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Thread: Start a group.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Start a group.

    Castwell's article on starting a group brings back fond memories for me. I have been part of starting/organizing a couple of fly fishing groups, and it's very rewarding to watch them grow as the members become more comfortable with each other and knowledgeable about their hobby/sport. With each new member comes new ideas or a desire to improve ones self.

    I have been on the Board of Directors of local, state and regional fly fishing organizations, and have filled the positions of Membership, Communications, Webmaster and Newsletter Editor at differing times (sometimes overlapping). Yes, I have even spent my share of time on the business end of a broom and mop following a meeting. I also was Chairman of our FFF Club's annual Expo for 5 years. Each volunteer position gave me a different perspective on the organization, and put me in contact with new and different members of the organizations, as well as people outside the organizations. It's kind of neat when you can pick up a national magazine and see pictures of people whom you know personally because of your volunteer activities with different groups.

    As part of forming the Ohio Council of FFF, we developed a series of documents to assist those interested in forming a FFF Club in their area of the state. They take you from how to organize that first informational meeting, all the way thru forming your club, incorporating as a non-profit, and how to structure your monthly meetings. It makes organizing simple, and helps you focus on having a good time when you gather together. There are even job descriptions that can be used when recruiting for volunteer positions, so that people know what is expected of them. Additionally, we have also developed guidelines to help with things like putting together an outing or preparing a lesson plan to teach fly tying. These documents eliminate "re-inventing the wheel," and make the activity fun, knowing everything is covered.

    If anyone in Ohio or the surrounding states is interested in starting an FFF Club in their area, feel free to PM me so I can help you out. For those outside of the area, check the FFF website for a Council in your area that can assist you. www.fedflyfishers.org

    Wether it's a formal club or just a loose knit group of fly flingers getting together for a "Lie & Tie," you will be greatly rewarded by getting together to share your knowledge and experience. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  2. #2

    Default Re: Start a group.

    Thanks for the info. I live in Katy, TX. (Houston) and although there is a Houston Fly Fishers group there isn't anything out in our area. I know there are plenty of "fly flingers" here because I work part time at the Bass Pro Shop here and we get quite a few guys come in to the fly shop.
    I'll start looking deeper into trying to put together a local group. Thanks again!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Re: Start a group.

    Quote Originally Posted by s1rGr1nG0
    Thanks for the info. I live in Katy, TX. (Houston) and although there is a Houston Fly Fishers group there isn't anything out in our area. I know there are plenty of "fly flingers" here because I work part time at the Bass Pro Shop here and we get quite a few guys come in to the fly shop.
    I'll start looking deeper into trying to put together a local group. Thanks again!

    We had a similar situation here in the Cleveland, Ohio area. North Coast Fly Fishers was the only fly fishing club in the area (far East side of town), and we had some members that were driving 50 miles each way to federate with fellow fly fishers. So, we got an informational meeting together at a local sporting goods store (Gander Mountain), and 13 people showed up. They determined they wanted a club on the West side of town, gave themselves a name, Firelands Fly Fishers, voted in temporary officers, and planned their next meeting date...all before they left the meeting. These guys were serious about having their own club, so we helped them through the process from soup to nuts. Today they have over 75 members, planned events and lots of educational things going on as well. All it took on their part was a willingness to start a club, and the Ohio Council helped them with the rest.

    I would suggest that you contact Sheryl Knight, President of the Southern Council of FFF at rsk3366@sbcglobal.net . Sheryl will assist you in starting a club on your side of town. It only takes about 10 people to form a Charter Club with FFF, and the benefits of belonging to a national organization are excellent. If you have any problems, contact me by PM and I can help you out.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  4. #4

    Default Re: Start a group.

    Great article, Castwell!
    We started a fly fishing club here in the Carolinas in August of 2006. It's up to over 60 members already and is moving right along.
    It seems this area was hungry for a fly fishing club that addresses and promotes ALL aspects of fly fishing, 'from the mountains to the sea'.
    In our short time as a club we've taught casting, tying, helped a Boy Scout troop earn their fly fishing merit badges, worked with the local VA hospital and Project Healing Waters to assist wounded vets and had a blast at various outings. We also helped a couple T.U. chapters with stream cleans and such. All very satisfying.
    We started out with a gung-ho staff who really got the ball rolling and were all self-starters who went above and beyond the call of duty.
    The biggest problem I as President of the club have now is getting the new board members to actually do something. ANY suggestions to motivate volunteers would be greatly appreciated!
    From what I can tell, the clubs initial success came from two areas... the enthusiasm of the volunteers and the format layed out by the FFF.
    When I step down as President next year I would really like to do everything I can to bring fresh blood into this sport of ours. In talking with Joe at last years Michigan Fish-In, he has a very good ideas about that.
    If there is no club in your area consider starting one up. There is no better way that I know of to share ideas and meet new like-minded souls!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Start a group.

    On a cold snowy winter night in 1995 the Three Rivers Fly Fishers held it organization meeting at a local club house. We put a annoucment in the local paper and 10 showed. The first year we had 39 members and now over 80.
    We hold monthly meetings With dues and a yearly auction where members donate used equip we have had speakers like Bob Clouser and Chris Helms.
    As a board member I have been active in teaching. Donations of tying equip and 14 fly rods helped in holding classes for over 150 boy scouts for the new ffishing merit badge and a day with14 intercity children this fall.
    With the help of a computer whiz member we have a great web site http:/ www.3rff.org
    Our past president is known as FISHBUM on FAOL a great bamboo rod builder, Other FAOL are know as Satchel (paper editor) and Fireman BILL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Griffith, Indiana

    Default Re: Start a group.

    That is some great information. I might just have to think of starting a local club here in Northwest Indiana.
    Remember we all live down stream

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Western Washington
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Start a group.


    Nice article and I hope those FAOL members who read it and don?t have a club will seriously consider starting one. It almost saddens me when I read a message from a person who wants to learn to fly fish and or tie flies and they have no fly shops nor fly clubs within hundreds of miles from where they live.

    Starting a FFF Charter club is relatively easy and the FFF has a packet that they will be more than happy to share with people who are interested in creating a new club. They have all the information needed on line at:


    Or go to their home page at :


    Drop down the menu on Councils and Clubs and click on Charter Clubs. They have the information needed in a PDF format for easy downloading.

    Organizations and clubs I belong to:

    Fly Fishers International Life Member
    FFI 1000 Stewards member
    FFI Presidents Club
    FFI Fly Tying Group Life Member

    Washington State Council FFI
    V.P. Membership

    Alpine Fly Fishers Club
    President & Newsletter Editor--The Dead Drift

    North Idaho Fly Casters club

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

    Default Re: Start a group.

    Good information, for sure...I'm hoping to bring a chapter of Trout Unlimited down here. The trout have been really overshadowed by the salmon and they need someone speeking on their behalf.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA

    Default Re: Start a group.

    Hey JC,

    I think your article "Start a Group" this week may be just the incentive I need
    to get my groove back. I've got a fishing buddy I taught to flyfish a couple
    of years ago and he asked me recently if I could give him some tips on
    starting tying. I think I may play Santa and hook him up with a starter set
    up. He's a very positive type fellow, no matter the project, and his enthusiasm
    is bound to rub off.*G*

    The trouble with many "organized groups" or "organizations" is there always
    has to be a "boss" as well as dues and rules. Not necessary among fishing
    buddies I think.*G* Thanks for the idea. Warm regards, Jim

  10. #10

    Default Re: Start a group.

    JIM -- buddies are great, but one tells another and soon you have 39 the first year. Now we have 80 plus and then you need leaders ,no rules. One to lead another to manage the money another for club equipment an editor for the monthly paper. Organize fishing trips ,auctions to raise money for speakers-- it goes on and on. I love it-great even after 12 years on the board. BILL

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