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Thread: May Need Some Help for the Pa Fish In

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Western NY
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    Default May Need Some Help for the Pa Fish In

    I'm from the Buffalo/Rochester area of NY and am planning to come down for the Fish In. Before January I had never fly fished, now I have a half dozen outfits and so far I seem to be picking it up rather quickly. Am really looking forward to this. My Mentor pspaint will be joining me later in the week and hopefully MrFishingToughGuy as well for at least a couple days. The plan right now is to camp out. What I would like to know is:

    1. Anyone else going to be camping, rather than cabining?

    2. I don't need someone to look over my shoulder, I fish plenty on my own but will somebody steer me in the general direction of Pine Creek and maybe Little Pine, Slate, and Cedar Run, when I get there?

    3. Anyone camping interested in reminiscing a tad at night over some Venison sausage or steaks, a good dark beer, or maybe a little JD, around the campfire?

    4. Musically I tend to listen to a bit of Neil Young around the campfire also, that bother anyone?

  2. #2
    Deezel Guest


    Just wanted to say that I was/am coincidentally listening to 'Cowgirl In The Sand' by Neil Young as I read your post. Although I am not going to that Fish-In I'm sure there will be some who will point you in the right direction.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Lehigh Valley, PA, USA


    Hi Wizard - No problem at all! Rt. 44, and then Rt.414 run right along Pine Creek. If you follow Rt 414 up to Slate Run, you'll find where Slate enters Pine. Furthur upstream, Cedar enters Pine across from Pettecoat Junction Campground. Access to Pine above this sometimes gets tougher due to a tough climb down to the river, but there's tons of places to fish.

    When you turn onto Little Pine Creek Rd in Waterville to head up to Happy Acres, the road again parallels Little Pine well up past the reservoir. Do yourself a Mapquest search using your home address and Happy Acres as the destination, and you can print out a map that will make everything obvious. We'll either take you, or point out good places to fish that you might drive by without knowing. Seriously, with conditions as they are, if it looks like a good spot to fish, it probably is. Access up on Cedar and Slate can be tough to find due to posted sections.

    Dude - For $30, you'll be able to eat all week. It surely isn't worth packing food along when the buffet beckons! Just let Randy know so he can plan on it. Time spent cooking/preparing is time wasted fishing wise. There was venison sausage there last year, and it was excellent. If you eat with us, you won't be hungry at ANY time! Last year, there were many, many coolers of beer and other beverages in coolers on the back deck. Wish I had a shot to show you, but there was no shortage of refreshments, that's for sure! The social time spent with some of your fellow FAOL members will be priceless - don't miss out on it. Everything is based at the lodge, and I know I will spend all my time not fishing or riding the rail trail at the lodge. Just because you aren't staying at the lodge doesn't mean you aren't welcome to socialize/feast there. Lots of room for all!
    Last edited by Heritage Angler; 05-16-2008 at 01:58 AM.

  4. #4



    The FAOL folks are as good as you'll ever meet. They'll feed you, show you where to put your fly to hang that spooky fish and will BS with you til the cows come home.

    So ar I have the nod for Friday/Saturday (so hopefully I will be on the road Thursday afternoon!).

    I'll PM you with my cell # and we can figure this all out with Phil.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Lancaster, NY, USA


    Mentor, Dave? That's funny! lol. I'll attest to how fast you've picked up the fly fishing. You've picked it up faster than anyone i've ever known!

    The fish-in should be an excellent time! I'm looking forward to meeting some of the folks from the site and fishing PA, again. There's some beautiful country, down there. Even if the fishing isn't too good, we'll probably leave a few pounds heavier! lol. From what I read, last year, the food is incredible!

  6. #6


    Hi Wizard:

    I have been fishing and hunting that particular area for many years(a T-Rex once got caught in my backcast on Little Pine Creek)

    So if you need an info on where to fish,just contact me here or directly(TConiglia@aol.com)and I'l help you get pointed in the right direction.
    Last edited by AFISHN; 05-18-2008 at 02:11 PM.
    "...when I'm not AFISHN,I'm a huntin'..."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Western NY
    Blog Entries


    Thanks much Tom!

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