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Thread: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Middleton, ID, USA

    Default Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    What would you do?

    I grew up farming in Pingree and Springfield Idaho. Fishing was my favorite past time with my father, we would fish the artesian springs that fed Springfield Lake in Idaho. I went back two years ago and my only thoughts were, "We have really neglected this water."

    There are no helpful plants along the streams except at bridges, the mud is foul smelling, and the lake is full of noxious moss and millfoil.

    In my estimation the spring fed lake and streams could be a blue ribbon fishery with TLC.

    I dream that,

    "I could buy up all the property around the artisan streams that dump into Springfield lake here in Idaho.

    Build drainages and Plant aquatic plants that would use up all the excess nitrogen and pollutants in areas susceptible to farm runoff; were they were needed, before they reached the stream, and replant the growth that grew along the banks that are now mostly gone due to grazing animals.

    It has been proven that water quality and farming can go together if someone gives a care.

    Then I would build a conservatory so that the area could once again house the fish I caught as a young kid. Two pound trout were considered small to us.

    It might even be another Silver Creek in the making, well, pretty darn close.

    The area was first settled by sheep ranchers and later farmers, I am still a farmer at heart as well.

    The water when it bubbles from the ground is so pure..... and when I was a kid the fish were mostly between 2 and 3 pounds. We used to stop at the store on the way home and weigh them.

    I first learned about fish behavior on the stream, when I was 8 my brother tore out most of a dead tree along the banks and the fishing got worse in that hole. He pulled the tree out because he kept snagging on it.

    The area is a bit of a mess now, but it has so much potential to be a great fishery for fly fishers with short rods. Sorry this is a stream and not a river.

    A Five Foot Zero Weight would give you the thrill of a lifetime.

    That is my dream, I spent too many years there as a young kid to see it gone to the crapper. I sure would like to take my kids there to fish again.

    I am going to start by seeing if Idaho State University has done any studies of the area and go from there.

    Anyone else think about such things?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    Anyone else think about such things?
    All the time. The little river that runs through my hometown, has two branches. The main stem is called the Salmon River, and the smaller branch is called naturally the Little Salmon. Why? Because once ong ago they were rollicking freestoners that teemed with you guessed it, Salmon. 150 years of dams, and deforestation finished those fish off long ago. Now the dams are mostly relics, and the dairy farms are mostly gone. Yeah, I know hydropower is good clean energy, and the little mills and factories that sprang up along these streams helped to settle this part of the world, and I wouldn't be here if not for them. The old broken dam here in town is scheduled for removal over the next twelve months, and you should hear some folks holler. Why don't you want it gone I ask? "Well, it's always been there". Umm, no it hasn't. "The river next to my house will drop down the bank, and it wont be pretty out my back window". I guess if you think a sluggish, silted up, lifeless, oxbow is prettier than a tumbling freestone river full of hungry smallmouth, and spawning walleye, I suppose you are right. The DEC biologist is so excited about it, it is fun to watch him talk, with his jars of eastern sand darter eggs. There are only about 6 dams to go between the Saint Lawrence and the Atlantic Salmon's ancient spawning grounds so who knows, maybe someday.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Delaware, Ohio

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    I know exactly how you feel. A lake back home I grew up fishing a lot has been a dump due to piles and piles of trash and stupid people. It makes me sick.

    One thing you may consider is contacting your local Trout Unlimited Chapter. That is what they do best.
    Leave No Trace

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    Quote Originally Posted by NderdaFilm
    What would you do?

    I grew up farming in Pingree and Springfield Idaho. Fishing was my favorite past time with my father, we would fish the artesian springs that fed Springfield Lake in Idaho. I went back two years ago and my only thoughts were, "We have really neglected this water."

    There are no helpful plants along the streams except at bridges, the mud is foul smelling, and the lake is full of noxious moss and millfoil.

    In my estimation the spring fed lake and streams could be a blue ribbon fishery with TLC.

    I dream that,

    "I could buy up all the property around the artisan streams that dump into Springfield lake here in Idaho.

    Build drainages and Plant aquatic plants that would use up all the excess nitrogen and pollutants in areas susceptible to farm runoff; were they were needed, before they reached the stream, and replant the growth that grew along the banks that are now mostly gone due to grazing animals.

    It has been proven that water quality and farming can go together if someone gives a care.

    Then I would build a conservatory so that the area could once again house the fish I caught as a young kid. Two pound trout were considered small to us.

    It might even be another Silver Creek in the making, well, pretty darn close.

    The area was first settled by sheep ranchers and later farmers, I am still a farmer at heart as well.

    The water when it bubbles from the ground is so pure..... and when I was a kid the fish were mostly between 2 and 3 pounds. We used to stop at the store on the way home and weigh them.

    I first learned about fish behavior on the stream, when I was 8 my brother tore out most of a dead tree along the banks and the fishing got worse in that hole. He pulled the tree out because he kept snagging on it.

    The area is a bit of a mess now, but it has so much potential to be a great fishery for fly fishers with short rods. Sorry this is a stream and not a river.

    A Five Foot Zero Weight would give you the thrill of a lifetime.

    That is my dream, I spent too many years there as a young kid to see it gone to the crapper. I sure would like to take my kids there to fish again.

    I am going to start by seeing if Idaho State University has done any studies of the area and go from there.

    Anyone else think about such things?
    Every day. In my part of the world, the Champion Paper Company in North Carolina is the devil incarnate. They continue to pollute the Cumberland River, and it is ruined all the way through Tennissee, to Knoxville and beyond.

    Semper Fi!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    I sometimes ask. "So, do you know your congressman's name; does he know yours?"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    Quote Originally Posted by J Castwell
    I sometimes ask. "So, do you know your congressman's name; does he know yours?"
    Absolutely, and they know mine very well. I am civically active in the area. I am sure they all cringe at the mention of my name! For them, it is often the start of a bad day!

    We have a current lawsuit with Champion that has been going on for 12 years now.

    Semper Fi!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Woodbridge VA
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    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    i personally dont know how but im thinking of trying to get involved in some way to help with this problem. im only 15 though, so im not sure what all i can do. its starting to seem like all the natural rivers and lakes are getting polluted and replaced with man made ones. theres a small sream behind my house that i imagine used to be fairly big, but theres so much trash and stuff in it the only fish that survive in there are 2 inch shiners.
    Recently ive also heard about some serious issues with invasive species. the great lakes are having a serious issue with invasive species like, sea lampreys, gobies, and quaggas(a more serious species of mussel like the zebra mussel). theres a bunch more but i cant remember what. for invasive species id just suggest learning their feeding habits and fish for them. with polluted lakes, what im gonna do soon is just take a trashbag down there and a shovel and just get arid of as much garbage as you can for a day. im not sure what to do about chemicals in the water though...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    You're only 15 and know all this stuff already? You are already ahead of many. Look for a local fly group, TU or FFF. I;m sure there is some group available. Join it,,, and make some 'noise!'
    Go get 'em!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nampa, Idaho USA

    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    Hey DDRRedneck500 get a hold of your state senator and let them know how you feel and what you would like to see happen and then followup with it. Remember they work for you even if you are only 15. You can contact them at this site http://www.house.gov/writerep/

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Woodbridge VA
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    Default Re: Waters from good to bad to ugly can we make them better?

    thanks, i read a lot of fishing magazines. the invasive species stuff was in a magazine "Outdoor Life" and the issue with the quaggas was in the back of the newspaper behind the comics section. (And youd think that would be front page stuff because of how harmful they are)
    but anyways, im definitely gonna try to join one of the local fly groups, and check out that sight, (thanks J Castwell and Harleybob87)because theres really a big problem with litter in the lakes here in Northern Virginia, so Thanks for the tips guys!

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