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Thread: Meat Heads

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Middleton, ID, USA

    Default Meat Heads

    I am totally disgusted by members of my generation that think a case of beer and 30 fish days nymphing are the only way to fish. I am finding more and more 20-30 somethings that are rude, inconsiderate, and not conservationists. What is the fun in getting pissed and fishing?

    I have nothing against Nymph fishing, I just have trouble with meat heads. Now I know why I liked hanging out with my father and his friends when he was still alive.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Meat Heads

    Split families? Insecurity? Desperate for friends? pre-disposed to addiction? Bad parenting? Chronic follower?
    Let someone else be in charge of your Life! That way you don't have to think!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Re: Meat Heads

    Quote Originally Posted by NderdaFilm
    I am totally disgusted by members of my generation that think a case of beer and 30 fish days nymphing are the only way to fish. I am finding more and more 20-30 somethings that are rude, inconsiderate, and not conservationists. What is the fun in getting ****** and fishing?

    I have nothing against Nymph fishing, I just have trouble with meat heads. Now I know why I liked hanging out with my father and his friends when he was still alive.
    I guess you would carry your disgust to Cleveland, Ohio if you ever watched the meat fishermen chasing steelhead in our area. You could become further enraged to read about their exploits and view the pictures on one of their popular websites. They are the biggest reason I only fish for steelhead a couple of times each year. These kids are legends in their own minds...just ask them.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Middleton, ID, USA

    Default Re: Meat Heads

    Joe, I think you hit it right on the head with the legend in their own minds quip. It does seem to be all about me. me . me. me. me. me.

    How can I get it through their heads that it is not about them, but me?

    The older I get, I am not that old, the more I want to make a positive impact and the fact that others haven't changed that way as well confunds me.

    I am beginning to think my father was right when he told me to go into environmental improvement as a job, it is were my heart lies.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Delaware, Ohio

    Default Re: Meat Heads


    Being a part of the same generation I agree with you. You know, when I was younger I looked up to guys that were this age because they seemed to be so much more mature and responsible. Now, I realize how wrong I was. I know more guys who are legends in their minds at this age than I ever thought I would.

    If they stuck to just screwing their own lives then that would be fine with me. But when they pollute their surroundings along with their bodies, not only is it just sickening, but extremely disrepectful. Reminds me of my one year old son to a point. He makes a mess with everything he touches too. The difference is that when he does it, its cute. I suppose the mental capacity is about the same though....
    Leave No Trace

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Meat Heads

    NF: You start out by saying you are totally disgusted by members of your generation, but you don't say what your generation is nor does your profile. I kinda agree with Doug. If a person, business or whatever kind of entity conducts themselve in accordance with the law, your beef should not be against them, but against the law itself.

    Have a good day


  7. #7

    Default Re: Meat Heads

    Quote Originally Posted by NderdaFilm
    I am totally disgusted by members of my generation that think a case of beer and 30 fish days nymphing are the only way to fish. I am finding more and more 20-30 somethings that are rude, inconsiderate, and not conservationists. What is the fun in getting ****** and fishing?

    I have nothing against Nymph fishing, I just have trouble with meat heads. Now I know why I liked hanging out with my father and his friends when he was still alive.
    This is something that disgusts you but I assure you! it's been around for a LONG time! There have always been meat collectors (rite of passage for manhood?) and there have always been Drunks! So what's the big surprise that they finally found each other?
    Sure it would be more pleasant if the Drunks would do it in the privacy of their home and NOT their automobiles! , but it's like LITTER, You have to Deal with it!.
    Behavior is taught by following the example of Parents, then who your friends? are.
    Imagine being locked up with a Loser in a office at work for the rest of your life!
    I believe that once you achieve adulthood, YOU are supposedly in charge of YOURSELF!
    You see, it doesn't matter how good a paying job you have, your MORALE is a important part of your work life.
    There will always be jerks on the road, in your family and jerks at work but it helps to have principles, morals and NOT be a People Pleaser! Take care of your OWN life and let the chips fall where they may.
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Meat Heads

    It's sad, but it's all they have to look forward to. Unfortunately they leave a bad image of the sport.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Upstate, New York

    Default Re: Meat Heads

    You can either ignore them, or change them. And one way to change them is to hit their wallets. If you know that a guy drinks all day on the water and drives home, give the local police a tip. If they litter every time they go out, a little video tape goes a long way. Around here there is a $500 fine for each piece of litter. A case of beer could get really expensive.

    Just an idea.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Meat Heads

    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

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