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Thread: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    Quote Originally Posted by DDRRedneck500
    i personally dont know how but im thinking of trying to get involved in some way to help with this problem. im only 15 though, so im not sure what all i can do. its starting to seem like all the natural rivers and lakes are getting polluted and replaced with man made ones. theres a small sream behind my house that i imagine used to be fairly big, but theres so much trash and stuff in it the only fish that survive in there are 2 inch shiners.
    Recently ive also heard about some serious issues with invasive species. the great lakes are having a serious issue with invasive species like, sea lampreys, gobies, and quaggas(a more serious species of mussel like the zebra mussel). theres a bunch more but i cant remember what. for invasive species id just suggest learning their feeding habits and fish for them. with polluted lakes, what im gonna do soon is just take a trashbag down there and a shovel and just get arid of as much garbage as you can for a day. im not sure what to do about chemicals in the water though...

    Here's what you do:

    1.Call your elected officials and let them know how disgusted you are over this issue.

    2. Get online on every forum you can find and post this message and urge all in your area to call their elected officials and complain.

    3. Write a "Letter to the Editor" to all your local papers explaining the situation. Urge your peers to do the same.

    4. Form a Lobby Group. All you need is a place to meet, and a name such as the "Save The River Coalition". When you get enough members, register it with the state. I'm sure the adult members would help you.

    5. Create a Petition both on and off-line, get signatures and send it to your local officials in the name of your lobby group.

    6. If none of this works, call your local newspapers and TV stations and get them to come out and do a story on the river and how you've tried to get your representatives to do something about it. Create all the bad publicity you can for the polluters, and your representatives. This will engender public support.

    7. Find someone who will be running against the current representaives in office, who is sympathetic to your cause and back them publically to the hilt! Make sure your elected officials know you are doing this.

    8. Find an attorney who is willing to sue the polluters and hire them in the name of your lobby group. Take whatever measures necesary to raise any needed moneys, ie: benefits, concerts, suppers, etc.... File an Ex Parte (anyone can join) lawsuit and have your attorneys make life miserable for them.

    9. Pickett the property, the polluters business, and call for a public boycott of whatever it is they do.

    There are other things you can do, but I think this will keep you occupied for a while. If you keep this up, one of these things will get action. I do this all the time. It's fun really. I enjoy making life miserable for those beauricrats who do not discharge their duties to the people.

    It's good to periodically remind your elected officials who they really work for.

    This is Truth, Justice, and the American Way!!!!!!!!!

    Semper Fi!

  2. #12

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?


    It?s great you?re so interested in protecting the resource, and it sounds like you?ve got a good head on your shoulders. Maybe you could talk to your science teacher about a class or school project? Here are some links if you want to find out about what some groups in your area are up to.

    List of volunteer stream quality monitoring programs and Adopt-A-Stream programs in the Washington DC and Northern VA http://www.rawdc.org/dc/streamV.html

    Here?s some more links to some other organizations, including some that have programs for kids in Virginia. http://www.cacaponinstitute.org/phswr_links.htm

    NerdaFilm- It does sound like a perfect project for Trout Unlimited. Here is a link to chapters out your way: http://www.idahotu.org/

    Good luck to you both!


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    Hey! What a fine post! Thank you.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    I sometimes ask. "So, do you know your congressman's name; does he know yours?"
    Yes, and my Sentator's too. And they know mine. Although our junior Senator has designs on higher office at the moment. I can't say anything bad about her though. She has been good to us north country folks.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    I to am very depressed with the way the waters we fish are polluted, I remember when I was younger
    This thought never crossed my mind ?. Alas now though?.it is all around me.
    You can check out this website ???.. http://www.scorecard.org/
    You put in your zip and find out who is polluting your waters and air?. Just some info from ????

    Rob ???..

    we are destroying our streams

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