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Thread: Mallard flank wet fly wing

  1. #1

    Default Mallard flank wet fly wing

    Like in this example, [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/oldflies/part398.html:b8dbe]Bergman's Chateaugay[/url:b8dbe]. The only info I could find on the net was using "rolled" wood duck flank, [url=http://globalflyfisher.com/staff/petti/garage/woodduck/wetflies.htm:b8dbe]here[/url:b8dbe]. That doesn't seem tp be the effect that Eric gets for the wing. It seems more upright. Is this the same as tying matched wing slips from duck wing feathers? Or am I out to lunch here?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mallard flank wet fly wing

    You are correct, it is essentially the same as tying a wing from matched duck quill slips...but more difficult.

    Put some time into feather selection. You will want to use matched left/right flank feathers just as you would use matched duck quills. Selection will be easier if you have a whole skin. If you're using bagged feathers, empty the bag(s), and you will hopefully find what you need. Flank feather fibers tend to separate easily during tie-in. You will want to use feathers that have web to the tips or almost to help alleviate this problem.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mallard flank wet fly wing


    Thanks for the reply. I believe I get you are saying. I will be using bagged feathers. So, just try to find two feathers that have similar curve, size, and web?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mallard flank wet fly wing

    Exactly, just as close a match as you can manage. If your feathers have deformed in their packaging, you might want to wash or steam them.

  5. #5
    Normand Guest

    Default Re: Mallard flank wet fly wing

    the dvd in the following link will help alot with wet fly wings


    Don ties the 'cahill' which is a good example of the wing you want to tie

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Rancocas Woods Mt Laurel, N.J. USA

    Default Re: Mallard flank wet fly wing

    Tying the wing on this fly is the same as using right and left Goose or Duck quills. Using mallard flank for a wing a few things come into mind. One, I like to make sure I have a right and left pair that has a pretty close equal curvature. Second, If the feather is slightly wrinkled I will iron it out with a steam iron on the lowest setting. third, I always try to flatten the pair by slowly pressing/indenting the quill with a finger nail or small pair of scissors by starting at the bottom of the quill and slowly working your way up to the top. Lastly after a slip from the left and right is cut out you have to be gentle putting the two together, do not rush this step or you will ruin one slip or the other. Again like Goose or Duck Quill wings make sure both left and right slips come out of the same area on the opposing flank feathers. Now using the rolled/folded technique I use more with Wood duck due to being harder to obtain and on certain scottish winged wet flies because this is the way the fly was truly tied. Lastly mallard flank makes beautiful wings but does require a little more practice and patience. Hope this helps.

    Andy B

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West-Central Minnesota

    Default Re: Mallard flank wet fly wing

    The only thing I would add is that I have noticed mallard flank ties in much easier with the feather tip-side of the slips facing up. I have tried the other way to get more of the down-wing look that is used alot with turkey slips and whatnot, but the mallard flank fell apart much more easily when tied in that way.

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