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Thread: One over DT vs. WF for small streams

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Wherever I park.

    Default One over DT vs. WF for small streams

    No less an authority than Dave Hughes recommends a DT one weight heavier than rod weight for 30 foot casts and dry flies.

    Before I read Hughes' advice, I bought a 5 wt. DT for a 5 wt., 9 ft. St. Croix Ultra Legend and was disappointed as the cast seemed to fade with a #12 Elk Hair Caddis or similar fly.

    Would a 6wt. DT have been a better match for the rod?

    Before I spend $60+ for a line I may not want to fish, I ask your advice.
    No man can have too many fly rods;
    no woman too many shoes.

  2. #2


    I understand your problem with the price of line. There is alot of flyshops discounting Rio Selective Trout and SA Trout so they can make way for the Rio Selective Trout II and SA new line. I have seen it almost half off.

    IMO, when selecting lines it can be tough. A rod will cast different with a DT and a WF. I have done some testing with a series of rods from a company. I was told that a WF is what it was based on. After taking the rods out, I found that DT worked better on 2 of the rods out of the series, while WF worked better.

    What type of line are you using? If you are using a trout line, then you might want to go to a GPX. I believe that rod is a fast action so I would look at a line that is made for a fast action rod like the Rio Grand or Rio Gold.

    This is only my opinion and it is to be used as a guide. If you know someone with a different line, I would ask them if you can try it on your rod.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Trout Stalker; 01-25-2008 at 12:01 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Lancaster, NY, USA


    Trout Staker is absolutely right, it really depends on the rod, as to whether it will cast a DT or WF better. A friend of mine uses a 3wt. DT on a Sage 0wt. TXL and it casts beautiful. It still makes those feather soft casts but will also handle some wind and a fair amount of distance. The best thing you can do is to try different lines and see what works best on the rod your using.

  4. #4


    Before buying your next line for short 30 foot cast, look at the taper chart on the back of the box for both WF and DT. Many trout lines are all but identical for the first 28 feet. Also the above guidance about extra heavy lines is good to follow. Some rod makers mislabel their rods, what they call a 5 wt is actually a 5 1/3 or so weight. Determine if your's is accurately labeled and try and appropriate line.


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by HCR View Post
    I bought a 5 wt. DT for a 5 wt., 9 ft. St. Croix Ultra Legend and was disappointed as the cast seemed to fade with a #12 Elk Hair Caddis or similar fly.
    While I think Trout Stalker gave you great advice; a #12 EWC is a tad on the air resistant side. Possibly your leader is a bit too long or the tippet is too light.

    Just for the record; when I'm fishing short my leader is short too so the maximum amount of fly-line is past the tip top.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Coeur d'Alene, ID


    RoyC is correct the first 30" (approx,) of both WF & DT are pretty much the same. I would suggest adding a 7' furled leader to help with that fade you mention.
    I've been trying DT lines more as my casts are in the 30' range in situations where you don't have a lot of clearance for the backcast and I think they work better in these conditions.
    I'm also a firm believer in furled leaders and own nothing else!

  7. #7


    One other thing is remember the 3X rule and I believe in it. You take 3 and multiple it by tippet size and this will equal your hook size plus or minuis 2 hook sizes. 3 x 4 = size 12 elk hair.

  8. #8
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    At 30 feet, I could overline most of my rods by two or three line weights, and it would still work just fine. Underline em, too. Most good casters can compensate for lighter or heavier lines, big flies, etc without too much thought and varying degrees of effort, but some rods just need to be overlined to be comfortable casting for some people. No way a #12 EHC should bother a 5wt line.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Mica, WA


    HRC.. you mention that the fly/cast tends to "fade" hummmm.. to me this would be a funtion of line speed ,fly size, leader length and taper.. lets not forget the size and length of your tippet.
    Can you provide anymore info as to your setup so that we may help you?


  10. #10
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    Wherever I park.


    Z--Thanks for your response and in answering your question, I was using a 9ft. 4X leader with a #12 Elk hair caddis. From what I've read, I should be using a DT because it allows for a softer presentation of a dry fly, but the 5 wt. WF delivers the fly better.

    So, what I'm trying to figure out is if a 5wt. DT (Orvis trout) on my 5 wt. rod is not the right match, but that a 6wt. DT would be better.
    No man can have too many fly rods;
    no woman too many shoes.

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