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Thread: new to this kind of fishing need your help !!!

  1. #1

    Default new to this kind of fishing need your help !!!

    hi to all i am new to her and to fly fishing too

    how i can start this road to catch fish

    any ideas , photos , and tips or tactics for this kind

    i know its different from flout fishing and cast fishing

    i know the previous two very will

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Potter County, Pennsylvania

    Default Welcome

    I think being an experienced float fisherman should help you through the leaning curve as you are already use to a long rod and drag free drifts.

    Also, as an experienced fisherman, I assume you can read the water to locate fish and know how to fight a fish to hand.

    Since you are a leg up on a true beginner, it guess it will be all about fly selection and presentation.

    Where and when are you going to fish has a lot to do with fly selection if you plan to match the hatch. If you are lucky (unlucky too) enough to live in an area that has guide books for the area, you will benifit from reading them to get an idea. Also, ask folks on line or in fly shops for tips on your area and they will help.

    If you are planning to fish "attractor" patterns, than the when and where are probably not so important. Pick some flies that have a good track record for catching fish (royal coachman or adams for a dry, partridge and orange soft hackle, wooly bugger either as a nymph or streamer, bead head pheasant tail or bead head hare's ear for nymphs, mickey finn streamer, etc) and learn how to fish them properly and you will do well.

    As always, the more questions you ask, the more you will learn.
    Fishing with bait is like swearing in church.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Long Island, New York


    Welcome to the group. I'm sure you will find plenty of people willing to answer your questions and give you advise. To start on your journey I would suggest you go back to the home page and click on "Flyfishing Basics" on the right side of your screen.


  4. #4


    anoscoo -

    Welcome to the bulletin board.

    And welcome to the wonderful experience that fly fishing can be. It can be a little bit overwhelming, if you are careful, and if you aren't careful, it can be completely overwhelming.

    Having said that, it is possible to keep it simple, but you do have to work at that.

    Don't hardly know where to start to help you. The best I can do is suggest the book "Fly Fishing for the Compleat Idiot" by Michael Rutter. If you would like my copy, send me a PM with your mailing address. The only catch is that you "pay it forward" someday when you run across someone else who is just getting started. Okay ??

    The fish are always right.

  5. #5


    Hey folks -

    I just sent along my apologies to anoscoo for not being able to follow through on my offer to send him the book. The expense of mailing the book to Syria is what it is - too much.

    Now I feel like a "Compleat Idiot" with egg on my face.

    Anyway, thought I owed it to anoscoo to let you all know that he can still use whatever help / suggestions that you can offer.

    The fish are always right.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    Hi anoscoo Welcome to the board.

    What type of fish are you trying to catch.
    Do you fish in Lakes or in rivers, or in small streams, or the Mediterranian sea? This information would help us decide what advice to give you.

    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    Eric-WD, what was that site again................

    The best advice I can give is this:
    - go out and practice
    - keep things SIMPLE
    - think like a fish. Basically a fish thinks about one thing........eating. Pretty simple when it comes down to it. What do they eat? They eat things that swim on top of the water, fall from the sky( bugs and such), things that swim in the water(other fish) and things that hatch and/or crawl under water. Throw something in the water that looks like these things and you catch fish. Very simple stuff.
    Last edited by Big Bad Wulff; 02-14-2008 at 01:01 PM.

  8. #8


    thanks to all

    i generally fish in small lakes or small dames

    and for carp

    to be honest with you first i want to get as much as i can informations about this kind to know what to buy ( the kind of the rod , reel , and flays )
    and how to use them

    here no one use them at all

    and some times when i ask in a shop if they are available here or not, the seller start to laugh at me coz he didn't know what those things are

    its too hard to find it here or to find who can use them , or to find any kind of books about fly fishing or another kind .............

    here it will cost me about 40 $ ( for all stuff i need rod + reel+ rig+flays = 40 $)

  9. #9


    Click on fly fishing basics on the main page then fly fishing 101. There is a lot of helpful articles that cover just about every aspect of flyfishing and a wide variety of popular techniques.

    P.S remember to practise on the water

  10. #10


    This web-site is relevant to your geographical area and might at least give you some ideas, fly selection for carp and other fish in your geographical location which should be close if not the same as what you are fishing for.

    Baghdad School of Fly Fishing
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

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