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Thread: What Level Tyer are You?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Borger, Texas

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    Hi All,

    I consider myself in the intermediate level, after looking at the Al Campbell tutorials. I can tie some of the advanced flies, but on the other hand, don't tie some of the types in the intermediate category.

    My flies tend to be neatly tied and nicely proportioned, but I tie pretty slowly. The pros can tie much more quickly than I can.

    I have gotten to the point that I normally tie mostly the types I fish fairly often, and those tend to be mostly hair wings for trout flies, bluegill flies, and most that I tie are fairly simple flies: Wulffs, EHCs, stimulator types, pheasant tails, foam spiders, poppers, chenille flies, etc.

    For that reason I don't tie too many spun deer hair flies, quill wing flies, parachute drys, etc. I can tie them, but not not extremely well, and not nearly as well as those I fish often, because I don't tie and practice on them.

    On the other hand some of the flies I tie are moderately difficult to tie to look good, my flies are on two or three net sites, and I have tied at an outdoor show, etc.

    Like the post that is a few posts above this one, I would not tell tiers such as AK Best, Lefty, the realistic tiers, or any of the salmon fly tiers that I am an advanced tier.

    For those reasons, I put myself in the intermediate category.



  2. #42

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    I think that's why I said I have been a learner for twenty years... or whatever I said... Joe you can say it for me if you like.
    "We do not inherit the earth; we borrow it from our children."

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Norman, OK (via Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska & Ohio)

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    I'm an intermediate to advance beginner...or something like that.

    Started tying when I was a 'lil kid...got out of it - then back into it with a flurry over the past couple of years. I've really started to hone my tying and am getting much better (fish no longer roll over laughing in the stream when they see my flies).

    A BIG SHOUT-OUT TO FLYPIMP - http://s205.photobucket.com/albums/b....%20y%20Tying/ looking at your Contest PMD, there's no way could could still be considered "intermediate"!!!
    Thank God for my wife, the midge nymph and those hapless Iowa Hawkeyes!

  4. #44

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    i mess around a lot with tying new flies. I'd prolly be better with some flies if i'd just tie more of them. I do get bored tying the same pattern over and over though...

  5. #45

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    definitely beginner
    I enjoy tying them, and if they can catch me a fish - bonus!
    think if I studied more of what the fly is imitating, the end results would improve. But now I'm just trying to get halfway proficient with the basic techniques. I'm hoping my ugly flies catch some fish

    A bit off topic.
    The other night was at Gander Mountain getting some supplies. Met a young man with much more experience tying and flyfishing than I. He spent a good amount of time giving me helpfull hints both. It sure is nice when someone is willing to take the time to help out another!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Powell River British Columbia
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    WELLLLL I have the cockiness of a 24 year Army career... I think I a just freaking great but my wife keeps me in line and knocks me down to buck Private when I need it (and I do need it from time to time)

    I would truly rate my self as a low intermediate, I can tie any thing if i have a need but tie what I want really well and like most my mess ups seem to catch as well as my "perfect" flies. Have tied for "DOAKS" in NB

    talk later have work in the morn
    As in the Army, I have never had a bad day Fly fishing, some damn uncomfortable days but never a bad one!
    Everyone must believe in something and I believe in Fly Fishing and Fly Tying and believe I will
    Member of Project Healing Waters & Fly Fishing Canada, Project Healing Waters Canada

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    I am trying to get to the level of rank novice. I tie only a limited number of patterns and most of them poorly. I tend to tie Saltwater flies or streamers as the skill necessary to tie smaller flies seems to elude me. What I tie seems to work, but beautiful they are not.


  8. Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    A BIG SHOUT-OUT TO FLYPIMP - http://s205.photobucket.com/albums/bb27 ... y%20Tying/ looking at your Contest PMD, there's no way could could still be considered "intermediate"!!!
    Thanks, but I'm as intermediate as they come I was only tying about 7 months or so when I tied that. I was pretty fortunate to learn many of the answers pretty early, now I'm learning what the questions are.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Oklahoma City, OK, USA

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    I have tied a lot of years. i love solving a problem , but I am not a production tier. I am more of fly fisherman than tier. I tie flies to fill my boxes and some of my friends boxes with flies that catch fish. I would guess I am a low intermidiate tier. Youn will always find me tying before a trip because I did not get it done ahead of time

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Waynesville, OH, USA

    Default Re: What Level Tyer are You?

    Like the man said "when you can snatch the pebble from my hand you will be ready to leave." I've got a long, long way to go (I?m still tearing the rice paper when I walk) but "gifted novice" or "enthusiast" might best describe my place in the fly tying world.

    My flies catch fish, I have fun, my friends and family get free flies, I make a modest economic contribution to the health of the genetically manipulated chicken industry, I?m probably putting somebody?s kids through college (not mine, but somebody?s) everybody WINS!

    And Joe V, I've seen you tie, your modesty is only matched by your understated eloquence.
    Joe Bertolini

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