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Thread: Buzzers for America?

  1. Default Buzzers for America?

    Hey everyone,

    I have found David Cammiss' neat online tutorials. It has given me the impetous to give fly tying a try, but there is only one thing I need to ask......

    ...you see, I am a long time fisherman, new to fly fishing, who has gone his life on warmwater. So not only am I new to flyfishing, but have only seen (and fished for) trout a mere couple of times. All on ponds, no streams or rivers.

    With that said, Davids first fly, which seems so rediculously easy to tie, is the "buzzer". This is apparently a very big fly to use in England, but my question is, does the Buzzer deserve a place in the American fly box? I don't want to start cranking out dozens of these only to find they are pretty much useless to me .

    This looks like a fun little hobby and look forward to applying my efforts to it like I have the fly rod!


  2. #2

    Default Re: Buzzers for America?

    Yes they are, Buzzer is just the name given to any of the midges pupa on stillwaters, because the adults buzz around.
    You can tie them any size you want, on stillwater they tend to be larger than in streams.
    Have a look here, there are quite a few patterns from size 10 to 18. About four or five pages of them.

    Hope this is of use.
    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  3. Default Re: Buzzers for America?

    Cool! Thank you very much!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Re: Buzzers for America?


    You stated:

    This looks like a fun little hobby and look forward to applying my efforts to it like I have the fly rod!

    You are only half right...Fly tying is fun, but, it is not a hobby, it is an addiction and there is no cure!!

    Soon you will be in over your head!

    Have fun though!!
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  5. #5
    Normand Guest

    Default Re: Buzzers for America?

    a buzzer is basically a midge and trout love midges. like donald said, they can be tied any size. great lake patterns. a buzzer is basically a chironimid also.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140

    Default Re: Buzzers for America?

    Remember that warmwater fish are fun on the fly rod also.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Buzzers for America?

    That is the latin name - chironomid - which if you used to a lot of anglers would get you a reputation as an 'intellectual'.

    And they can catch fish anywhere, I had great fun fishing with just one in the ripple of a small loch near here, and the perch could not
    leave it alone, it was a fish every cast. I put them all back but it was fun while it lasted.
    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  8. #8

    Default Re: Buzzers for America?

    Have you had any luck with a Griffith's Gnat?
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Buzzers for America?

    This is a Sparkle Gnat I tied for a swap last September here on FAOL. A very useful little fly.
    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  10. #10

    Default Re: Buzzers for America?

    of course they will work here

    nice fly donald, i really like that sparkle additive

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