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Thread: Steelhead rod suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Lakeland, MI USA

    Default Steelhead rod suggestions

    I'm looking to get a new steelhead rod. I have used a Winston LT 7wt and found it not to have enough backbone to turn a really big (12#+ fish). I am currently evaluating a Winston LTX 7wt and an LT 8wt. Would appreciate hearing from anyone fishing in Michigan waters.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Modoc Country.... Extreme N.E. California high desert
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    Default Re: Steelhead rod suggestions

    I'm out in Oregon, and here in the Rogue river most of us are using 8wt for the Steel, we do get lots of Chinook in the river, and that calls for more rod at times, but not to many fly fishers I know target salmon.
    I had been using a 7wt up til this summer, when I got a new 6wt. I really love to cast that 6, but I think whenever I do get into a big Steelhead, I'll have the same trouble you are seeing. I'll probably go back to the 7 for the time being.............Dan
    "Fishin' will get you through a day of no Whisky better than Whisky will get you through a day of no Fishin' "

  3. #3

    Default Re: Steelhead rod suggestions

    I don't like an 8 wt. because it is to heavy for me to cast for 10 hours on a float trip. My hands down favorite is a 9 1/2 foot 7 weight Cabelas rod I have had for years. I sometimes use a 6 wt but big fish tax it a might. See:


    if you are a Michigan steelheader.


    Bob Bolton

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Re: Steelhead rod suggestions

    I have fished steelhead for the first 7 years using a St Croix 9'-0" Premier 6wt, and have not had any problem turning and landing steel up to 13# (my biggest so far). That being said, I moved up to a 9'-6" 7 wt 4-piece Cabelas LST when I was heading west for "the big boys" they have out there. I fished all day with it from a drift boat with little fatigue. Very lightweight rod with a fast action and plenty of backbone. Of course, it's not a Winston, but it's what works well for me and my budget.

    The reviews I have read say that the LTX is good for large trout to 15#'s. One site showed them as being discontinued, and the Winston website did not even list them. Used they are going for around $300 USD. Saw one site that had them for $695. That's like what you'd expect to lose when you buy a new car and drive it off the lot.

    That's my 2 cents.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  5. #5

    Default Re: Steelhead rod suggestions

    I use the BIIx 11' 7wt on Erie tribs.

    A bigger reach on small tribs is nice. It also handles sinking leaders for swinging streamers on bigger water. The rod is very light but tough.

    Meiser and Sage also make good switch rods.
    Pro rege et pro patria pugnans

  6. #6

    Default Re: Steelhead rod suggestions

    Switched from a 9' Diamondback Backwater 6wt to a TFO 10" 7wt Porfessional Series a couple of years ago. The extra reach is very nice and have landed some large Steelies, Cohos and Kings on it. Lost a few too!
    Very light easy to use rod. The 6wt is my main saltwater rod and if I could have found it in a 9'6" I probably would have stayed w/ it. Fish most Salmon river in NY and Elk Creek in PA and the 10 footer has come in handy. It worked very well handling the larger steelhead in Alsaka also on a recent trip.
    And the cost was very reasonable compared to some of the others mentioned.

    Good Luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Waynesville, OH, USA

    Default Re: Steelhead rod suggestions

    I'd be looking at things in the 9' 6" to 10' range. I like a 7 wt. It's plenty of rod for the great lakes fish and light enough to not make your arm too sore from fishing it all day. 7 wts can also make nice bass rods. As far as who rod, your choice. Super long casts arn't he norm for Great Lakes Steelhead, but it's nice to have the capability. I like the long rods more for their nymphing ability than anything else.
    Joe Bertolini

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Stamford, CT,USA

    Default Re: Steelhead rod suggestions

    I use a light 12ft for7wt Winston spey rod for GL steelheading on the bigger rivers. The spey rod is light enough to singe hand cast or use as a 2-hander. The main advantage for me is that my landing rate has dramatically increase with the forgiving tip of the spey rod.

    On smaller streams where the spey rod is just too long for the bushes and overhanging trees I use a full flex 10 ft 6wt rod. The stiff, fast action rods just lose two many hook ups.

    I do not like to go shorter than 10ft as it limits line control in mending and guiding the line through the runs.

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