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Thread: BEWARE: Tarpon have invaded southwest Florida

  1. #1

    Default BEWARE: Tarpon have invaded southwest Florida

    May 13, 2007

    The cold front that forced Kate to cover up our apple trees--which are flowering for the first time--along with all of her other flowers and herbs, is on its way to Florida.

    That?s the bad news if you plan on being down here in the next three days.

    The GOOD news is that we?ve found an absolute HONEY HOLE of tarpon in the fifteen to sixty-pound class!

    Capt. John wheedled the info out of a local fly angler a few days ago, and couldn?t wait to try out the spot.

    Yesterday, he went in alone and hooked seven tarpon, boated five, and broke two rods.

    Crack of dawn found us BOTH back there today. The hooking action wasn?t as hot as yesterday?John boated one 20-pounder?but we both had PLENTY of shots!

    What a great spot.

    Last Thursday, I took Rob Pilato and his folks, Lou and Sue, into Charlotte Harbor. Rob said he didn?t want to fish??just make sure mom and dad have fun,? he said.

    That lasted until Dad boated a decent trout. Then Rob?s fly rod magically appeared from the rod holders under the gunwale of my Hewes Redfisher 18.

    Bingo! A hefty spotted sea trout for Rob.

    We had a lot of big snook and some reds cruising around The West Wall, but no hookups.

    When I noticed several boats clustered together out in the deeper water I idled out thataway and it wasn?t long before Dad was the central?maybe supporting actor, in this case?of The Big One That Got Away.

    Cobia? Tarpon? Could be. Both species have been hooked during the past week in that specific area.

    Anyway, Mom, Dad and Son hooked a plethora of fish. Photos were snapped, hands were shook, and commiserations over The Lost Fish were given.

    Next time, Lou. Maybe next time.

    Friday morning found me in Lemon Bay with Bob LaForge and his wife, Sherry. Bob just retired, and his daughter Kris thoughtfully arranged the trip as his retirement gift.

    Bob?s been guiding anglers in Maine on a part-time basis, and plans to spend more time on the water instead of heading the grocery chain?s seafood department?appropriate, eh?

    We tried to run outside Stump Pass, but the rollers were three-to-four. Nope. Let?s take a walk back inside. We did, and found plenty of feeding redfish which didn?t feed on our offerings.

    Neither did the tarpon that presented themselves to us. But, hey! Bob and Sherry wanted to see tarpon and I showed them tarpon. NEXT time, Bob, you?ll hook up.

    ?I didn?t know what to expect about these tarpon,? he said. ?But now that I know they really DO exist and you have a chance to catch them, I think I?ll be spending more time here during the winter next year.?

    After Sherry hooked a nice trout, Bob nailed one even larger and it was time to go home.

    Speaking of home, Kate tells me that heavy frost (it went down to 23f in Deward last night) did some damage but she thinks the apple trees were spared. Won?t know about the blueberries, serviceberries, and daffodils for another day or so.

    Keep your fingers crossed for her.

    Oh, yeah. John Griffiths is pretty sure ?Lady? was successfully bred by ?Scooby? last month. She?s going to get an ultrasound Tuesday to make sure, but it looks like Ghost will have a ?Little Brother? in August.

    She?s gonna hate it. She?s REALLY gonna hate it. But only for a little while. I HOPE!!

    Till next time?

    Tight Loops,
    Capt. Tony

  2. #2

    Default Re: BEWARE: Tarpon have invaded southwest Florida

    Capt., I believe I met you at Casey Key Outfitters Saturday. Thanks for the advise on the stripping basket, it was a pleasure meeting you. Henry

  3. #3

    Default Re: BEWARE: Tarpon have invaded southwest Florida

    Yes, Henry, and I know that you'll enjoy that stripping basket. It's the best one on the market because of its portability and usefulness. Charlie Sanders surely "hit a home run" when he came up with that concept.

    Tight Loops,
    Capt. Tony

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