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Thread: going over the limit!

  1. #1

    Default going over the limit!

    I was teaching my som (11) fly fishing in a good sized pool on a small river. Just up stream from us was a man (about 50) spin casting with worms and a bobber. The man pulled 6 fish about 12 inches plus out of the river - clearly over the limit for the stretch of river we were on, and also he was not supposed to be using live bait. Would you say something to the guy? What? With my son present, I did not want to get into a row with the guy. I only asked him "are you keeping all of those" he said "they are good eating!" I told my son why what he was doing was against the law. Would you have said more?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Harrisburg, SD USA


    I guess in this particular situation I wouldn't have said anything to him. First of all, you probably weren't going to change his mind or convince him he was wrong. Secondly, in this day and age you never know how someone is going to react, even if you confronted him in a non-threatening way. You wouldn't want to put yourself and particularly your young son in that type of situation.

    What I would have done is attempt to get some more information such as license plate #, description, etc. and turn him into the proper authorities and let them handle it.

    I think the best you could do is explain to your son how what he was doing was wrong and leave the rest to someone who's job it is to handle it.

    Just my 2 cents worth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    You have to judge the other fisherman and make a decision based on that. If you start a conversation and he seems reasonable you might have said, "I see you did not know that this is a no-live-bait area and the limits are (some numer) of fish. Hope you remember it for the next time".

    If he seems beligerent, stop before you even begin to comment. There is a wonderful list on this site of telephone numbers for your local enforcement agencies. I am amazed at how many people really do not know the laws for fishing and almost equally amazed at how many people do and break them for no good reason.

    The choice of how you react is his if you get my drift. There are good lessons your son can learn from this, but first and foremost your job is to protect your child, always.


    [This message has been edited by Jed (edited 29 August 2005).]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Coon Rapids, MN.


    Yep, I certainly would have.
    However, tact rules in these situations as the guy "may not" be up on the rules....hmmm. (I know...I hate bending over like that. Ignorance is no excuse.)

    "They're good eating" might have brought a "Yeah so're burgers ...and they're legal!!!!" but that ain't too tactful is it? *G*

    I would have said something to the guy in a firm but polite manner and that would have also shown your son how these things (can) be handled.

    At all costs, avoid any confrontation as it's never worth it. (Note to self: Oh, that sounds so nice but remember when that burr under your saddle cost you that busted tooth/split lip...?) ...Times remembered. Maturity has set in ...but it ain' as much 'fun'!...

    It never hurts to let the guy know he's going against the law and let it be at that. After all, that guy is hurting the very resource that you pay to protect. It hurts us all.

    Gentle but firm.


    [This message has been edited by Jeremy (edited 29 August 2005).]

  5. #5


    Yes Sir,
    It is everyones' job to see that laws are followed. If you have the local Game Wardens' number on speed dial on your phone, SAY MORE. Call him or her and don't say a thing to the poacher about the call you just made. SAY MORE!Give the Game Warden your number so they may call you back. SAY MORE! Give a complete description of the poacher to the Game Warden. SAY MORE! Give the poachers direction of travel to the Game Warden. SAY MORE! Tell your son/daughter what you are doing so you will pass the that responsibility on to the next generation and they will be proud of you for doing what is right.
    There, you have done a great thing!! Now, just keep on enjoying your fishing trip and "paying forward" to your son/daughter. Be very observant of what the poacher is doing and remember the Game Warden, if he/she can respond, will probably be moving to intercept the poacher and observe the violation with his/her own eyes. The Game Warden will probably be hidden and you won't know he/she is there until an arrest is made. The Game Warden will not contact you in front of the poacher to protect your identity unless it is absolutely necessary. There may be a subtle nod of the head or tip of the hat to say Thank You.
    Rest assured,,You will deserve a large pat on the back and your good feeling at the end of the day for having done your part has been well earned! Many Thanks go out to you from Game Wardens and more from the many fishermen you have helped to have a better day the next time they come out.
    Now,,SAY MORE!! Call the Judge that will be hearing the case and advise the Judge that you saw these violations occur and you would appreciate a very stiff fine being handed down. SAY MORE! Be willing to testify. When poachers realize they don't just have to worry about the Game Warden, but everyone else also, they have a big tendency to stop their poaching ways.
    Thanks for posting this thread so all of us may learn from your experience!


    all types of fishermen must pull together for the good of all!!!

  6. #6


    Almost everyone has a cell-phone, some cell-phones have ability to take and send photos. Some even have GPS so you can know the exact location. Be the eyes and ears for the people who wear the badge, and have the guns and handcuffs.

    At the top of "Features" is the "Report Violators"....

    Find the telephone listing your State or area that you go fishing

    Enter the appropriate telephone # or #'s into you cell-phone base.

    Nothing is better than to be on the stream, and looking at someone who is definitely doing something against the law, while you,re talking into you cell-phone.

    I even have a valve stem "core tool" for removal of the valve stem core, if needed so they will be there when "The Law" arrives.

    If they want to come over and start something.....that is their last mistake they will be making!

    ~Platoon Sergeant Steven H. McGarthwaite
    US. Army, Infantry, Retired
    aka: Parnelli

    "Bad Boy, Bad Boy, what you going to do, what you going to do when they come for you?"

    [This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 29 August 2005).]

  7. #7


    Here in Indiana the limit for trout was changed from 10 to 5 a year ago. Two were in the boat next to me talking about how trout fishing had changed in two years. They bragged about their 15 trout. After asking if they had fished last year--they said no. I said the limit changed to 5 each. Embarassed they put five back and as they reached the dock who showed but the consevation officer asking to see their fish. I heard two loud "Thank You" come across the lake----



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Bergen County, NJ


    I agree that in this day in age it's definitely best to avoid confrontation no matter what the situation. That's why the only time I've been in that situation I made a mental note of what the guy looked like, got the license plate number from his car and called the local warden...who I've known since I was 5 or so.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock Springs, Wyo., USA


    Sir, I want to thank you for giving me this oppurtunity to show my (son,daughter, grandchild) what not to do while fishing here.

    It may be enough to wake them up, it has worked for at least to families I know of.


  10. #10


    Andy & Parnelli - well said. Our friends here in AZ w/ G & F very much appreciate calls "turning in" miscreants on a timely basis and do their best to get out there to confront the jerk who is jerking them in.

    There's snow on the roof but the fire still burns in the oven.

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