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Thread: General 4wt question.

  1. #1

    Default General 4wt question.

    Hello all,
    Just built a 4wt and put a 4wt double taper on it. casts very nice at 10'-35' but seems to run out of steam after that. I'm used to fishing 6-8wts and this is my first time with a rod this light and with a DT line. I'm trying not to overpower it, and I think I'm not. My question is are the lighter rods more useful for shorter distances and accuracy, or can you throw out 50' if needed? I don't need it but I built the rod so I'm trying to make sure everything is right with it..I can throw long casts on the upper weights but, It really not to practical where I fish..I could have the line wrong on this build or it could be what it is..maybe I gotta get over this distance thing..when judging a rod, especially when I'm going to use it for smaller water.

  2. #2

    Default Re: General 4wt question.


    It's not uncommon on a private build to find that the rod ends up doing better with a differetn line weight than that 'listed' for the blank by the manufacturer.

    Lots of variables in how a rod is finished, from the weight of the guides, their number, and the weight of the finish that can effect the performance.

    There are methods out there (the 'common cents system' is one I'm familiar with) that let you measure your particular rod and determine the correct line for it. It takes into account all the variables in the finished product.

    I you don't want to learn one of those, then try a line or two up and one line down and see if it makes a difference.

    As far as casting distance goes, given calm conditions, your 4wt. should cast into the 50 to 60 foot ranges easily with the proper line on it.

    Remember that all lines aren't 'equal' either. They are built to a 'range' and one four weight of a given taper may weight more or less in the first 30' than another taper from even the same manufacturer.

    Good Luck!

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  3. #3

    Default Re: General 4wt question.

    I suspect that a comfortable 35 feet with a four weight is about right, and that using a different line would not make much difference. I do most of my smaller water fishing with a medium fast three weight with a double taper line and I doubt that I ever get 30 feet of line out. My five weight with a double taper or full sinking line will go fifty feet with a decent single haul. On that basis, what you are doing with the four weight seems to be right in the bracket. It is only fair to mention that I am not much of a caster, and that others who are more proficient than me may have a very different bracket to refer to.

    As far as distance goes, probably 75 per cent plus of the fish I hook are within 20-25 feet, and most of the other 25 per cent are hitting streamers on bigger water. So distance just isn't a factor, routinely, in my experience.

    If you are going to use your four weight in some casting competition, try some other lines and perfect your double haul. If you are going to go fishing, enjoy the rod for what it is.
    The fish are always right.

  4. #4

    Default Re: General 4wt question.

    If you are going to use your four weight in some casting competition, try some other lines and perfect your double haul. If you are going to go fishing, enjoy the rod for what it is.
    Thanks I needed to hear that...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Gaithersburg, MD/Gettysburg, PA

    Default Re: General 4wt question.

    Dollars to Donuts says it's probably that DT line. Try it out with a WF and I bet you will get the distance back. After you perhaps prove it to yourself though...put that DT back on and lawn cast it until you are hitting those same marks.

    It also may be that you need to let the line unroll a bit more on the back cast. I find that I can get away with more of my terrible casts when I'm fishing with a beefy shooting head; the more "limp" lines have a lot less tolerance for my sloppiness.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Re: General 4wt question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Janus
    Hello all,
    Just built a 4wt and put a 4wt double taper on it. casts very nice at 10'-35' but seems to run out of steam after that. I'm used to fishing 6-8wts and this is my first time with a rod this light and with a DT line. I'm trying not to overpower it, and I think I'm not. My question is are the lighter rods more useful for shorter distances and accuracy, or can you throw out 50' if needed? I don't need it but I built the rod so I'm trying to make sure everything is right with it..I can throw long casts on the upper weights but, It really not to practical where I fish..I could have the line wrong on this build or it could be what it is..maybe I gotta get over this distance thing..when judging a rod, especially when I'm going to use it for smaller water.
    You didn't say what blank you built the rod on, or if it's slow, medium or fast action. Almost every rod I built this year I've had to overline at least one line weight to get the performance I like. All have been fast or medium fast blanks from Forecast, Dan Craft and PacBay. I was told that my casting style needed improvement if I could not cast my 7'9" 3wt rod using 3wt WF line. Maybe so, since I try to learn from everyone who takes an interest in my improvement, but by putting my 4wt line on my 3wt rod, I could cast effortlessly to 50' without a double haul (I rarely cast this far anyway on a normal fishing day). With this fast action rod I can also roll cast 40' to 50' as well (without a tail wind). I decided to not change my casting style, but to utilize my 4wt line since that's what worked well for me. After all, I use my equipment for fishing and not competition casting. I did employ some tips to my casting style that I learned from JC at the MI FI this year to increase my distance and accuracy, but have not done any wholesale changes per se.

    I have read in several places that many of the blanks today are underrated, and as another reader suggested, using the Common Sense System to determine the rod's actual line weight might be something to consider. I have not done this on my rods, but just changed lines to fit my style.

    That's my nickle's worth.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  7. #7

    Default Re: General 4wt question.

    It's a rainforest blank 3pc 8' 4wt. I would consider it medium to medium slow..I like slower action rods. But I have built a 6wt on a Cabelas Fisheagle blank that is probably the slowest I have, can feel it flex under the cork. But I have to line it with 5wt or else it is a stick in the mud..I'll experiment with this 4wt and see what happens.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nampa, Idaho USA

    Default Re: General 4wt question.

    Casting is in the ability of the person casting. I think it is more mental then anything(for me anyway) but I can cast a weight forward line a lot farther then a double taber. Double taber does not seem to hold the energy a weight forward does to me anyway. If I am fishing a small stream and need to roll cast I will definately use a DT, otherwise it is a WF line all the time. Just my 2 cents and my casting abilities.

  9. #9

    Default Re: General 4wt question.

    Does this make sense????

    How much line are you aerializing? You have a fairly slow rod [assumption] ...and are using a DT line...if you are aerializing greater than 30 ft of line you are beginning to add more weight...[relative to a WF]...so you are beginning to overline ....maybe that particular rod doesn't like that....or adjust your stroke ....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)

    Default Re: General 4wt question.

    In hopes that everyone's "two cents" are adding up,so you can afford yet another rod blank, I'd like to throw two more of my own, pennies, at you on your question.................

    Everything that's already been said has been really good, solid, advice for using a 4wt.

    I'm super weird enough, to really love all fly rods from my 1wt. to my 4wts for local, small stream, fishing for Searuns. In these smaller, coastal, streams and even the rivers near me, a "long distance cast" is about 30 to 45 feet. On occasion, in the right "spots" though, I'll need to throw 60 to 70 feet to get my fly where it needs to be so the Searun can see it........laugh at it like hell........... then take a natural.

    But, I still may need that distance at times, regardless. I've tried so many lines, on these "lightweights", I could supply a fly shop with inventory. However, that's also "how we learn things", someone told me one time!?

    So, the last two lines I've tried, (and finally settled on as "the best for what I want"), on my lightweights have been AirFlo's "Ridgeline" in 4 wt. and the Wulff "Triangle Taper" in the same weight.

    The "Ridgeline" added,( without my doing anything new)........about 15' to my standard cast on a 4wt. soft action rod I'd built. It's simply in just the design of the line's outer finish that does this, plain and simple.
    The Triangle Taper, though is really my favorite because is casts with the weight of a WF line, on a light rod, yet due to its unique taper it presents and roll casts exactly like a DT line, which of course, isn't as easy to do with a standard WF.

    Again, just another 2 cents worth, added to your rod blank fund!
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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