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Thread: Hopes up

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA

    Default Magazine and conversations

    I take a couple of mags, I caught my first trout after moving to GA and find the process of fishing and tying flies for trout interesting. FAOL is better than any magazine I have found, you guys know about as much, some more than the people who write articles in magazines. In a magazine if you don't understand or disagree you can write a little to the editor and at best you might get a reply in a month or two. This is a conversation, you can get an answer in a few minutes or a few days at most. I haven't met any of you personally, that I know of, but I appreciate the teasing and snide remarks some of you make toward other members, I assume you know personally. Further I am familiar with the terrain several of you inhabit, Tullhoma, Memphis, SW Mississippi, SC, etc. And on top of all of that's it's more of less free to the user. I also appreciate the "down to earth" attitude among everyone and even the no profanity.

    Now a uninformed question, isn't the pelt from a beaver good for dubbing. I may have access to obtaining a full skin at a reasonable price.

    And a random comment: Late in the 3rd quarter, Bud Lights ability to fly commercial is the best so far. NE 7 NY 3 end of 3rd quarter. Over not far from where Eli's dad is from is some awesome bream and crappie fishing. String of 39 several years back weighed in at 43 lbs.

    Have a good week.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)


    Uncle Jesse;
    Nice post, and glad you like it here at FAOL!
    I'm sure glad, too, that I cleaned my glasses, because when I looked at your location tag I'd have SWORN you were from "Dracula,GA" and I thought......."WHAT THE HECK?"
    Obviously, with cleaner glasses, it's "Dacula", GA.!!

    As to a "beaver pelt, good for dubbing?", yes it is. It's one of the more popular dubbings fly tiers use, that like to tie with natural furs. If you can get a clean, dressed, and sanitized pelt for a decent price go for it!
    Depending on how many flies you tie a year, a full pelt should last you at least a few years, even you tie a a lot flies every year.

    Now, the "snide remarks and teasing" some do with one another, is really sort of a testament, as to how close knit, friends are that you can make on FAOL! Meaning......... out of all the folks on here that you may see ME "tease and make snide remarks to", I've never met ONE of them, in person!
    We may shoot the breeze, over the phone once in a while, may exchange emails between each other. But, the "friendship" was built, over time, just by being a member of this site, nothing more.
    It's really, in today's "computer world",unique to see such friendships develop, here, the way they do. I've been invited to "jump on a plane, or drive across country and when you get to my house I'll put you up and we'll go fishing!" And, yet, the only exchange we've ever had, socially, is to read one another's postings on these boards.
    I've offered, to others, the same invitations to come my way. It just seems to be "the way it works" here, at FAOL!
    Glad you're here and I hope you enjoy yourself!
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
    Blog Entries


    Flybinder, if you thought that Uncle Jesse was from Dracula, Ga, shouldn't you have thought, "What the NECK"?

    Uncle Jesse, before I met people from FAOL, almost all of my fly fishing was done solo. Much of it still is because I really like the peace and quiet and time away from society and spent with whatever Nature sends my way. But I also fish with others quite a bit now. Jack Hise, who is retired and feels that a week without 3 day's fishing is wasted, is my most usual accomplice. WarrenP is also a regular companion, embarassikng us all by catching entirely too many fish. Now I'm looking forward to fishing with Ron and others from the board.

    Then there are Fish-Ins. The MI Fish-In was such a hoot last year that I went back up to the Au Sable for another week. I have already scheduled vacation time and gotten a room for this year's Fish-In. There is a lot of scheduled fun, but there are things that you just cannot plan. For example, Joe Valencic, one of the nicest guys in the world, was standing on the micro-pier at Gate's Loges one evening fishing. He was getting no strikes. He turned to address somebody and instantly had a hit. That evening he got 4 strikes, all of them came within a second or two of him turning to speak to somebody. Joe was as good a sport about it as anyone could be. Now I think the world of him, even if he does prefer Spam to okra.

    If you can make it to a Fish-In, then it is great fun to meet the people that you see posting. Just remember to bring White Cheddar Cheez-Its for Betty Hiner...

    take care,

    P.S. And aside, when I got in from work Sunday (after 14 hours of computer mayhem, er, maintenance) I read a great article written by RW on his attempts to become a bluegill fly-tying guru. I think that his side-kick, Self, got co-author's credit. I like the look of those patterns and I really am going to have to try one of those Fruit of the Looms...
    (If that doesn't give the NBOF ammo, nothing will... )

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