really making casts longer than 80'. And the fish were right under the boat anyway.

    Have fun, Jeff

    Tis my time on the water, in the mountains, and in my driftboat where I can see things as they really are.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Lansdale, Pa. USA
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    All great input. You folks have given me a lot of food for thought. Thanks to all!!

  10. #10


    I have to go with the overlining technique as one who prefers medium action rods. I use a 9 on my TFO 8wt and a WF7 on my new Winston Ibis 5wt. I also used to overline Sage DS series rods and Sage RPLs by one line weight. Try it.


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